Season 10 Episode 11: There's No Place Like Home Pt 1

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*Thank you so much if you reached this chapter! This is the 150th post, which blows me away. Also a year and a half of publishing this story online. I know there are two readers (my rl friends who read this) who know a BIG that is going to happen at the end of this season. One that will require some explanation. The week after the finale, there will be some notes published doing just that. We're coming up to a storyline of Robin's that has been in my head since the beginning of my writing. I don't know I ever expected this story to go this long, I sort of expected this to disappear, and here it is, 150 posts. 

I hate making these long, but we're still going...feel free to jump ahead (I know you spotted the smut warning, I know what you're here for.) In the last like two weeks (when I'm writing this, not when it's posted) My notifications for this story have blown up. Comments, votes, and a few follows as a result. This also took us to over 16,000 reads!  Keep it coming! I absolutely love it, it helps me write too. I get to chat with you and it gives me the old energy to keep breathing new life into my story! Okay that's enough for now, one last thank you! 

 *Smut warning, because it's been a while*

Robin was already awake when she felt Dean's lips on her back. "You're not up" she murmured into her pillow in surprise. Dean had been acting out of character as of late. It was a far cry from when she and Sam made their barbs about his whiskey breakfast choices. No, he was on a health kick, physical, mental. Honestly there were things that were a little much for Robin, but she wouldn't say so. This was Dean searching for an inner Zen, trying to live with the mark. Whatever he needed from her for that, he had as far as she was concerned.

"I'm on my way" he told her, his mouth on the exposed flesh at her shoulder.

"Not what I meant" she told him rolling onto her back and seeing his half hooded green orbs burrowing into her. "But I like where your head's at."

He was resting his weight on his elbows above her and she pulled his face down to her to kiss him. It was slow and deep. It felt more intimate than they'd been in a long time, and she was quickly waking up to his touch.

She traced the muscles in his back and parted her legs slightly. It was enough to give him a greenlight. He placed his knees between hers, spreading her legs further. He lowered his pelvis down to roll against her. Having just been sleeping, neither were completely clothed. Only a few thin layers of fabric separated their bodies from complete contact.

This thought only enhanced every touch against her. He slid his fingers in her hair pulling her mouth firmer against his, rolling harder. She moaned into his mouth urging him further.

His lips parted from hers and trailed down her jaw. He continued the friction between her legs, and she held his head as he sucked at her skin.

"Dear god I missed you" she groaned.

His reflex to her comment was like snapping a whip. He fell back to the seated position on the bed. In the same motion his hands slid under her ass and perched her on top of him straddling his now solid bulge.

She rolled her hips, and he sighed as he bit his lip and sucked in a swift breath. His eyes locked with hers while his hands trailed up the front of her tank top and slid it up over her head.

He palmed her breast, all while teasing the flesh with his tongue. She clung to him all the while continuing the hot friction between them.

"Oh god" she gasped as he thrust up to meet her. Her verbal encouragement coaxed him to place her down on the bed. While he sat back freeing himself of his boxer briefs, she slinked out of her panties. He repeated his earlier move of pulling her over to him but this time he held her just above him.

When she made contact with the head of his cock she shuttered and tilted her hips to accept him inside of her. She then began rolling down over him slowly and slowly he thrust up to meet her.

Even at the slow pace every point of contact was bliss. She was soon a whimpering mess desperate for the next touch.

He pulled her mouth to his and their tongues danced together deepening the intensity.

He parted only for a moment to tell her breathlessly, "I love you."

She whimpered into his mouth as his words took her to her climax. Her head shot back as his lips dragged down her throat. "Oh fuck, Dean, yes" she cried out, with a flurry of sounds she knew would make it hard to make eye contact with Sam later.

He let out a grunt then a groan as he thrust up high enough her knees were off the bed.

As both of them quieted and their breath slowed they still held each other. Gazing at the other in desperation and ecstasy.

"I do you know" Dean repeated himself. "I love you. With all that I am and all that I have. It ain't much but it's yours."

"It's more than you think baby. I'm grateful for it" she was still breathless. "I love you, so very much."

He kissed her and gently placed her on her back on the bed. He pulled the blanket up over them and continued to pepper her with his kisses.

He then laid down beside her, holding her. Entwining their fingers or tracing her features as his eyes danced over her.

"Keep doing this Winchester, I'm gonna fall harder for you" she chuckled.

"That's the hope" he smiled. "I told you. A lot of the happiness in my life, is tied up in you."

He took her breath away with that comment. He leaned over and kissed her again. "I'm gonna go make breakfast. Come on out when you're ready."

He got up, leaving her under the blankets. He hopped into his clothes and quietly headed out the door.

Jesus Christ, when did her life become a chick flick? She had a stupid smile on her face and her boyfriend was positively smitten with her. This was nuts. When was the other shoe gonna drop?

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