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"His perfect."

Felix smiled at the sound of his father's voice. Felix sat in a chair at the side of the hospital room with his son peacefully sleeping in his arms. Bennett slowly walked towards his son and sat next to him and smiled down at grandson, "Do you want to hold him?" Felix asked as he looked up at his father who laughed as he wiped tears from under his eyes.

"I promised myself and I bet your mother that I wouldn't cry." Bennett chuckled to himself before he slowly took the new born from his son's arms and he smiled happily as the baby moved uncomfortably and started to let out soft cries. Bennett rose the baby to his chest and cooed into his ear. "Shhh." The baby snuggled closer into his grandfather's warmth before he started to dose off.

"What are you naming him?"

"I wanted to do that with...Emma."

Bennett sighed, "It's okay, son. He'll be little Hayden for now."

Felix chuckled and stood up and walked towards the hospital bed towards Emma who slept soundlessly. She had passed out after giving birth, almost giving him a heart attack. He brushed little hairs from her forehead and leant down, laying a soft kiss on her forehead. "Thank you." He whispered into her ear, "Thank you so much."

He stood up straight and looked down at Emma, slowly rubbing the little hairs from her face and massaging her skin.

It wasn't to long before Emma woke up from the feeling of Felix's fingers. She looked towards Felix's confused before her eyes widened. She moved to get up, almost knocking Felix forehead in a haste. Felix helped her up with a knowing smile before he turned to Bennett who had stood with the baby and made his way towards Emma.

"His beautiful." He said as he laid the boy in Emma's arms and Emma let out a gasp as her son was laid into his arms.

Felix and Bennett's eyes widened as Emma started sobbing, "Buttercup, is there something wrong?"

Emma shook her head looking up at Felix and his father, "His so small."

Felix chuckled before he turned to his father who said he was going to see where his wife was. Emma laid back against her pillows as she rose her hand and traced her son's face with her fingers and she found herself singing a soft melody.

Felix watched his wife and son with a smile and he brought his hand up and ran it over his son's head that was covered in a blue binnie. "I felt it."

Emma looked up at Felix, "Felt what?"

"That warmth when I held him for the first time. The feeling of joy at seeing him wrap his fingers around my finger. Of seeing him try to open his eyes to look at me." Felix looked away from Emma towards his son and stroked his thumb across his son's small forehead, "The feeling of him reacting to my touch made me forget everything, how he came here and it made me feel so guilty."

Emma rose her hand and wiped a tear that fell from his eye and slowly ran her fingers down his cheek, brushing against his light stubble. His eyes snapped to hers, "I told you before, he'll bring the good from something so wrong."

Felix nodded his head and sighed, before he leant down and pecked Emma's lips before she could turn away, "You don't know how much him being here means to me."

Emma looked towards her husband for a second before speaking, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Felix gaped at his wife before he shook his head and distracted her with their son, "I wanted to name him...with you."

Emma smiled and kissed her son's cheek, "Damon."

Felix looked taken back, "Damon?"

Emma nodded, "I knew it would mean something to you."

Felix smiled, "It means everything."

After Bennett had been diagnosed with cancer, it had caused a lot of stress in the family especially with Bennett being weak and the treatment having a tole on him. It had caused Olivia to lose her second baby, a little boy. They were going to name him Damon. After finding out that Bennett could no longer reproduce, it had taken an even bigger tole on Olivia.

"What color is his hair?" Emma asked as she tugged at the binne atop his head. She gasped as it fell from his head and her hand ran over his platinum blonde hair. Felix chuckled at her reaction, "The nurse said it will darken as he ages."

"Oh." Emma whispered out as ran her hand over his small head before she turned to Felix, "What color are his eyes?"

"I don't know."

Emma looked at him confused, "How?"

"When he went for checkups, the nurse returned him asleep, couldn't open his eyes even if he tried. The nurse said his eyes are light brown."

"Brown?!" Emma whisper-yelled in confusion, suddenly worried that this wasn't her baby but Felix chuckled.

"Don't worry, I had the same reaction. The nurse said that his eyes will change to a permanent color when his older then six months."

Emma sighed in relief and rose the baby to her lips and kissed his impossibly soft skin again. "I love you, Damon." She whispered softly and smiled as he stared to stir.

Felix smiled, letting out a sigh causing Emma to look up at him and she laid her head against his chest. "Mommy and Daddy loves you."

Felix looked down at Emma and rose his hand to softly run his fingers through her hair and he kissed her forehead.

I love you, Emma.

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