goodnight, papi

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"Where are we going?" Marcus asked as Emma pulled out of her parking space. Emma tsked, shaking her head.

"It's a surprise."

Marcus groaned loudly causing Emma to giggle. He turned his head towards her and smiled, she was smiling brightly that a glow casted over her face and Marcus smiled wider as he saw her. "I love you."

Emma's car suddenly stopped, bring Marcus flying to the front, his body crushing against the dash board and he gasped as the air was knocked out of him. "What you do that for?"

"Where your seat belt!"

Emma helped Marcus back into his seat and pulled his seat belt around him before she started driving again. She looked from Marcus from the corner of her eye to see Marcus looking out of the window. She sighed, laying her hand on Marcus's thigh that his head snapped towards her.

"I'm sorry that I reacted that way, I just... " Emma's heart was beating wildly in her chest. She knew she was falling for Marcus, she was falling fast but the last time she feel fast, she ended up having her heart broken every day. She knew Marcus wasn't like that, she knew that he was somewhat perfect but something inside of just just kept keeping her from admitting she loved him.

And even if she didn't say it, Marcus didn't care. He didn't car if she never loved him, as long as she knew he loved her. He was okay with it. He reached over and laid his hand on Emma's hand on his thigh, "Emma, you don't have to put yourself down because you can't say you love me back. I prefer you not saying it, then it being a lie."

Emma smiled and leaned towards Marcus, slowing down the car to kiss him. Hoping he would feel the love she was afraid to admit.


Pulling up to the lake house, Emma stepped out of the car first and moved to wake Marcus who had fallen asleep on the way. Soft snores came from between his lips as she opened his car door and she giggled. Biting her lip, Emma carefully got into the car and straddled Marcus's lap. Marcus shifted but didn't wake up.

Emma carefully leaned down and kissed his neck softly, getting no reaction, Emma started kissing and nipping at his skin. Leaving light pink marks across his neck and she smirked as she felt Marcus's hands come up to take a hold of her waist. Her hands trailed up and tangled in his hair and tugged at his hair that he groaned. He slowly started waking up and moaned as he felt light kissed trailing up from his neck to his jaw.

He moved to say something but Emma's lips locked with his and he groaned as she deepened the kiss. As she leaned away, breathing heavily, Marcus fell back in his seat and smiled. "I can't wait to wake up with you in the morning."

Emma giggled and stepped out of the car and took a hold of Marcus's hand and lead him towards the lake house. It was surrounded by a forest and the lake was directly in front of the house. The lake flowed out to a beach behind the house and Marcus's eyes widened as he looked at it. "It's small but my parents made it for just me and Owen."

"This is small?"

Emma laughed, "You should see the family one."

Marcus carefully followed his girlfriend as she excitedly tugged him towards her lake house. When in front of the house, Marcus's eyes widened and jaw hung open as he looked around. He had gone to many rich family places with the Harpers but he had never been to this house and knowing to was so big and that Emma and him had to themselves sent a shiver down his spine.

Emma turned to him, "What do you think?"

Marcus simply nodded, speechless on what to say. Emma moved to show him the bedroom they'd be sharing and he smirked as he looked towards it.

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