she's not emma

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Marcus checked through the papers on his desk before turning to his laptop and typing in what was written across the page. Looking down at the papers again, he started editing it. He pushed his reading spectacles up his nose, rubbing at his sore eyes before looking up at the knock on the door.

His father, Fred peeped in before making his way towards his son's desk. "How far you?"

"I'm just finishing up these last few papers." Marcus murmured, running his fingers through his hair.

Fred sighed, looking down at the papers, "These are next weeks papers, Marcus. You keep over working."

Marcus ignored his father as he started to work faster before Fred grabbed the pen from his hands. "Marcus, stop. What's wrong? You came back a week ago and you've been buried in work."

Marcus sighed, pushing his spectacles to the top of his head before he buried his face into his hands. Fred walked around the desk, taking a hold of Marcus's shoulder, "What's wrong?"

"Um... Emma—" Marcus sat up, wiping a tear from his cheek as he breathed deeply trying to stop tears coming to his eyes, "She's pregnant."

He tried avoiding thinking about that day, the worst fucking day of his life. He hated thinking about the way Emma cried or how she had cradled her stomach. He tried to avoid thinking about how Emma had kissed him goodbye.

Fred's eyes widened before he rubbed Marcus's back, "They'd been married for four years, Marcus and you've been here. Emma probably felt lonely—"

"No." Marcus shook his head and wiped another tear from his cheek, "He— they were drunk and he— he took advantage of her."

Fred felt his heart sink before he turned to Marcus, "And she's still with him?"

Marcus glared towards his father and moved to making a snaky comment when he finally realized what was going through his father's head. Marcus rolled his eyes, "Emma didn't get married to Felix for money, Fred. They're both rich. They got married because there family thought they were perfect for each other."

Fred sighed before a soft smile took over his face, "You're going to have to move on and Nina's a good start."

Marcus looked at his father confused before he turned to follow his father's gaze to see Nina printing papers. She turned around and shyly smiled towards Marcus before walking towards her desk. Marcus laughed, "Nina is just my neighbor's daughter, Fred."

"Then get to know her as more then just a neighbor's daughter."

"She's my friend." Marcus said, hoping his father would drop the subject as he picked up a pen to start working again. Thinking of another girl had him wanting to hurl.

"Why won't you take her on a date?"

"Because I don't see her as a romantic— I don't see her in a romantic light." And I don't want to be with anyone other then Emma.

Fred chuckled, "Romantic light?"

Marcus nodded, avoiding contact with his father as he concentrated on his work. "What's the real reason, Marcus?"

Marcus sighed, "She's not Emma."

"That's the perfect reason to take her on a date."

Marcus looked up at his father, "I'm not ready and I'm not going to take Nina on a date when I'm in love with Emma."

Fred sighed, patting Marcus shoulder before he left the office. Knowing there was no way he could convince Marcus. "Just think about it." Marcus shook his head, he wouldn't be able to bring his father to understand. He wasn't ever going to love another girl.

Marcus ignored his father, distracting himself with work.


Emma moaned as she placed the last slice of chocolate into her mouth. She had been craving it all day and since she was at her mother's house, and since Owen, Brandon and Poppie were over she could have all the luxuries her cravings desired. Olivia wasn't very easy to convince when it came to giving her her craving.

She ran her hand over her stomach, a visible bump could now be easily seen. She was now four months along.

Owen stood across from her, watching as she devoured the chocolates he had bought for Poppie. He was still having trouble with getting her warm up to him romantically but wasn't to shy when it came to attacking him with her lips. She still avoided telling Brandon that she wanted to be with Owen. Owen was starting to think it was time to grow balls and tell his best friend he liked his little sister.

Poppie stood next to him, smiling as she watched Emma devour her chocolates. "Thanks for letting me have some of your chocolates."

Owen scowled at his sister, "Don't think because you're pregnant you can just eat any of our food."

Emma rolled her eyes, "Poppie offered."

"Because you wouldn't stop staring at them!"

Poppie laughed, laying her hand on Owen's arm, "Don't worry about it. I'm not much of a chocolate girl."

Owen frowned, "But you said you loved—" Poppie sent him a glare when Emma looked towards Poppie with a guilt frown Owen shut up before he turned to Emma who looked between the two questionably.

Deciding to change the subject, Emma smirked. "When are you two going to admit that you're attracted to each other."

Poppie blushed, "I don't like him!"

Owen looked down at her with a frown, while Emma giggled, "But you like had a crush on him since we were five."

Owen smirked while Poppie's eyes widened, bulging from it's sockets and she turned completely red. Even her shoulders. "Since you were five?"

"It doesn't matter. You didn't notice me and I moved on."

"Well, I want you now."

Poppie looked towards Owen shocked before her eyes widened as she looked over his shoulder. "Owen wants what now?!" 

Emma giggled behind her hand, "Oh look, little miss Hannah Montana has arrived."

Owen closed his eyes at the sound of Brandon's voice. He knew that it would happen. It was cliché, something that always happened when you wanted your best friend's little sister. Owen slowly turned around, "It's not what it sounds like, man."

Brandon scoffed, folding his arms as he looked at him with hard eyes. "Lie to me." Brandon dared causing Owen to shut his mouth. Wanting to lie.

Brandon turned to his sister, "Pop?"

Poppie looked towards Owen's nervously, "I— it just happened! His really hot and I thought he wouldn't notice me and then he started flirting with me and I ended up flirting backs and then we kissed. And it was a really good kiss and then we kissed again. But I stopped cause I knew you wouldn't like it. I liked him since I was five when I was going to tell you, he was getting married to Kaila—"

"Since you were five?! You're supposed to be thinking about fucking unicorns not boys!"

"Don't shout at her, man." Owen growled out, causing Brandon's hard eyes to snap towards him.

"I swear, Harper. You touch or hurt my sister, I'll rip your eyes from your fucking face!"

"Woaw, what's going on here?" Felix said as he walked downstairs from taking a nap in Emma's old room. He walked towards the two boys arguing as Emma stood at the sound of the door bell. Laying her hand over her stomach, she pulled open the door to freeze in a her spot.

Speak of the freaking devil and it may appear.

"Hey... Emma." The voice sent shivers down Emma's spine as she looked at the woman in front of.



Not the best chapter... but I hope you enjoy ❤️

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