seduce him and make sure the girl sees

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Pulling into the garage of the Hayden mansion, Emma was meet with Felix's figure standing at the door of the garage. He was dressed in a tux, his hair gelled to perfection and one of his expensive watches decorated his wrist. Emma stepped out of the car and threw her keys towards Harold, who winked at her and hung her keys on one of the hooks and moved to wash his madam's car.

She walked towards Felix who pulled her away from the door and towards a back one, "Go through this one and get dressed, my aunt and uncle are here for dinner. Wear something fancy, they think I'm fetching you somewhere."

Emma nodded, "I'll meet you here." Felix called after her as she started jogging up the stairs quietly. Walking into her room, she walked into her closet to see a dress laid out for her. A note was a top and Emma smiled as she read through it.

'It's a bit out there but shine, buttercup.'

Emma placed the note down and walked into the bathroom to shower. After showering, Emma walked towards her vanity and placed light make up on before pulling her hair into a messy bun.

Walking towards the dress, she pulled it on slowly before looking into the mirror

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Walking towards the dress, she pulled it on slowly before looking into the mirror. She smiled at her reflection and gasped as she heard the door opening. Felix froze as he saw her.

He cleared his throat, shaking his head, "We're waiting

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He cleared his throat, shaking his head, "We're waiting."

Emma nodded, taking his arm as they exited the room.


"Thanks for coming." Olivia said as she smiled towards her sister.

Mary, Olivia's sister shook her head, "No problem, Bennett got out of the hospital, I had to come!"

Bennett chuckled before his eye caught on someone coming down the stairs. Turning towards the staircase, Bennett smiled as he watched his daughter-in-law walk down the stairs and he smiled wider as he saw her arm connected to Felix's. His smiled seemed to turn into a smirk as he looked towards Felix who couldn't take his eyes off of his wife.

Olivia gasped as she saw the dress, it had been the dress she had wanted to hear as a teenager but she was to early for her time. Telling Bennett that her daughter would wear it if she couldn't, she couldn't help but push back tears of joy as she saw Bennett winking at her. Her dreams vanished when she Bennett announced because of cancer treatment, he was no longer able to produce children.

She walked toward Emma and pulled her into a hug, Emma smiled patting her mother-in-laws back before she turned to Bennett who kissed her forehead. "Did I not tell you you'll shine?"

Emma laughed, nodding her head but turned quickly at a loud throat clearing. "Whose this?" Mary asked rudely.

Olivia wiped tears and shook her hands, "Surprise! I knew you wouldn't make it to the wedding but this is Felix's wife. Emma."

Mary turned to her husband who had gone pale, "But! When I heard you talking about marriage, I thought you were getting Felix married to my husband's niece. I brought her with!"

Olivia laughed as she looked towards her sister and Alice, the girl Felix was apparently supposed to marry. "Why would you think I'd marry my son to Alice?"

"To join the families!"

Bennett shook his head, "Sorry But you've been mistaken Mary. We've always wanted Emma and Felix to wed."

Alice crossed her arms and smiled towards Felix who looked towards her and rolled his eyes. Mary glared towards Emma before she sighed, "Let the matter be, we can eat now."

Olivia nodded and hurried her family into the dinning hall where Mary grabbed Alice's hand. "Seduce him and make sure the girl sees." Alice nodded and smirked as she looked towards Felix who pulled Emma's seat out for her. She walked towards Felix and purposely sat down next to him.

Mary's son, Joseph rolled his eyes and sat down next to Emma who smiled towards him friendly. He smiled back towards her and turned to his mother who pinched his arm for being friendly.

Joseph hated his family, his mother always looking for money. She had even tried seducing Bennett and now she's trying to get it from Felix who clearly didn't give a fuck that Alice had risen her dress for him to see. His eyes were on Emma as he asked her what she wanted to eat. Emma rolled her eyes, "Are you going to serve my food, Felix?"

Felix sent her a glare, "I just wanted to know, you were picking up the weight." Felix said as he raised his hands innocently and he smiled lightly as he heard her gasp.

"I am not."

"I lie, you look gorgeous."

Emma grew silent and smiled lightly towards Felix whose eyes widened after the words escaped his mouth. He cleared his throat and looked towards his plate as he desperately waited for the maid to come out and serve the food. Emma laughed behind her hand at how he was acting but before Felix could turn to her. He jumped as he felt a hand being placed on his thigh.

He slowly turned to Alice who winked at him, sneakingly raising her hand high to reach Felix's private area. Alice looked towards Emma and smirked as she saw Emma looking but was surprised when she saw Emma tilt her head to the side and stare at it emotionless.

Looking at the hand, Emma couldn't help but laugh at how she would of been so jealous a few weeks ago. It didn't bother her that Alice was touching Felix but if it had been Marcus, Emma would of gotten up to show how Marcus belonged too.

Felix grew angrier as the girl continued to raise her hands but all he thought about was Emma and that the hand on his thigh sent a sickening feeling through his body.

He grabbed her wrist roughly and moved to push it away when she whispered in his ear, "I'd make a much better wife."

Felix suddenly grew more angry. Emma was the perfect wife. Sure, she was having an affair with Marcus but she made sure Felix woke up everyday for school. She made sure he had all his books packed every morning and made sure he always had breakfast and coffee. She always organized his closet the way he liked and she simply knew who he was.

Felix stood, causing the servants who were coming from the kitchen to halt. The older men and women turned to the boy and Bennett rose his eyebrow as he saw Felix roughly pull Alice from his chair. His son seemed irritated and he knew it would be a good show.

"If you're come here to be a whore, then do it outside on the streets and not in my house in front of my wife and family." Felix said as he tightened his grip around her wrist that she gasped.

"The only person allowed to touch me in that way is Emma and only Emma."

Emma gasped as she heard the words tumble from her husband and Felix paled as he looked over his shoulder to see Emma looking at him wide eyed.

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