Season 9 Episode 21: King of the Damned

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When Robin got the call from Cas, she'd been with Jody and Alex about a week and a half. Alex had pretty well recovered and the two were planning to head back to Sioux Falls in a few days. Robin planned to head back to the bunker, but well, plans change.

She teleported herself to the charm bracelet that she'd given Cas but was blown back away from the building she appeared in front of. She knew what had blown her back, the door was warded so she couldn't enter without invite. She groaned picking herself up off the pavement when the door on the side of the building swung open.


She cut the greeting angel short, "yeah the whore" she grumbled getting to her feet. "I'm here for Castiel."

"Follow me" he nodded taking her into the building. She had her angel blade ready. "You won't be needing that" he told her.

"Call it a security blanket" she replied. She was brought into what looked like a control room with computers, blinking lights and angels. A fuck ton of angels.

"Robin" she looked up to a landing above her and spotted Castiel. He descended the stairs and hugged her tightly. "Thank you for coming."

"Yeah Cas, no worries" she continued to look around her cautiously. "What, uh, what's going on?"

"I'll fill you in" he nodded guiding her to the stairs. "In my office."

"Your office" she continued to watch the eyes on her?

When they were behind closed doors he proceeded to get her up to speed. Bartholomew's faction had been depleted, and anyone not being loyal to Metatron were looking for a leader.

"You" Robin asked in disbelief?

"Me" Cas nodded bashfully.

"Well you're gonna have to excuse me if I'm not all that gung-ho on this" she replied. "See last time you were running shit for heaven, I recall real bitey, hard to kill, black goo for blood, little suckers arriving."

"I haven't forgotten the sins of my past Robin" Castiel explained. "Like helping Metatron to cast out all the angels. I owe this to them."

She nodded. "I mean last time you were about ready to kill me" she admitted. "And go toe to toe with Death."

"Free will is lost on angels, they need guidance" he explained. "Would that Castiel have asked for help? Because that's why you're here, I need help."

There was a knock at the door and an angel popped his head in. "The Winchesters are here" he nodded.

Robin and Cas got to their feet and headed out to the landing just outside the office. Another angel led the boys up to them.

"When did you get here" Dean asked her?

"About five minutes ago" she nodded. "So, Cas has been busy."

"Yeah" Sam scoffed. "Looks that way."

Castiel led them back to his office.

"So um" Dean's eyes narrowed at him as he crossed his arms. "Commander?"

"Yeah, not my idea" Cas explained. "They had no leader, and they insisted on following me."

"Yeah. No, we get it" Dean replied, unimpressed. "You're a rock star."

"Bartholomew is dead" Castiel defended. "Malachi was murdered by Gadreel, and with Metatron as powerful as he is now, I needed to do something."

"So this war between angels is really gonna happen, huh" Sam asked?

"Not if I can find a diplomatic option for getting rid of Metatron" Castiel shrugged.

"Good luck with that" Dean growled.

"Dean, this angel-on-angel violence -- it has to end" Cas argued. "Someone has to say, "enough.""

"And that someone is you" Sam asked?

"That brings me to why you're here" he sighed. "We have a prisoner. It's an angel from Metatron's inner circle. I need to know what they're planning, but so far, he's revealed nothing."

"So, you're done with the rough stuff, and you want us to be your goons" Dean snapped?

"Well, you've had success at these situations before" he shrugged. "If you don't want to do it, I understand."

"Who says I don't want to do it?" Dean had a slight grin on his face at the prospect. It wasn't lost on Robin or Sam who exchanged glances across the room. Dean was taking more and more pleasure in the violent aspects of the work as of late. Robin had noticed his agitation when they stayed at the cabin. Meanwhile Sam had made mention of the glee he found in wiping out the nest a few weeks ago.

"And uh Robin" Sam asked? "She a goon too?"

"Potentially" Cas nodded. "In the past Robin has always been the one who has supported me without question."

"And how'd that turn out for her" Dean challenged?

"Down boy" Robin rolled her eyes. "You here to help? Or be an ass?"

"Sure" he forced a smile. "Happy to help."

"Robin, do you mind staying behind" Castiel asked?

"Sure Cas" She nodded calmly.

"Yeah sure Cas" Dean scoffed. "Why not?"

The Winchesters were guided out of the office and to the captive angel.

"What's on your mind" she asked him?

"How have you been" he asked?

She looked at him confused for a moment. "Okay what are you getting at" she asked? "Dean's temper or did you hear about me?"

"Dean's temper" he furrowed his brow. "What happened to you?"

"I lost my soul and tried to kill a man who has been sexually harassing me for years" she nodded far too calmly.

"Is it back" he asked her?

"Yeah I'm good" she nodded taking a step backwards. "No need to reach in there. Doesn't look all that pleasant."

"I'm sorry" he sighed. "I haven't really been there for you lately."

"Yeah well Heaven on the verge of war is a pretty decent excuse" she replied. "Just didn't think it would be one you'd end up using more than once."

He examined her for a moment. "You never turn on me" he shook his head.

"You're family Cas" she shook hers back. "I won't."

"You are a special one Robin Singer" he tilted his head with a grin. "But back to Dean. You say his temper has changed?"

"You mean since the mark" she asked? "Yeah I did my homework."

"You think it's effecting him" Castiel asked?

"I think since he touched the blade, he's jonesing for it" Robin nodded.

"This is bad" Castiel shook his head.

"Yeah it is" she agreed. "Because I know who wore it before. And once upon a time wasn't he gentle and kind?"

"Lucifer" Castiel asked? "That's what they say? You found that in the lore?"

She thought for a second. "I must have somewhere" she shook her head.

The guys weren't gone long when they returned. "Really" Dean scoffed? "That guy cracked like a nut. Gave us everything."

"How'd you do it" Castiel asked?

"We outsmarted him" Sam nodded. "The guy is starved for attention."

"Aw look at you two" Robin smiled. "Being all smart n stuff."

"I was dying for him to give me a reason to-." Dean stopped himself before he finished the sentence.

Sam looked at Robin who looked at Cas. Before this avenue could be explored an angel burst in the door. "Commander, you need to see this" he nodded.

Cas followed the angel with Robin and the Winchesters on his tail. The angel led them to the cell the boys had been in not five minutes ago. There sat the angel, dead.

"It's unbelievable" Sam shook his head. "I mean, he was fine when we left him."

"I barely touched the guy" Dean examined the corpse.

"This guy is still locked up tight" Robin examined him. "This is not self-inflicted."

"No" Cas shook his head. "This was an angel kill."

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna say it. Maybe your operation's been hacked" Dean barked. "You know, Metatron's got somebody on the inside.

"I was sure everyone here was loyal" Castiel's tone dripped with disappointment. "Finally united by a common cause."

"Well, that's the problem" Dean replied in a sinical manner. "See, you don't think anybody's lying. I think everybody's lying. It's a gift" he shrugged. He nodded to Sam and Robin. "Let's do some nosin' around."

"Actually, Sam" Castiel called. "You have a moment?"

Robin and Dean continued out of the office closing the door behind them.

"You guys planning me a birthday or something" Dean grumbled to her?

"Little late for that" she replied.

"Yeah that's what I thought" he told her. "So, what's with the hushed tones and behind closed doors?"

"Maybe because when you don't agree with Cas, you're sort of an ass to him" she suggested?

"I'm not an ass" he defended. "And you, I've seen you be an ass to him."

"Eh" she shook her head. "Not really. Cas and I sort of understand each other. We're in a similar position."

"What position is that" he asked her?

"We're both called "the Winchester's pet"" she snapped. "Honestly I prefer whore to that one."

"Sorry we cast such a shadow on you" he snapped back.

"You asked" she nodded. "And if it really bothered me, I wouldn't be here. But babe, it's the Sam and Dean show twenty-four seven. Sometimes Cas and Robin have their own shit."

"Whatever" Dean grumbled.

"What's up with you" she asked furrowing her brow and narrowing her eyes? Admittedly, she knew the answer, but she wondered if he would be forthcoming.

"Nothin" he replied. She expected that response. She clenched her jaw, and he examined her. "What" he huffed?

She gave him an unamused look. "Nothin" she replied mimicking his voice.

Before the fight could start, Sam walked in the room and looked at the two of them. "I'm all set" he nodded. "Ready to head out?"

"Yup" Robin replied passing the large Winchester in the door and heading for the impala.

They weren't on the road long when Dean's phone rang. "It's about time. Where the hell have you been" he barked?

She could hear the gravelly accent on the other end of the phone. Though she couldn't make out the words, she knew it was Crowley.

"Where are you" Dean demanded? He listened for his instructions before he snapped the phone shut.

"What did asshat want" Robin asked?

"He's got a location on Abaddon" Dean replied. "First we need to get the blade."

Crowley had directed them to a cemetery they reached after dark. Grave digging wasn't new territory for them, but the contents were.

"Oh Jesus" Robin gagged putting an arm over her nose.

"Oh! Come on, Crowley" Sam cried out in disgust! "You really, uh, uh, have to hide the Blade in a corpse? Not -- not with a corpse but in a corpse?"

"I'm gonna puke" Robin grumbled climbing out of the grave trying to escape the smell.

"I got to say, it's not the first place I'd look" Dean shrugged. "All right, here we go."

"Guys" Robin asked wearily. "Do you hear that?"

The boys stopped what they were hearing and heard a growl from the woods.

"Hell hounds" she gasped.

She ran to the grave to help them. "Robin, Run" Dean ordered.

The two being taller got out of the grave faster than she could have. They took off to a mausoleum and slammed the gate closed.

"Augue" Robin shouted shooting a fireball at it through the bars. The hound yelp and then flung itself against the gate.

"I think you pissed it off babe" Dean shouted over the snarls and the clanging.

"Jo took em out with fire" Robin replied. "I knock the bitch back keep her distracted. You grab the blade and one of us will gank her."

"You are not going head-to-head by yourself with a Hell hound" Dean snarled.

"You got a better idea" she roared?

"Yeah" he roared back. He took out his phone. "Damn it, Crowley, the grave is guarded!"

Robin fired again and was about to open the gate when Sam slammed it shut and shook his head at her.

"I'm gonna put you on speaker" Dean shouted.

"Juliet" Crowley's voice rang out in a sing song tone? "It's papa. Stand down."

There was a huff, and they heard the hound saunter away.

"You're welcome" Crowley told them before he disconnected the call.

The three cautiously approached the grave listening for any twig snap that wasn't them.

"Alright" Dean sighed. "Goin in."

"Hey, you know what" Sam stopped him? "Maybe, uh... Maybe I should do this."

"What" he squinted at him? "Why?"

"Because the last time you touched it you went terminator" Robin replied folding her arms and leaning against a tree. "And you've been jonesing for another hit since."

"Guys, it's fine" he told them calmly. "I -- I-I can safely grab it know..."

Before Robin could come back at him, Sam had already reached in the corpse and pulled the blade out himself.

Dean sighed and shook his head at his brother. "Well, let's go kill a knight of hell, huh?"

"Yeah" Robin nodded pushing off the tree and following him back to the car with Sam trailing behind.

Once they'd hit the road Dean reached out to Crowley. "What? Shut up. Look, we got the Blade" Dean explained. Once more Robin could hear Crowley's long-winded reply, but not the actual words. "All right, we're on our way." Crowley continued to speak. "What are you talking about? We're not even near there." Crowley said one last thing and Dean hung up.

"All set" Robin asked raising an eyebrow at him?

"Yeah" he replied, not meeting her gaze in the rearview. "Cleveland. Hauled up in a hotel there."

Upon their arrival, the three got out of their car on the bustling city street.

"Alright" Sam sighed. "Let's do this."

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a sec. We should give this place a once-over before we go up there" Dean stopped them. "Crowley said he thought he saw some demons headed down to the basement. He'd have checked it out himself, but if word got back to Abaddon that he'd been seen..."

"When exactly did he say that" Robin challenged him?

"On the phone. Look, it might mean that she knows that he's here, okay" he snapped? "So why don't you two check out the basement. I'll, uh, take a look on the main floor."

Sam and Robin begrudgingly agreed. They descended the back stairs both with an angel blade at the ready. There was nothing to make them think demon. They smelled no sulfur and had to break the lock themselves.

"See any geese yet" Robin asked?

"Geese" Sam asked?

"Yeah" Robin replied. "For this wild fucking goose chase he has us on."

"You think he misled us" Sam asked?

"You don't" Robin countered?

Sam shrugged, uneasily.

"Fuck this" Robin snapped. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica" she started in a lack luster tone."Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te...cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis...Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine...quem inferi tremunt...Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos."

She and Sam looked around the dark basement. There was nothing, only silence. "Like I said" she scowled at Sam. "Fuck this." She snapped her fingers and appeared in a board room. She looked around and spotted Crowley cradling his shoulder. She looked to her other side and spotted Dean pinned to the wall. She looked across the room to spot Abaddon smiling at her with manic glee.

"Portage Malum" she cried out attempting to shield herself from her blast. She held it for a moment before she roared pushing back with all she had against the powerful demon. "Vocare tenebras ad scutum."

Abaddon started to laugh. "That is cute."

The push against her had weakened, the spell was stronger, and Robin knew the cost.

"That spell" Abaddon sneered. "Really brings out your eyes."

Robin knew what she meant.

"Robin" Dean snarled beside her. "Look at me." Robin hesitated but finally she acquiesced. "No" he snarled. He looked away and searched the floor.

Robin turned her focus back to Abaddon and pushed back. "Feisty little thing aren't you" she sneered? "I cannot wait to get you down here. Your soul is already shaping up to be a spectacular demon."

"Eat me bitch" Robin snarled before Abaddon waved her hand and threw her across the room.

"Now that was a mistake" Dean growled regaining Abaddon's attention. She pushed back at him and while he felt the push, the blade was now in his hand. He struggled but stepped forward with a grunt. He took another step, then another and another before he was standing directly in front of her and plunged the first blade into her stomach.

She shrieked and light emitted from every orifice of her body. She let out one final scream before her body fell lifeless to the ground.

See this? This is where this chapter should have ended...but it didn't. The vessel that was once a cadet man of letters was on the floor, lifeless. But it didn't stop Dean from stabbing it over and over in a violent rage. The blood spirted staining his face.

Robin got to her feet and rushed to him being protectively intercepted by Sam. "Dean" he shouted, but Dean didn't stop.

"Dean" she pleaded, pulling against Sam. Sam's grip on her only grew tighter.

"Dean stop" Sam shouted. "You can stop!"

Dean paused and dropped the blade, breathlessly getting to his feet. He stepped back and surveyed the room seeing the rest of them frozen, staring at him. He staggered a second before he walked towards Robin, and Sam stepped in front of her. Dean glared at him, and Robin stepped out from behind Sam. "You okay" he asked?

"Yeah" she nodded quietly.

"I saw your eyes and I just lost it" Dean shook his head.

"You think that was because of my eyes" she asked?

He paused and looked at her. She tried to hide the fear. She wasn't afraid of him; she couldn't be afraid of Dean. But the mark? That was a whole other story. Her eyes darted to the blade, now a good ten feet behind him. Without a word she walked to him quickly and held him tighter than she ever had before. He was stunned for a second but hugged her back.

"I hate to break up the love fest" Crowley groaned from across the room. "But one of you gonna help me over here?"

"We didn't kill you, Crowley, even though it would've been very easy" Sam scowled. "Isn't that enough?"

"You owe me" Crowley snapped. "Do I get no credit for warning you this was a trap?"

Robin took a step back and looked at him in confusion. She looked to Sam whose expression mirrored her own.

"Poughkeepsie" ring a bell he asked? Both of them turned their glance to Dean who avoided eye contact. "I sense drama" Crowley sneered.

"Extractum" Robin murmured putting a hand up and catching the bullet as it flew out of Crowley's shoulder.

"Ow" he snarled. "You could have warned me!"

"Do I get no credit for getting the bullet out of your shoulder" Robin asked unenthusiastically?

Turned out that Abaddon had gone back in time and gotten Crowley's son Gavin to use as leverage. Given that Crowley now had human feelings, it seemed to work.

"You get that he's got to go back, right" Dean asked him? "To his own time?"

"If the lad goes back, his destiny is to board a ship bound for America" Crowley hissed, hoping his son wouldn't hear their chat. "That ship went down in a storm. All hands were lost. He had one chance in this world to change his life. You want that to all end in tragedy?"

"You think I wouldn't like to go back and bring back dad" She snarled? "We actually liked each other. You two hate each other. Matter of fact we learned that during some father-daughter demon torture."

"You change any one thing in the past, the ripple effect impacts everything that follows" Sam explained.

"Please. No one bends the rules like you two bend the rules" he glared at the Winchesters. "He's one misfit kid. He impacts no one."

"You don't bend that rule, okay" Sam snapped? "You don't. We'll take him back to the bunker, figure out the spell. That's the way it's got to be."

"Can I at least say goodbye" he asked?

"You realize he helped us hunt you right" Robin snapped? "There is no love lost between you."

"If only that were still true" Crowley shook his head and walked in the other room with his son. He looked back over his shoulder. "I'll cheer the day when the last trace of humanity leaves me. Feelings."

He looked back at them and waved his hand closing the door.

"Son of a bitch" Robin snapped as Dean swung it open to see the two of them gone. "How the fuck did we not see that coming?"

There was an awkward silence in the car as they drove along the dark road. Robin was laying out in the back seat, attempting to doze off and avoid the conversation she knew was coming. Sam was pissed and truth was, she wasn't all that impressed with Dean either.

Finally the tension was too much for Dean. "I didn't tell you about the warning because I knew exactly what you would do" he explained. "You would make sure that you were right alongside me going in that room."

"You mean like we always do" Sam demanded? "Because we're actually a team in this and we watch each other's backs?"

"I don't expect you to understand" he growled.

"You just don't want to have this conversation" Robin chimed in. "You haven't even given us a chance to understand."

"Try us" Sam added.

"The first time I touched that Blade...I knew" his voice got darker, deeper. Not in the way that excited Robin. More menacing, warning. "I knew that I wouldn't be stopped. I knew I would take down Abaddon and anything else if I had to. And it wasn't a hero thing. You know, it wasn't... It was just calm. I knew. And I had to go it alone."

"Oh. Of course," Sam scoffed. "So, it was just another time where you had to protect us, right?"

"You did see me in there right" Robin grumbled?

"Yeah I did" Dean snapped. "I saw you using dark magic. AGAIN."

"What fucking choice did I have Dean" She snapped?

"Robin I saw you with black eyes" he boomed.

"Had I not gone in blind, that may not have been the case" She boomed back.

Dean got calm and quiet before he defended. "You could've gotten nabbed by Abaddon, and she could've bargained her way out. We couldn't afford to screw this up."

"Look...I'm glad it worked out, okay? I am" Sam tried to be calm too, Robin was still fuming. "And I'm glad the Blade gives you strength or calm or whatever, but, Dean, I got to say... I'm starting to think the Blade is doing something else, too."

"Second" Robin agreed with him.

"Like what?"

"Like what it does to its hosts" she snapped.

"Like, something to you" Sam explained. "Look... I'm thinking until we know for sure that we're gonna kill off Crowley, why don't we store the Blade somewhere distant? Lock it up somewhere safe? Okay?"

Dean looked at Sam then looked at Robin in the rearview. "No" he told them in a low growl. 

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