why the fuck is he here?

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"Then fucking treat me!" Felix said as he stared at the doctor.

The man's eyes widened before he said, "There's a lot of side effects for the treatment, Mr. Hayden."

"Like what? I lose my hair and my nails become ugly. I'm okay with that. It's expensive, do you not know who I am?"

The doctor sighed, "But Mr. Hayden—"

"How much is the treatment anyway? Do you want a check—"

"Mr. Hayden!"

Felix's head snapped up towards the doctor and he sighed as he relaxed into the quiet room. "Healthy cells such as cells that line your mouth and intestines, cells in your bone marrow that make blood cells, and cells that make your hair grow. Chemotherapy causes side effects when it harms these healthy cells."

Felix rolled his eyes, "I didn't come here for a science lesson."

"It can also cause damage to your organs."

Felix rolled his eyes again and moved to stop the doctor as he rambled on before the doctor said something that had him freezing as his heart sunk further, "There's also a high chance of not being able to reproduce."

"No... I—" Felix turned to see Emma looking at him worriedly and his father behind her. Wishing he could see his first grandchildren before the cancer bite him in ass and took him. Felix ended up shaking his head, "I don't want treatment."

The doctor looked at his patient shocked, "But Mr. Hayden—"

"Don't tell anyone about this. I forbid it, it's my personal records. Don't bring it up to my wife."

The doctor nodded his head, he couldn't tell something without the patients permission. Felix turned to Aiden, "And you... you tell a soul and I'll have you kicked out of the hospital and make sure that Aiden Till will be unemployed his entire miserable life."

Aiden nodded his head and left behind the doctor, Emma hurrying in to check on her husband. Olivia following not far behind. "Oh my baby! I told Emma she was right in telling you stay but you wouldn't listen!"

Emma took a hold of Felix's hand, "What did the doctor say?"

Felix meet her blue doe eyes and immediately felt guilty as he told her, "I'm perfectly fine. Doc said I didn't have enough nutrition in my body and to little sleep. I've been up late for work most nights."

Emma nodded her head as she sighed a breath of relief. Felix turned away before anyone could see the guilt in his eyes but he locked eyes with his father who rose an eyebrow. Felix shook his head and turned to Emma who was starting to change his pillows and pushing him down until he was neatly tucked into the bed. She kissed his forehead and told him to sleep.

Emma couldn't express what she was feeling. Over the past few years, Emma had gotten her old Felix back. The one that cared about her, who made sure she laughed before he left for work or would kiss her cheek to make her blush and smile. He was her old best friend and she didn't think she could lose him a second time.


A week had past and Felix was finally allowed to go home, though he couldn't return to work until Emma was satisfied that he had all the nutrients he needs. A pang of guilt hitting Felix every time he woke to sight of eggs, a fruit milkshake and vitamin tablets. Emma had gone searching for the best the day she heard Felix would be returning home.

He stayed in a bed, a guilty pleasure at having Emma tend to his every call. He woke one day, while eating eggs to the visit of his father rolling into his room on his wheel chair, a glare on his face as he eyed the eggs.

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