i'm not attrached to nina, at all

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Fredrico watched Nina as she placed his cup of coffee on his desk, "Anything else, Mr. Valentino?" She asked in a quiet voice.

Fred shook his head and hesitated as the girl turned to leave. As she opened the door, he called her again, "Nina?"

The girl turned around, "Yes."

"Take a seat."

Nina panicked, she was sure she was going to get fired. And Marcus had offered her the job a year ago and Fredrico had chosen her out of all the candidates to be his assistant. She slowly sat down and looked up at Fredrico confused as he chuckled. "I'm not going to fire you Nina."

She sighed a breath of relief as she relaxed in her seat, "You needed me, sir?"

"Do you know of why Marcus returned so..." Fredrico struggled to find word to describe his son's current attitude. Marcus didn't show any emotions, all he did was work.

"Depressed?" Nina interrupted.

Fredrico looked up at the girl before he sighed, nodding his head. Nina looked down at her lap, Marcus didn't tell her anything. He barely speaks to her. "No, he had not mentioned anything. I hadn't spoken to him since he came back, he avoids me." Saying it mad her angry, it was all that blonde's fault.

"You didn't hear from me but Emma and Felix are expecting child."

Nina gasped, her eyes snapping up to meet Fredrico's. "But..." Yes! Marcus can be mine now!

"I don't blame the girl, you don't know the whole story but that doesn't matter. I need my son to move on."

"And where do I fit in this equation?" Hahaha! This is so freaking perfect!

"You know Marcus, and since you're already in love with him... I assume it would be easily for you too to get together."

Nina cast her eyes down, "Was it that obvious?"

Fred rolled his eyes, "Yes but Marcus doesn't seem to see. I'll set you to on a date because he wasn't to keen on the idea."

Nina frowned causing Fredrico to sigh. He had said something wrong. "Don't look to much into his distaste, Nina. His been in love with Emma since he was eight, it would be hard for him to simply forget her in a few months." Fredrico wanted to add that she wasn't so rememberable as Emma had been but he bit hi tongue. He was too honest.

Nina nodded, "Is that all?"

"Where something pretty tonight, I'll send him to your place for 'business'"

Nina nodded, leaving her boss's office with a smirk.


"What business do I need to complete with Nina?" Marcus  asked as filed away the papers he was still due to do the next day. Fred stared at the papers with a sigh, Marcus was working to much. He was almost out of work to do and they weren't even up to date with papers. Marcus was a few months a head of schedule.

"She's my assistant, I need you to do some papers with her. It's to much for her to handle."

Marcus stopped filing his papers to look up at his father, "That's all? You have five interns that can help her with that. I have work—"

"You have no work, you're two months ahead of schedule."

Marcus sighed, "What papers?"

Fred froze, thinking of something that Marcus would actually agree to do but he took to long because Marcus caught on. "It's a date, isn't it?"

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