i just want to love you

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B O N U S  C H A P T E R

Damon huffed, throwing his school bag onto the floor of the front of the door. He had finally been dismissed and he couldn't wait to be taken home. Damon didn't think about the bag in the middle of the door way as he started sprinting down the hallway. Marcus was following close behind, smiling when he heard the little boy's soft giggles echoing down the hallway towards their bedroom.

Marcus grunted as his feet collided into Damon's school bag and he rolled his eyes. He was always too excited to think about putting his bag in a place. Picking up the bag, Marcus hung it onto a hook for Damon to find later. Placing his cellphone on the counter of the kitchen, he walked towards the fridge and pulled the bottle of breast milk from on of the shelves. Shaking it as he walked towards the stove. Placing the water he had boiled before picking up Damon, into a jug and placed the bottle inside and watched as it floated around in the jug.


Damon smiled widely as the door he had been struggling to open for a few minutes finally clicked open. Pushing open the door, Damon stuck his head in, looking around and smiling widely he found his mother sleeping.

Running into the room, Damon walked towards his mom and kissed her cheek, giggling as Emma sneezed before he walked towards Marcus's side of the bed where a little step was. Marcus had placed it in for him so when Damon had a nightmare or wanted to spend the night with the couple, he could easily climb onto the bed.

Damon stepped onto it, pulling himself up into the bed and smiling widely as he noticed the small bundle laying next to his mother. Crawling towards it, Damon carefully lifted the baby into his arms before huffing as he realized how awkward the baby was in his arms. He pouted, he still wasn't big enough to hold his little sibling but he was three! And was turning four in a few months and Pete had said he was big.

Damon looked down at the baby, to see it staring up at him with wide blue eyes and Damon smiled. "Hello." Damon said in a voice very different to his own. It was softer, more high pitched. The baby stared at it's older brother wide eyed and Damon's eyebrows knitted together as his eyes locked into the baby's lips that was starting to quiver.

Damon panicked, his eyes watering as he watched the baby start to wail in his arms. "No, don't cry. I just want to love you." Damon whispered, his lip starting to tremble as he watched his younger sibling start to cry loudly that it startled Emma. Immediately sitting up at the sound of her second child's troubled cries. Turning slightly, Emma felt her concern lessen as she watched Damon hold the baby awkwardly in his lap. "Damon." Emma scold softly, causing the toddler to immediately raise his head. His green eyes blurry with tears gathering.

Emma smiled, carefully taking the baby into her arms and laying it across her chest. Damon was sniffling softly, upset with himself at hurting his little sibling. Emma sighed, reaching towards Damon and tugging him into her side. Damon immediately latched onto her, his face buried into her waist as he cried.

Emma shushed him, whispering softly into his ear that everything was okay. Rubbing his back and running her fingers through his hair to calm him. "Baby, you didn't do anything wrong."

Damon shook his head, "I hurt baby." Damon whispered, his voice muffled against Emma's waist and Emma sighed. Looking up as Marcus pushed open their bedroom door, his soft brown eyes immediately widening and filling with worry as he rushed to the bed. "What's wrong? Did he get hurt?"

Emma shook her head, tugging Damon from her waist and he let out a loud sob as he sat up. The baby in Emma's arms started to grow reckless with Damon's cries and softly wailed that Damon cried harder. Marcus chuckled, pulling Damon into his arms. Placing the warm bottle of milk at his side, he lifted his hands to brush Damon's hair out of his eyes. "What happened, buddy?"

"I pick baby up and I hurt baby."

Marcus smiled, "It's okay, bud. Sometimes mommy and I make the baby cry when we don't do things right."

Damon shook his head, "I make baby cry." Sniffling, Damon rose his hand and wiped at his nose before cringing as he looked down at his hand that was covered in tear and mucus. Marcus reached towards his night stand and wiped Damon's hands off with the baby's dirty bib before placing Damon in the middle of the bed against the headboard.

Emma smiled, carefully laying the baby into Damon's arms and helped Damon wrap his arms around the baby to probably support it. Damon watched carefully as Marcus lifted the bottle and placed it into the baby mouth.

Damon immediately went into a fit of giggles as the baby started to suck at the nipple of the bottle. Damon looked up at Marcus, "Why mommy don't do boobies?"

Marcus snorted, chuckling as he smiled towards Damon who looked up at him with pure curiosity. "Mommy's boobies are sore so the baby can't feed on it."

Damon's mouth shaped into an 'O' before nodding rapidly and turning his attention back to the baby. Emma smiled, reaching out to ran her hands through Damon's hair and softly kissed his forehead. "Mommy loves you and Mars loves you very much."

Damon smiled, looking away from the baby's blue eyes. "Does Ali love me?"

Marcus chuckled, watching as Emma flattened down their son's dark brown hair. Emma smiled, nodding her head, "Yes, baby. Alejandro loves you very very much."

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