Season 4 Episode 10: Heaven and Hell

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*torture warning*

"Whoa" Dean snapped, "I know she's wiretapping your channels, but that's no reason to gank her".

"Don't worry" Uriel smiled smugly, "I'll kill her gentle".

"You are some heartless sons of bitches" Dean snarled.

"As a matter of fact we are" Castiel told them with no emotion, "And?"

"And she's an innocent in all of this" Robin snapped.

"This didn't happen TO her Robin" Castiel explained, his glare almost physical. Robin realized he was referring to her own innocence in her situation, "She is far from innocent".

"She's worse than the abomination the big dirt monkey is screwing" Uriel snarled referring to Sam and Ruby.

"Sorry, find yourself another girl" Dean told them.

"Who will stop us" Uriel asked, nearly laughing? "You, or this demon whore" he said grabbing Ruby and throwing her into a window shattering it. He raised his hand and Dean punched him in the face. Uriel laughed and punched him back sending him to the floor.

"Cas" Robin pleaded, "don't do this".

Castiel advanced on she and Sam and touched both of their foreheads, they both fell to the ground, unconscious.

When the two woke up the angels were gone.

"Anna" They heard Dean cry from the other room. When they went in, they found Anna bleeding and a sigil drawn in her blood on the mirror.

When the others joined them in the backroom Dean was wrapping her wrists in fabric, "Did you kill them" he asked?

"No I just sent them away" she looked to the mirror, "It just popped in my head".

The group congregated, "Well Anna is getting more interesting by the second" Sam commented.

"Something is up with her" Dean nodded, "That blood spell. Something is up with her, see what you can find out Sammy".

"In the meantime, we need to get her somewhere safe" Robin nodded, "Whoever gets to her first, they're coming".

"Where on this planet would be safe for her" Sam asked?

"My house" Robin shrugged.

When they got back to Sioux Falls, Robin set Anna up in the bunker in the basement. Ruby had supplied everyone with hex bags so the angels and demons couldn't track them. Robin sat upstairs with Sam researching trying to find out what the deal with Anna was.

Her parents were pretty vanilla, a church deacon and housewife. The odd part was the heavy psychological stuff that had happened when she was only two and a half. She swore her father wasn't actually her father and her real father was mad and wanted to kill her.

"Kind of heavy for a 2-year-old" Dean remarked.

"They got help for her" Robin explained, "She was living a typical life up until this point"

"So" Dean started, "what's she hiding"?

"Why don't you just ask me to my face" Anna demanded from behind them?

"You're right" Robin nodded, "Why do the angels think you're actually worse than a demon" she looked at Ruby, "No offense".

"None taken" Ruby scowled.

"You tell me" Anna snapped, "I wish I knew. My parents are dead, I would give anything to know".

Robin thought for a second, "Then let's find out shall we"?

Robin SingerWhere stories live. Discover now