Season 7 Episode 9: How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

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* I didn't realize I hit 1000 views! That's a Milestone fore sure! Thank you so much! Bonus post*

To Say Robin wasn't looking forward to catching up with the others was an understatement. She hadn't seen Dean since that night, and she was about to come face to face with him. The boys had met up with her father, and the weren't staying in motels anymore, trying to stay off the Leviathan's radar. She'd teleported to her father's car. When she arrived, she cringed at the sight of the run-down shack. You've heard of butt-fuck nowhere? It was probably more on the grid than this shack. It was dark and they were in the middle of the woods as Robin made her way into the small structure.

"Dad, you in there" Robin shouted?

"Yeah, in here" Bobby called back.

She came into the dilapidated shack, with no power the three men were standing in. "Charming" she said swiping away a spider web. She looked at Sam and Dean, "gentleman" she greeted.

"Hey" Sam nodded, while Dean said nothing.

"I mean, we've squatted before" she nodded putting her bag on the table, "But were we actively looking for the biggest shit hole"?

"I didn't raise no princess" Bobby snapped at her. "So quit your belly achin and sit down".

She shook her head and looked to Sam who was opening a case file. "Whatcha got"?

"Jersey Devil" Sam nodded.

"You're kidding" Robin scoffed as she opened a duffel bag to grab a flashlight and look at the file.

"The Jersey Devil" Bobby scoffed? "I thought that was just local tall-tale crap".

"The area's history of sightings goes back more than two centuries" Sam nodded". "Some accounts gave it bat wings, others horns, a... a tail, oh yeah, a horse's head".

"Of course, the sketch looks more like a Chewbacca head" Dean added laying out on the couch drinking a beer.

Robin snickered and he scowled. She was trying to understand why he was pissed. She understood awkward, but pissed? She'd done him a favor, he didn't have to worry about the morning after talk, trying to let her down easy. What the hell was his problem?

"We can joke all we want" Sam sighed, "But he's chalking up a body count". Sam slid a new paper article to Robin.

"Camping high season harshed by human burrito" She read.

"Yeah. Something hung a camper up in a tree, then ate him alive right through his sleeping bag. His wife hasn't been seen, either" Sam explained, "Plus, there have been four other missing persons reported in the last three weeks. State troopers -- get this -- are saying it's a rogue bear".

"Yeah, of course, when was the last time you saw a bear string up its own piñata" Dean scoffed?

"I don't think these are Yogi's typical pic-a-nic baskets here" Robin shook her head.

"Something's out there in the woods" Bobby sighed. "Hey, we're going honest to goodness wilderness hunting. I haven't used my .30-30 in a while".

"Okay, Davey Crockett, well, safari's gonna have to wait till tomorrow and after our suit-and-tie dance" Dean nodded. "We'll make sure this is not just some backwoods crackhead who likes to roll glampers".

"What the hell's a glamper" Bobby asked?

"High-end camper" Sam explained. "TV, A.C., Wi-Fi. Back to nature, zero inconvenience".

"That's idiotic" Bobby nodded before he looked at Dean. "You gonna be a gentleman and offer the lady the couch"?

"Nope" Dean replied popping his P.

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