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Alright, note from the author during a hiatus. Yes, I come with news.

So yesterday I shared that little blip from last season and you guys took me to 29000 views. If we hit thirty, I have another blip in mind that I will write. PS no idea why I call it a blip.

Also, in case you didn't notice I revamped the cover, sort of like it better. What do we think?

Things are sort of coming to a head. I have three more episodes to write to get us to the mid-season finale, aka my check point for when I'm ready to bring back the story.

A friend of mine who is also one of the most loyal readers of the story asked me if I had any idea yet as to when the story would come back, and I said I expected early June.

This made me also stop and think, when did my first post go up? Answer, June 3rd, 2022. And this year June 3rd lands on a Monday.

For this reason, I am excited to announce Robin Singer will return on our 2-year anniversary, June 3rd. I would also consider this an important Milestone so we will be back with two chapters.

What to expect this season?

Right off the bat we will discover something that I have legit been setting up since season 4. It's been a long time coming, some readers have picked up on some of it. It comes to a head this season. Completely original, no real tie to the show at all, all Robin. It also has potential to take us to a miniseries spin-off (because I have had two potential spin-offs in mind.)

Speaking of spin offs, two episodes I've been amped to write, one being The Wayward Sisters. Honestly, you had to see that one coming. And the SUPER popular, Scooby-natural. And if you wondered how I will get around the Daphne thing? That has been planned for a long time.

And when it comes to the apocalypse world, Robin will face more than one hard to swallow pill. Really excited for this season and hope you guys still enjoy it, because that new storyline is gonna toss in some curveballs.

I would be remiss if at one point in this message I didn't say thank you so very much for following the story. For the record I see the read time is two solid days at this point, so that's unreal to me.

My writing this story started out as a mom, still struggling with post-partum depression trying to find something that was just hers. A lot of women seem to lose their personal identity when they have kids, and I was one of them and it was a struggle. I had this character in my head and a friend said, well write it. So I sat down and wrote notes. All these episodes I tell you I was excited to write started out as notes. Ideas and nothing more.

This is where I created Robin's identity. She is loosely based on me. So I put myself at the age I would have been when the show started, and the answer was first year of college. I watched Season 1 wondering what episode she would fit into, and Hook man was the natural jumping off point. And I sat down, and I wrote. Then I published. Then people read it. I was able to talk with people about the story (which I seriously love and if you ever have questions or anything post them, I would love to talk about it.) It helped me grow, work through things, and discover my identity again. I have other stories, but none that are as meaningful to me as Robin.

Well that sure as hell went off track but hey, here we are.

So nutshell.

Back June 3rd, anniversary so double post

Original and BIG storyline for Robin

Beyond that the rest is a little further down the road

Thanks for going through 12 Seasons with me, on Robin's Road So Far. I'm excited to share season 13.

Robin SingerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora