Season 9 Episode 17.5: A Soulless Powder Keg

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*Welcome to an original chapter. This season has gone off the tracks in more ways than one. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but it's taken on a life of it's own. Irony being that the next episode is an interior look into everyone's most hated Character, Metatron. Much like Metatron I have some plans in my mind for these characters. Sometimes they take on a mind of their own and build a new story. That's what this chapter is. I always wanted to venture down a darker path with Robin, but the how I had in mind was very different. What was more, the way I originally planned isn't going to line up in the timeline properly with other and much bigger plans. I hope when I release the OG content it's as well received as the main storyline. *

Robin appeared in Sioux Falls, and it didn't take long to decipher her location. She turned to see the fenced off remains of what used to be her home. She walked up to the chain link fence and surveyed the damage. It was the first time she didn't look at the site in pain or anguish. She closed her eyes and could see Bobby before her. The good times they'd had. Slowly other memories started to creep in.

Bobby Singer. Lunatic, drunk. Good for nothin. Probably beats the poor girl. Making his daughter as weird as him.

Poor girl? Robin Singer? She's a freak. As psycho as her old man. She's a slut. Gave the entire football team a blow job. She's a freak in the sack. Hey Robin.

She opened her eyes. She suddenly did feel an emotion, rage. Sioux Falls had been attacking the Singers for years. It was time to pay.

She looked emotionless at the rubble, before turning and heading in the direction of town. She was just on the outskirts of Main Street when her phone started ringing.

"Glad to see you got out Sammy" she answered.

"Robin where are you" he asked?

"Just taking care of some things Sammy" she replied. "What do you guys say? Family business?"

"Robin whatever it is" He got cut off.

"Don't worry about it Sammy" she replied. "Dean already made it clear he has no intention of backing me up. I got this one, you just head back to the bunker, Kay?"

"Robin" Sam pleaded.

"Hey kid" she heard from behind her.

She turned to see Jody standing beside her cruiser. "I gotta go Sammy" she muttered before she closed her phone and attempted to smile at Jody warmly. She put her hands in her pockets and crossed the town street to the sheriff. "Hey Jodes" she put out an arm to hug her.

"I wasn't expecting you" she squeezed her tightly.

"Estate stuff" Robin brushed it off. "Make you wait for everything then want you there yesterday."

"Estate" Jody shook her head? "Still."

"What happens when you don't have a legal will" Robin explained.

"Well it's good to see you" Jody beamed. "We should catch up. Can I take you to lunch?"

"I should meet with the lawyer" Robin attempted to evade the offer. "Pretty sure I'm late already."

"How about in an hour" Jody suggested? "Really shouldn't go right this second anyway."

Realizing she wasn't going to shake the good sheriff so easily she bit her lip then smiled. "Sounds good" she nodded.

"Okay" Jody smiled. "Meet you at the top hat?"

"Sure" Robin nodded.

She watched as Jody picked up her phone. "Oh" she smiled. "I missed a call from Sam."

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