no one said yes to the black man's son

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Prom had finally come and Emma couldn't keep the smile off her face as she gazed towards the dress her mother had surprised her with a few days ago. But that wasn't the reason for Emma constant smiling, apparently Felix had agreed to take her to the dance as his date. Emma had laughed at the excitement she let off, Felix was her fiancé, he was supposed to be accompanying her to the dance. Not agreeing to come.

Looking at the last touches of her dress, Emma ran her hand over the pink lace material and smiled. The dress was similar to a spaghetti dress that started with white lace that covered her chest before it trailed down to a soft pink colour. Emma's blonde hair was tied into a low ponytail, her waves of hair curled neatly and trailed down her back that was bare and she wore white strapped heels that added a few inches to her height.

Turning to her mother, she released a hard breath, "I'm so scared, what if he doesn't like it?"

Macie smiled towards her daughter, lifting her hands to take a hold of Emma's bare shoulders and laid a kiss against Emma's forehead, "Don't worry, baby. Felix isn't the immature boy he was five years ago and there's no need to be scared, he has known you since you were both in diapers. He'll think you're beautiful and he's to be your husband soon, show him what his missing right now."

Emma smiled, blushing softly as her mother spoke before paling when a knock came at her bedroom door. "What is it?" Macie called just as the door opened and Owen stuck his head into the room, his hand over his eyes. "Haydens are here."

Macie gasped, rushing towards the door to greet her friends, leaving Owen and Emma to themselves. Owen smiled as he stepped into the room and walked towards Emma, who was double checking her appearance in the mirror. "You look beautiful, Emma and if he can't notice that then fuck him, he doesn't deserve to see it."

Emma smiled, looking up at Owen who winked towards her, their similar blue eyes locking as he stopped in front of her, "Thanks, I'll remember that."

Owen smirked, running a hand through his unruly blonde hair before holding his arm out, "Your date awaits."

Emma giggled, stepping forward and hooking her arm with Owen's, allowing him to guide her towards the front of the house where Nicholas, Emma's father was deep in conversation with Felix. Emma smiled the minute she saw him, he was dressed in a black tux that was made for him.

Clearing his throat loudly, Owen smirked towards Felix whose eyes widened at the sight of Emma. Sure, he knew she was beautiful but he had never taken the time to actually look at her since they last spoke. And there she stood, looking as if an angel had delivered her to the door of the Harper Mansion. Emma stepped forward, smiling towards Felix, "Ready to go?"

Felix nodded slowly, his throat dry as Emma reached for his arm only to stop when Macie called for pictures.


After pictures, Felix and Emma took off into the limo Nicholas had asked the maids to wash down. Felix looked around the limo, bored at the sight since he had seen it a hundred times before. Settling down, Felix turned to the tinted windows of the limo, bopping his head softly as the music played through the limo before feeling for a flask he had snuck into his tux.

Smirking at the sight of it, Felix loosened the cap and gulped down some of the burning liquid before turning to Emma who was gazing up at the sky, "Hey, Jemma, you want?"

Emma's head snapped up towards the sound of Felix's voice before her eyes locked onto the flask that danged between his fingertips, She glared towards it before turning towards Felix and hardened her gaze, "It's Emma and I know you know it's that because we've known each other since we were little so you can shove that flask up your ass."

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