Why this story

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I have always watched some of my favorite shows and thought of ways that I could write a character in. The characters were always loosely based off myself, but would take elements of the existing characters to make it work. I don't develop a character quickly, and this character has developed in my head for the last two years. I made Robin Singer, daughter of Bobby Singer, primarily because Bobby reminded me a great deal of my own father. Writing his daughter just fit. I have had multiple story lines pop in my head, and continue to. Thanks to friends who have had me talk out all my plans for this story (and who are the majority of my following), I have finally started to bring Robin to life. The very next thing I post will be Robin's Character profile, but structurally speaking the way I will be writing this story is going back through the Supernatural episodes, and fitting her into the storyline where she fits. I had published this story elsewhere up to the Season 2 finale when I realized that site didn't allow for explicit content. This story will not have the same rating as the show. This story is intended for 18+ and could have some triggers (I will attempt to put disclaimers on those stories) or potentially offend some readers. Thanks for stopping by to read, this is simply a hobby for me, but it's my outlet, I hope you enjoy.

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