why didn't you tell us you were bisexual?

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Dave clenched his jaw as he bounced his leg under his desk. He was confused, he was angry and he felt betrayed. He couldn't describe the exact feeling he felt when he saw Emma and Marcus but it definitely had his heart crashing.

It wasn't Marcus's or Emma's fault, Dave hadn't told anyone about his feelings. Maybe it was because he was ashamed and scared of rejection. Maybe he was scared of being judged and hated by his parents but he couldn't stop the feelings that developed. He tried getting that feeling with other girls but he just wasn't able too. No one made his heart beat like it did when he was with that someone.

Dave couldn't help that he was bisexual or that he had feelings for both Marcus and Emma. It happened first with Emma, it was the fifth grade and he was the new boy.

Out of the friend circle, Dave had first meet Felix who was in the middle of an arm wrestle match with Marcus . They were trying to show a little girl with blonde pigtails and big blue eyes who was the strongest. Marcus had won, proving to be the strongest and had shyly demanded Emma for a reward.

Felix had scowled, upset that Emma had let go of his hand to give Marcus an innocent hug and kiss on the cheek. Felix didn't care that she had first comforted him because he had lost, all he cared about was that Emma had shown Marcus affection. He had stormed off, knocking Dave to the floor as he walked away from his friend. Emma, who had been hurrying after Felix, gasped at the sight of him on the floor and helped him up.

His crush started the moment she smiled up at him with that pretty ass smile and asked if he needed a kiss to make it better. He had blushed so hard that Emma had been worried he was ill. He meet Marcus after that but instead of the sweet smile Emma had given him, he was meet with a glare that had his eyes widening and the glasses falling from his face when he stumbled back.

A week later Dave had confronted Marcus on why he always discouraged Emma from hanging out with him. Marcus didn't react much, he never did. All he said was that Emma wouldn't fall for a guy like him, like Dave. Marcus told Dave that he would only set himself up for heartbreak and as if it was fate, Dave didn't question his obsession around Marcus.

The rude Hispanic boy was heartbroken. 

They meet Pete freshmen year, the same year Dave had started to become involved in sports at school. While going to change for football practice, Dave found Pete being picked on by a couple of jocks and had shooed the idiots away. Dave had invited the small nerd to their lunch table.

Dave's crush on Emma remained yet he hadn't discovered his new found feelings for Marcus yet. It happened near the middle of the year when Pete had been beaten up so bad that he had to stay at the hospital for a week. Marcus was the one to stop the fight this time and had spent every day making sure the little nerd was okay.

Jealousy spiked at Dave's emotions when he came over to see how Pete was doing and found Marcus tucking Pete into bed. His newfound feelings came to the surface and he hadn't looked at Marcus the same.

He felt like an idiot when he shouted at Marcus for being a bad friend. But Marcus had apologized even when he knew he had done nothing wrong.

Pete now sat next to Dave, his lips pulled into a thin line as he watched one of his best friend's bite at their fingernails and bounce their knee against the bottom of his desk. He felt sorry for the jock that sat next to him. It seemed everyone in their circle of friends had problems with love.

Pete turned around in his desk, brushing his black hair from his eyes to see Beckie laughing at one of the jokes a jock told her. Her hand covered her mouth, scared the jock would stop talking to her if he saw her braces. Pete didn't know why she was so insecure about them, he thought she looked absolutely fucking adorable when she smiled.

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