Chapter 20

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"Auntie, here's another chicken leg." Qiao tore a chicken leg and handed it over.

    Aunt Liu waved her hand again and again, "I can’t eat it anymore, my God, I’ve never eaten so much chicken before, it’s so delicious and delicious. Without the mutton smell, the sweet and spicy taste is more obvious. I have to drink my mouth water. Squeeze it down." The

    sweet and spicy mouth is so fascinating that it makes people painful and happy-the more spicy the more you want to eat, the more you eat, the more spicy, so repeated, you can't stop.

    Before eating, Qiao Lianlian prepared two whole pots of cool white water foreseeingly, but he was still robbed.

    After the meal, she washed the dishes and came back, and saw a few children lying on the bed with their belly tilted, rubbing their shiny mouths, and muttering, "Mother, this chicken must be good for sale. It's so delicious. The mutton must be easy to sell."

    There is no longer the melancholy and worry before.

    Qiao smiled again and again, without speaking.

    The next day, the mothers came out as usual.

    With the nine chickens preserved yesterday, he rode into Uncle Niu's donkey cart, and went to the market in Xiyang Town in a mighty manner.

    However, when the mothers walked to the original booth, they realized that it was already occupied.

    The one who occupies the stall is a radish seller. The stall owner is three big and five thick, and his face is full of flesh.

    Qiao Lian walked over without squinting his eyes and set up a booth at a more marginal position.

    "Mother, they are too much, even our booth has been taken away." Gu Que was angrily.

    "Just take it, this street is so long, he can take it all up if he has the ability." Qiao's tone of voice was indifferent, and he kept placing his hands, and after a while he set up the chopping board and knife.

    Gu Que carefully laid the oil paper on the side, and Gu Cheng took the hemp rope and the copper coins for the change.

    Everything is ready.

    Qiao carefully uncovered the earthen jar again and again, and a hot and spicy fragrance rushed out, piercing the nasal cavity of the people around him.

    Fragrant, really scented!

    Not to mention the passers-by, even the radish vendor looked aside several times and swallowed.

    "Oh, why doesn't the Qiao family sell mutton today." A familiar glutton asked with a smile.

    "Eating lamb every day is afraid that you will get tired of eating chicken." Qiao Lian smiled, "This

    tastes very different from lamb. Would you like to try it, Brother Li?" "Don't try it, just bring it to me ." Halfway." The glutton waved his hand, "Our family loves your lo-mei, so I will recognize it. I will eat it no matter what the lo-mei."


    Qiao raised his kitchen knife again and again . Raising his hand, he chopped up half of a chicken and took a pack of oiled paper and a roll of twine.

    The guests carried them and went home.

    Qiao Lianlian prepared a total of nine chickens today, and only half of them were sold in less than an hour.

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