Season 10 Episode 20: Angel Heart Pt 1

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When the call came in Robin figured it best to teleport to the alley behind the hospital. Now if she could just get Cas in the building. The boys were on their way, and once more she found herself playing the mother to a teenager. She was sitting on a bench outside of the hospital entrance, resting her forearms on her knees watching the angel anxiously pace back and forth. Finally she heard the impala before she saw it.

They got out of the car and Castiel greeted them. "I waited for you two" he explained. "You speak her language. You were both troubled teens."

"How is she" Sam grinned at Cas's complete lack of tact?

"I haven't gone past the front desk" He explained, "I was waiting for you."

"Concussion" Robin got to her feet. "She was found in a gutter outside of a bar, unconscious. Whoever called it in was vague and didn't stick around."

Sam and Dean looked at her in surprise.

"I was introduced as the stepmother" she shrugged. In the same breath she verbalized her objection to Castiel's approach once more. "You realize I was a teenage girl once right" she asked him?

"But Bobby provided a stable home" Castiel dismissed her offer.

"I would like to point out how weird it is her father is pacing outside instead of in the room with her" she whispered.

"Oh" he sighed.

Robin sighed back and started into the building, "Good thing I teleported to help you" she grumbled under her breath.

As the four entered the room, Claire rolled her eyes and huffed. "What are you doing here" she asked Cas? Then she realized the angel wasn't alone. Though she held distain for all of them, the only one who really offended her was Dean. "And why the hell did you bring him?"

"Awesome" Dean nodded sarcastically. He found a storage cupboard further away from Claire and leaned on it casually, further demonstrating how unenthused he was to be there.

"Um, the ... the police found my number in your emergency contact list" Cas stammered.

"Yeah, well... That was a mistake" She huffed. "You can go now."

"Claire... Why were you at a bar" Cas asked nervously?

"I wasn't" she snapped.

"Okay let's try this" Robin snapped back. "Claire why were you found unconscious in the gutter outside a bar? And more importantly are you okay? I will kick the guys out if need be."

"That sounds great Robin can you follow them" she asked in a mocking tone. Robin pursed her lips at her, and she sighed. "Wrong place, wrong time. Story of my life."

"Look, we're not leaving until you tell us what the hell really happened" Sam attempted to reason with her. "So if you want us gone...Talk."

Not wanting to speak to the hunters she turned her attention to Castiel. "I was looking for my mom" she told him. "I wanna find my mom and tell her she ruined my life."

Cas attempted to correct her, "your mom didn't --."

"She left me, and so did my dad" Claire's tone warned him to back down. "But Jimmy's gone, right? Has it easy up in heaven. So... Mom's the only one left I can tell off."

"When's the last anybody heard from your mom" Cas asked?

"When I was living with my grandmother, she used to send me postcards" Claire sniffed. She pointed to her bag and looked at Robin. Robin turned to the chair beside the bd and handed it to her, before taking the seat. Claire rifled through her purse to find the most recent of her mother's postcards, "This is the last one" she handed it to Castiel. "I got it just before my grandma died. Two years ago. Nobody's heard from her since. It was sent from a motel here in town."

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