Season 10 Episode 4: Paper moon pt. 2

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The sun was just coming up over the horizon by the time they pulled into the motel parking lot. Sam got out of the car as Dean parked in an inconspicuous spot. The silence between Dean and Robin was deafening. She was still at a simmer from their I know what you did last Summer chat and hadn't uttered a word to him since.

"So are you not talking to me now" Dean finally breached the silence?

She thought carefully about her next step. The Singer side of her wanted to call him an Idjit before tearing a strip off of him. She knew all that was going to do was take them to a fight. She didn't want to fight, she just wanted to be heard. "I gotta ask what you want me to say" she replied with a sigh. "Because seriously Dean, that came off as petty. It looked like you thought Sam and I were ganging up on you, so you decided to turn the table on us. Truth is we're worried. As you were quick to point out, you were a demon. Now both of us have lost a soul so maybe we might have some idea what it was you went through...maybe we don't. But both of us needed down time. Meanwhile you're chomping at the bit. Then when we bring it up, you throw that shit back in our faces. The shit neither of us are proud of. But in the same situation we'd do it all again. Because it was to save you." She paused and then looked out the window. "Huh, guess I did have something to say."

Dean looked like he was mulling over how to respond to that, but before he could, Sam returned to the car. "All right, so the, uh, clerk says a blonde rolled into room 3 just before sunup" Sam explained.

Dean looked at Robin as though he wanted to continue their chat, but realized this was not the time. "She alone" Dean asked?

"He thinks so" Sam nodded.

Dean slowly edged the car closer to the room in question and parked. The three waited watching the room, back to the before mentioned silence, trying to concentrate on the case and not the side conversations.

They weren't waiting long when they saw a blonde girl leave and head to the woods at the edge of the lot. It looked like she was following a boy around her age onto the foot path. They roamed deep into the woods after her, until they had her cornered by a large oak.

They had their guns at the ready when Dean announced their presence, "Kate."

"It's over" Sam added.

The girl spun around with her hands up, shaking with fear.

"Not Kate" Robin announced when the girl faced them.

"Oh, god. Please, don't" she pleaded. "I'll give you anything you want."

While guns were lowered, they were still very much in hand. "Where's Kate" demanded Sam?

"Who" she asked, still very much in a panic?

"The girl whose room you just walked out of" Robin gripped her gun a little tighter.

"What" she shook her head? "That's my room."

"Test her" Sam ordered.

"Test me for what" she gasped?

Dean tucked his gun away and produced a silver knife. He took a step towards the girl, and she screamed. "No! Help! Somebody help me!"

"Just take it easy" Dean attempted to soothe her.

"I don't want to die" she whimpered.
The scared little girl routine was short lived as her teeth and claws elongated.

She quickly grabbed Dean and threw him into a tree. Next Robin fired on her skimming her shoulder and earning a howl. She pounced at Robin and had her pinned when Sam ripped her off of her. The girl leapt at Sam and had him on the ground. She hauled back to shred into him with her claws when she was suddenly tackled to the ground.

When the three had gotten to their feet they spotted Kate on top of the other wolf. "Stop it" she snapped. "Stop."

As the two girls got to their feet they now had three guns aimed at them. "Please don't" Kate begged. "She's my sister."

Before they had a chance to react the second girl bolted into the woods.

"Kate" Dean glared as Sam and Robin each put away their guns. "Why is your sister a werewolf?"

"You gonna let her answer" Robin asked?

"I am" he boomed.

"With a gun in her face" She asked?

"So she can run again" He accused?

"Her sister was about to claw your brother's face off" Robin returned. "She stopped her."

Dean hesitantly put away his gun with a huff.

"My sister is a werewolf because I turned her" Kate admitted.

"Let me get this straight" Dean folded his arms and glared at the girl. "We let you run because we take pity on you, and you turn around and you start making pups? You start killing people?!"

"It's not like that" she shouted! "I'm no killer."

"Well, the way I remember it from the snuff film that you left us, is that you killed your boyfriend's best friend" Dean argued.

"That's because Brian went crazy" she explained. "I had no other choice."

"I don't know who the fuck crazy Brian is" Robin shook her head. "What I do know is Werewolves who kill, will typically claw their way away from a hunter's gun. Meanwhile you were ready to take the bullet. So tell me Kate how long has the guilt been eating at you that not only did you turn your sister, she's now killing innocent people?"

She stared at Robin for a second, "What do you want for me?"

"How about the truth" Dean boomed?

Their conversation was cut short when a group of joggers walked into the clearing.

"Alright our private conversation is no longer private" Robin nodded as the normal people ran past. "You drink coffee Kate?"

"Yeah" she shrugged.

"Good" Robin nodded. "Because we have been tracking your ass all night and I need one or to kill something this's choice."

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