same first letter, same name

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Emma clicked her pen rapidly against the desk she sat at, she was starting to lose patience. Her notebook was open in front of her, notes from previous study sessions spread out around her. She already had her goggles and gloves on, all she needed now was her lab partner who was ridiculously late for class. Turning to look over her shoulder, she cast a glance to Pete who was staring worriedly at Dave's empty seat. Catching his eye, Emma tilted her head to the side, silently asking where he was. Pete shrugged, shaking his head slightly in disappointment before turning to his partner.

Emma sighed, eyes darting towards the cat clock that was rapidly ticking above the white board across the room. Emma chewed at her lip, eyes watching the door for a minute before staring down at her assignment, she was going to start without him. Picking up her pen, Emma flipped over the page, slightly annoyed that Dave was so late. She didn't get much time to think about how much he disappointed her when he came stumbling in.

She smiled widely, she might have been overreacting but her and Dave had planned everything out for his assignment and doing it without him had Emma feeling upset. Dave hurried to their desk, he was deep in thought and almost knocked over one of the chemicals they were experimenting with. Emma gasped as she steadied the glass tube it was held in and Dave snapped his head towards her. He immediately sat down, apologizing over and over as he pulled on his gloves and moved to place his goggles on. He put up a fight but the straps weren't with him today and Emma giggled as he threw the goggles on the desk and glared down at the protection gear.

Shaking her head, Emma picked up the pair of goggles and readjusted the straps before turning to Dave who was watching her closely. Holding up the goggles, Emma stood from the chair she was on and leaned over towards her partner. Dave watched her carefully as she placed the goggles over his head and made sure they fit properly on his face. His blue eyes watched her every move and he smiled as her blue eyes connected with his. It lasted for a second before she looked away and asked him why he was late. He hurried to make up an excuse, saying he regretted eating the chicken sandwich from this morning and immediately shut up when he realized what he said. Emma simply giggled and tried to change the subject when she noticed the dark rush of blood across his face.


Felix sat at his desk, watching as some nerd poured the colorful chemicals into a glass bowl on top of a burner. "Do you know what the color in change indicates?" The nerd asked and Felix looked towards her.

"You're mixing the different colors, it's going to change eventually." He shrugged, happy with his answer and leaned down, pencil gripped tightly in his hand and moved to write down the observation he had made. The nerd next to him rolled his eyes, taking a hold of his wrist and pulling it away from his answer sheet.

"The answer's wrong, idiot. Just copy off of my page. I need an 'A' for this."

Felix smirked, "Thanks, babe." The nerd rolled her eyes and allowed Felix to sneak his hand across the table to grab her answer sheet when the teacher walked up to their desk. Scowling down at Felix, the teacher glanced at the answer sheet in his hand. "Taking advantage of the students, Mr. Hayden isn't going to get you through college."

Felix rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to college, Mr. Rush and if cheating took me through high school, I assume college isn't so different. And we're just... comparing answers. Discussing different... observations. Right, Jessie?" Felix looked over towards the nerd who had paled at the sight of their science teacher.

The nerd nodded slowly, sighing slightly in relief when their teacher huffed and walked off. Turning to Felix, the girl reached over and pinched Felix's arm. Slightly upset that he wasn't harmed by the pinch, she hissed towards him, "My name is Jasmine."

feeling unlovable Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz