Season 12 Episode 14: The Raid pt 1

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It had been about a month since the night on that dark road. Juliette was questioning why she even came to America. She hadn't been outside since that night. She hated this compound. The whole thing was state of the art. All bright white and sharp lines. It felt cold to her.

Her quarters she shared with Mick were better. It was muted tones, warm lighting, and area rugs. Homey, which was good. She wasn't to leave the room without Mick or some other Mick. She would call it a cell at this point, but no, she knew her cell was down in sub-basement 4.

Sub-basement 4 was where she'd been treated. It was more sterile than even the halls were. Mick would remind her it should be sterile. It was a hospital room... not what she meant.

Since the night she'd asked for intel on this, Robin Singer. Mick told her files on the hunters was privileged, and he couldn't give her access. She let it go, or at least let him believe she had. After she'd given him a false sense of security in the matter, she breached her agreement with the men of letters and broke into his computer.

Robin Singer-Wells was what she could find, but she assumed it was the right file. Born Dec 7th, 1985, in South Dakota. Parents Robert Steven Singer deceased, and Adelaide Elizabeth Wells also deceased. Eye color brown, hair color unknown, height unknown. Fluent in English, Spanish, Latin, and French. Familiar in multiple other languages. Well versed in the use of multiple firearms as well as hand to hand combat. Education in multiple forms of lore, though nothing formal. Closest known associates, Dean Winchester, Sam William Winchester, Jody Mills, Castiel (angel), Mitchell Gregory, Joseph Ashland, and Garth Fitzgerald.

The fourth.

She felt a stabbing pain in her temple for a moment. She didn't know why she thought that it wasn't in any documentation.

Dean was at the top of that list; the connection was blatantly obvious. She assumed the tall man that night was Sam. She felt the pull to delve into their files as well.

Turned out they weren't serial killers, as Ketch had taunted her. The cross-country killing spree she read about were actually a monster she had never heard of before called a Leviathan.

There was a bank hostage situation that was apparently shape shifters and Dean had gone on a bloody spree, also shape shifters.

There was also a grizzly death of a girlfriend in Samuel's profile that read demons.

Anything she googled to the average person would make them look like criminals. But what she was reading painted a very different picture.

She of course knew who Castiel was. She was curious about Jody Mills though, especially where she appeared before Castiel.

Turned out she was the local Sherrif in a town called Sioux Falls. Her eyes were kind in her picture. She looked tough but kind. This was only confirmed when she read she'd become a foster mother to a few teenage girls.

They were leads, and only good when she had uninterrupted access to Mick's laptop. She wasn't permitted to leave the compound so they wouldn't come in handy otherwise.

She'd expected the files of Robin Singer's parents to be fruitless, where both had passed. That said temptation couldn't let her stay away given these very well could be her own flesh and blood.

Her previous expectations of fruitlessness were soon debunked. Robert, better known as Bobby, had a file very similar to Robin's. No pictures and several "unknowns." There were even similarities in languages, firearms, and lore, though he seemed to be stronger in all three. This led her to the conclusion Robin was raised by her father most likely. Not to mention her known contact list was probably more extensive. Bobby's file simply listed Robin, the Winchesters, and a Rufus Turner, also deceased. Aside from that it said many more, facilitator for American hunters.

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