Season 10 Episode 22: The Prisoner

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*Really glad I got this itch here, I just had a look at this chapter and realized I had the text from last chapter here ready to go. So that would have sucked. Anyway, it is a crappy day weather wise. I work for a bank and I'm at the last two days  before the RRSP deadline, so things are bananas and I desperately want to introduce you guys to what I have going on for next season. SO I am posting today. I am still posting Friday too which will be the finale. I am doing sort of an in between note post, just explaining some stuff...because I will need to explain a thing or two. Next week the new season will start. On that note, here it is, bonus post, just because. *

The morning was cold and damp. A light mist was in the air as they gathered the wood for the funeral pyre. Charlie was a hunter; she would get a hunter's funeral. They worked in silence all knowing all too well what their role was in this. Not to mention the tension was excruciating. When the structure was assembled, Robin lit it up as the boys moved her wrapped body onto the pyre.

Robin's breath shook. "She looks so small" she whispered.

Dean laced his fingers with hers and held firm. She let out a long breath watching the flames lick her corpse.

"Charlie" Sam started. Robin's blood was already boiling. She was furious with Sam and struggling to contain it. And she wasn't the only one. "We're gonna miss you. You were the best. And I'm so sorry –."

"Shut up" Dean snapped. "You got her killed; you don't get to apologize."

"We were trying to help you" Sam defended.

"I didn't need help" Dean snapped. "I told you to leave it alone."

"What was I supposed to do" Sam snapped back" "Just – watch you die?"

"The Mark isn't gonna kill me" Dean barked.

"Maybe not, but – when it's done with you, you won't be you anymore" Sam argued. "Dean, you're all I've got. So of course, I was gonna fight for you because that's what we do. And listen, I had a shot--."

"Yeah you had a shot. Charlie's dead" Dean replied. "Nice shot."

"You think I'm" Sam choked. "You think I'm ever – gonna forgive myself for that?

"You wanna know what I think" Dean asked? "I think it should be you up there, not her. This thing, with Cas, and the book, ends now. Shut it down before somebody else gets hurt. You understand me?"

"Robin" Sam pleaded. "Back me up, please?"

"Nah see you chose your new favorite witch" Robin snarled. "You want help, you ask her."

"Are you seriously pissed at me for that" Sam asked?

"Not top of my list at the moment" She shook her head.

"You have no room to talk" He snapped at her. "You decided killing yourself with research was preferable."

"Actually I don't have the body count here Sammy" She growled. "That's you." She put her hands in her pockets and started to walk back to the car.

It wasn't like they hadn't faced losing someone before. Sadly, the formula seemed to have a pattern. When deception came into play, someone got hurt. Charlie followed Sam blindly with the promise of saving Dean, a path Dean had demanded they not take, for this very reason.

To Robin it felt like a double gut punch. Her heart broke for the dear friend she'd lost, the effortless bond. But she also couldn't help but feel betrayed. She knew it was all an act of desperation, but given her history with the witch he'd employed, she couldn't help but feel hurt. Maybe it was ridiculous, because had he asked her, she would have turned him down, but Rowena? That's like a guy cheating and finding out it was with the girl who was your truest frenemy.

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