why'd you forgive me?

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"You can't wear heels!" Felix called out as he walking into his bedroom to see Emma fitting on heels. She jumped slightly at the shout of her husband and turned to Felix with a hard face, "And I can't wear heels because?"

"I don't know, Emma... maybe because you're eight months pregnant and due in a few weeks!"

Emma sighed as she stood up from the bed and laid her hand on her stomach, "I can wear heels if I want to wear heels."

Felix lifted up his hands, "Fine, wear them but I'm not carrying you when your feet are swollen."

Emma huffed, pouring at the idea of not having Felix babying her, "Fine, I'll wear sandals."

"You're wearing that?" Felix asked as he handed Emma his tie

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"You're wearing that?" Felix asked as he handed Emma his tie.

Emma moved towards him, wrapping the tie around his neck, "Why? Is there something wrong with it?"

"No...No! You look beautiful."

Emma smiled, "Thank you, Felix. You look handsome."

Felix chuckled, rolling his eyes, "I dress like this everyday for work."

Emma sighed with a small smile, "Yes, but you look extra handsome today." She said, leaning up and kissing his cheek before she walked into her closet to pick out a pair of sandals. Felix followed after her before he knelt down in front of her, helping her buckle up her heels. "These are heels, Emma."

"No, they're sandals with heels. I'll do fine, since I'm not a bridesmaid, I won't be walking too much."

"Were you upset?"

"About that?" Felix nodded as he slowly stood up and stood still as Emma placed a flower into his blazer's pocket. "Beckie's always wanted a small wedding and I was kind of relived when she said she wasn't going to have any brides maids." Felix rose an eyebrow at her, "Since I'm so far into being pregnant, I didn't think I would be able to walk much and participate in all the wedding traditions."

Felix nodded before he looked down at his feet and bit his lip, "Why'd you forgive me?" He was scared to ask her, scared how she'd react.

Emma froze, hesitating to rise her eyes to meet Felix's before she looked away and blinked rapidly. "I didn't forgive you." She whispered out as she let go of Felix's collar and turned to her vanity to add light touches to her makeup.

"Oh. It's just..." Felix sighed and sat down next to Emma, "You've been acting as if it never happened."

"I don't want too but thinking about it... I feel a lot when I think about it and one of those emotions is stress and it's bad for the baby. Since I found out I'm pregnant, I couldn't help but hate you. I hated that you got me pregnant, that I was having a baby in this way but I couldn't hate the baby. Either way it happened, his still my baby and even though I wanted to hate you. I couldn't, it's like some part of me can't hate you. And then I saw how much me being pregnant affected our family, how happy they are makes me think that maybe that all the pain I experienced could be worth it. We gave life to our son and if I have to go through that experience again to have him, then I would."

Felix looked up towards Emma with a scowl, "I would never—"

Emma chuckled, "I know you would never do it again but I want you to stop thinking about what happened. It's in past and it stays there. Once you hold him in your arms, you'll feel what I feel."

"And what is that?"

"How everything was worth it. Feeling him kick against my stomach brings a warm feeling and I could never give that up to go back and make sure it never happened."

Felix bit his lip before blurting it out, "Sometime... I felt guilty when I was happy you were pregnant and I sometimes regret having that warm feeling in my stomach when I feel him kick against my hand."

Emma smiled and took Felix's hand into hers, "I picture him as you."

Felix looked up at her, "Yeah?"

She nodded, "He has your smirk and your smile and those pretty green eyes of yours."

Felix chuckled and he sighed, laying a kiss on Emma's forehead, "He'll have your kindness and your intelligence."

Emma smirked, "Yes because you don't have any of those qualities."

"Hey!" Felix exclaimed as he laughed, "I have intelligence and I can be kind."

"You can but you don't."

Felix rolled his eyes before he laid his hand on her stomach, "I just wanted to give you something of me."

Emma looked up at her husband confused, "Why would I need something of you? You're always be here..."

Felix's eyes widened and he suddenly stood up, "We have to get going before we miss the wedding."

Emma slowly stood up and followed Felix out with a confused look but decided to ignore it. He had been doing things like this for the past year now.


Marcus knew he'd see her, he knew she'd be here and he thought he was prepared to see her but looking across the aisle, he realized he was under prepared. There's she sat, a smile on her face as she spoke to a blonde woman with spectacles. Marcus wasn't too sure of her name but he knew the woman was Owen's friend's sister. Well...more like Owen's girlfriend from the way he looked at her. Owen rested next to the woman before he turned and his eyes locked on Marcus.

Marcus looked away to look towards Emma to see her laughing lightly behind her hand as she rested against Felix's side. Felix had his arm around her as he looked down at his watch and groaned. Marcus bit his lip as Emma suddenly laughed again. Throwing her head back and Marcus sighed.

She was glowing that he couldn't help but examine her as she looked so free. One hand rested on her stomach as she rubbed it affectionately and Marcus couldn't help but wish he could sit next to her as if everything was okay and lay his hand on her stomach to feel the baby move or kick against his hand.

Her eyes were bright, as if she was happiest person on earth. The ends of her eyes were wrinkled as she laughed. Marcus couldn't stop staring at her even when Nina had called him. His father hadn't allowed him to leave without a date which Marcus wasn't to keen on but Nina had immediately jumped onto the opportunity.

Marcus looked towards Nina at a tug on his sleeve that interrupted his staring, "I was calling for you ten minutes."

Marcus looked at her confused, "Oh, I didn't hear you."

He looked away from her to the aisle and he smiled as he saw Beckie making her way down it. The sound of voices stopped and the light melody of the piano filled the town's church as Beckie held hands with her dad who guided her down the aisle. Pete's mouth fell open as he looked towards his fiancé. He couldn't believe after all these years, she was actually going to be his wife.

Her father, once at the end of the aisle, pulled Pete into a hug. And smiled as Pete promised to protect her no matter what. And Marcus couldn't help but look over towards Emma as the two confessed their love and he lost his breath as her eyes locked with his.


Small lil chapter... probably will i any other chapter tomorrow.

Enjoy ❤️

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