Season 5 Episode 12: Swap Meat

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"Porto porta Impala".

Robin appeared in a suburban neighborhood with the Impala parked outside. She had spent the last week in nothingness. She had been asleep, drunk or fighting with the locals in Sioux Falls. Jo had made her promise not to shut down. Bobby didn't think she was ready, thus the teleporting. He wanted her to take time to get over it. There was no getting over Jo, Jo was part of who she was. Another part of her was, she was a hunter, she needed to get off the bench.

She walked up to the house and knocked on the door.

"Robin"?! A woman she recognized instantly answered the door.

"Hi Donna" Robin forced a smiled, trying to act like she knew what she was doing there.

"Look at you all grown up" she hugged her and invited her in.

Donna was a maid at a motel back in the 90's. John would often leave the boys in her care when he was on a hunt for extended periods of time. A handful of times Bobby had left Robin with her too. Donna was always kind and spoiled the kids with attention.

She walked into the living room where the boys were sitting. They both looked at her in surprise.

"Robin" Sam asked in concern? "What are you doing here"?

Donna paused and looked at the boys, then back to Robin. "Everything okay guys"?

"It's fine" Dean nodded, "we're just surprised she's here".

Robin raised an eyebrow and painted a huge smile on her face before looking to Donna. "They're surprised because two weeks ago my best friend was killed" she explained. "They expect me to be a sobbing mess in my room. But I promised her I wouldn't do that, so here I am". Robin's smile disappeared as quickly as it came.

"Oh Robin" Donna sighed hugging her, "I'm so sorry".

Robin hugged her back very casually, just to get the hug concluded, she didn't want to put any of her own emotions into it. "Thanks Donna. She was a hunter too; she knew what this life was".

Donna looked at her thoughtfully.

"What do we got" Robin asked the guys?

"Sounds like a poltergeist" Sam nodded.

"We were just leaving the boys to it" Donna told her. "If you think you're ready, you're welcome to stay with them".

"I'm ready" Robin nodded.

Donna gave her another hug before she and her family took off.

"So you got a real rundown for me" Robin asked them sitting down?

"Are you serious" Dean asked her?

"Yeah I fucking am Dean" she snapped.

"Robin, it's been two weeks" Sam sighed.

"Are you my fucking father" Robin asked him?

"Robin we know-" Sam started.

"You do" she snapped again, "and I never forced either of you to talk about it. I was whatever you two needed. I'm gonna ask you to remember that".

They both sat in silence looking at each other. They couldn't argue with her. Robin had basically lost a sister. They had both died, leaving the other to grieve in the past. In their time of grieving, Robin was exactly what they needed. For Dean it was a silent presence. For Sam it was a partner, someone as driven and motivated as him, who understood. Robin on the other hand, wanted two distractions.

The three hit up a local burger joint. In typical fashion, Dean got a massive cheeseburger, while Sam got a salad.

Robin had ducked into the washroom, and hit the counter to order a milkshake, enough to give her nourishment, but she wasn't enjoying food right now.

"It's on me" the teenage boy behind the counter smiled at her eagerly.

"Are you allowed to do that" she asked him? "Doesn't look sketchy on you with your boss"?

"I don't care" he continued to smile, "they can fire me".

She put money on the counter and winked, "thanks anyway kid". She grabbed her milkshake and joined the boys at the table.

"Donna looked good didn't she" Dean asked?

"Do you still have the hots for our babysitter" Sam asked?

"What? No" Dean replied, "that's weird. I'm just saying with her life. Husband, kid, she's doing good. Except this Amityville horror deal".

"Yeah" Sam nodded.

"You ever wish you could have that" Dean asked? "Wife, rug rats, whole nine"?

"No" Sam shook his head, "Not really my thing anymore".

"How about you Robin" Dean asked?

"There's no getting out of this world for me" she replied.

"Why" Dean asked her?

She knew he would never understand what she was about to say, but it might shut him up. "I'm part of it" she glared.

There was silence at the table for a moment.

"Could we" Robin asked?

"Right" Sam cleared his throat. "The house is old, like centuries old. And there is an unconfirmed legend with it".

"None the less you have said legend" Robin grumbled as she leaned into Sam to get a better look at his files.

"Yeah" he nodded, "Uh, in the 1720's the house belonged to Isaiah Pickett. Apparently hung a woman for witchcraft".

"Fuck" Robin snapped, realizing she walked into a potential witch case with the Winchesters. Both boys looked at her oddly. "What" she shrugged, "it is fucking sucks".

"The woman's name was Maggie Briggs" Sam concluded.

"So pissed off witch ghost" Dean asked?

"And no idea where the remains are" Sam added. "I'll go check out the city records".

"I'm gonna go back to Donna's" Robin nodded. "Get it equipped for what we need to do".

"I'll go with Robin" Dean nodded.

Robin and Dean pulled up to a grocery store to get salt.

"Not exactly where we would typically go" Dean nodded as the two got out of the car.

"Well you're gonna have to excuse me if I'm not rushing to a hardware store" Robin barbed as they walked through the automatic doors.

Dean didn't respond as she grabbed a cart. When they got to the meat section, she grabbed a pound of ground beef.

"What's that for" Dean asked her?

"Consumption" she replied, "I didn't think Donna would mind if I cooked real food in her kitchen".

"You can cook" he laughed?

"Yeah" she said matter-of-factly, "and I'm fucking good at it".

"Well that's domesticated of you" he scoffed.

"Everyone needs to eat Dean" she rolled her eyes.

They got to the spices and she grabbed a couple of things before spotting the salt. She put her arm to the shelf and knocked every last box into their cart.

A woman looked at her quizzically.

"We pickle" Robin nodded to her.

"So how are you" Dean asked? "Really"?

"You wanna talk about our feelings Dean" Robin growled, "Okay, how are you feeling considering you ignored Jo for the last four years"?

"Wow" Dean nodded, visibly hurt.

"You wanna play" she asked? "Let's play".

"Robin if you were anyone else, I would punch you in the face for that" Dean said quietly as they approached the cash.

"Then pretend I'm not" she told him. "Might make me feel something".

Dean looked at her hurt for a moment. "For the record, I feel like shit" he explained to her. "But I couldn't lie about how I felt about her, and it wouldn't have been fair to".

Robin shook her head. She was hurting, and apparently, she was taking others with her. "I'm sorry" she whispered.

When they got to the car Dean called to check in with Sam. His research turned up nothing.

When they met back at the motel, they walked in on Sam standing in the mirror.

"Were you flexing in the mirror" Robin asked him?

"What" he said awkwardly, "no".

"Are you flexing now" Dean asked him?

"No" he shrugged, "look dude, I'm sorry. I grabbed us food".

"Thanks" Dean nodded grabbing the bag from the burger place they'd been to earlier. "Don't know why it took you two hours, but thanks".

Sam rushed to the counter and handed Robin a milkshake. She nodded. "We're going to want to take this to go" he nodded at one of the beds, where weapons were laid out. "Maid came in and kind of freaked".

"Why'd you let the maid in" Dean asked him visibly irritated?

"It just happened" Sam shrugged.

"Great" Robin grumbled as she went to the bed and rolled the weapons up.

"I gotta hit the head" Dean nodded, "Robin, you wanna grab the car"?

"I got it" she nodded grabbing his keys from the table.

When she pulled up out front, Sam was already coming out with the weapons. She ran around to the back of the impala and popped the trunk. She grabbed some of the knives from Sam and leaned into the back of the trunk to put them away. When she stood up, she spotted Sam checking her out. "Enjoy the view" she challenged him?

"Sorry" he laughed awkwardly.

The three slept in the impala that night. The next day they were back at it.

"So, city records were a bust" Robin said bringing them their coffees. "What's your next lead"?

"Well since we don't know where Maggie Briggs is buried" Dean shrugged, "a day in the cemetery".

"Maggie Briggs" Sam stopped, "she's in the basement".

"What" Robin asked?

"Like the witch" Sam nodded, " yeah she's in Isaiah Pickett's basement".

"Where was this info last night" Robin snapped?

"I was tired I guess" he shrugged.

The three piled into the car and took off for Donna's house. When they reached the basement it was easy to figure out where she was buried.

"Willow Moss" Robin waved the boys over.

"Yeah" Sam nodded, "that's supposed to grow over the graves of witches right"?

"Yes professor" Robin nodded sarcastically, "shall we continue with our class witch lore 101"?

She and Dean walked to the other end of the basement and grabbed shovels.

As they were digging up the grave Sam's voice came from the other end of the basement. "Dean, I'm really sorry" he said.

Without stopping Dean asked, "about what"?

Before Sam could respond he was thrown against the wall.

The two stopped shoveling and rushed to his aid.

"Let's get out of here" Sam cried out terrified.

"We still need to torch the corpse" Robin snapped. "Grab some iron and watch our backs".

Robin got thrown across the room and landed on top of a duffle as Dean was cornered by the Ghost.

"Sammy" Robin shouted as she tossed a bottle of lighter fluid to him. Sam ran to the body and covered it. Robin joined him with a book of matches, lit it up and tossed it in.

"You're so cool" Sam smiled at her.

"Thanks" she grimaced at him.

He looked back to Dean, "Dude, that was sweet".

The three headed to a bar. The waitress brought them their meals. Robin got nachos, while Sam and Dean both got cheeseburgers.

"Who are you and what have you done with Sammy" Dean asked?

"What" Sam asked stunned?

"Can I get another beer" Robin asked?

"Cheeseburgers now" Dean asked Sam?

"What" he asked, "We're celebrating"?

"I guess" Dean nodded, "good work today man".

"Yeah you too man" Sam nodded. He reached over and took Robin's hand that was on the table as she used the other to down her beer. "You were awesome Robin".

"Yeah" she said putting down her beer, "you said that". He gazed at her for a second. "Can I have my hand back"? He let go of her hand and she finished her beer. She got to her feet and went to the bar for another.

"You think you should slow down Robin" Dean asked?

"Not until I make some bad choices" she replied.

Sam smiled at Dean.

"What's with you man" he asked?

"Can't I be happy" Sam replied?

"No" Robin shook her head returning with another beer. "Not really your style Sammy".

"Then it's a new me" Sam smiled and put his arm around Robin.

She looked at Dean, confused.

"So we're all actually sitting in a bar drinking together" Dean asked Sam? "Okay sure".

They ordered a round of shots and soon Sam was hammered, but the other two were feeling pretty good too.

Dean had ducked into the washroom when Sam turned to face Robin. "You're awesome" he slurred. Wrapping his arm around her.

"What the hell Sam-" she was cut off by Sam smashing his lips into hers and grabbing a handful of one of her breasts. She punched him in the jaw. "What the fuck" she shouted?!

"I am so sorry" he nodded, "I'm sorry Robin".

She glared at him.

Sam walked up to the bar to order a drink. Instead, he started talking to a blonde woman at the bar.

Dean returned and sat down at the table. He looked over and saw Sam, grinning to himself.

Sam and the woman got up and headed for the door. Before he left Sam called back, "we're gonna do it", then walked out the door.

"I guess Sam is gonna score" Dean nodded.

"Well he struck out the first time" Robin snapped.

"What do you mean" Dean asked?

"Thirty seconds before he went to the bar, he shoved his tongue down my throat and copped feel" she replied.

"He did what" Dean snarled?

"And I punched him in the jaw" Robin nodded.

"Good girl" Dean nodded. "He's acting weird".

Robin nodded and thought, "what if that's not Sammy" she asked?

"What" Dean asked?

"Sam got over his little crush on me a while ago" she nodded. "Hasn't tried a thing, rebounded with Ruby. Suddenly I'm awesome all day, he's checking me out and trying to get to second base with me"?

"You might be right" Dean nodded. "Even if he was interested in you again, Sam is a little more subtle".

They went back to the motel and prepared for Sam's return. They used pillows and towels to make it look like Dean was asleep in his bed and turned out the light. When Sam returned, he spotted "Dean" and grabbed a shot gun. When he aimed it at the bed.

Dean emerged from the shadows, grabbed the gun and punched him in the face. Robin came up behind him with a rope and wrapped it around his neck before dragging him to a chair. Dean pointed the gun at him as Robin tied him up.

Dean grabbed his phone and stated to play back his voice mails, of the real Sam warning them.

"You start talking" Dean snarled, "or I start waterboarding".

"Oh my god" Sam screamed, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry".

"Nut up dude" Robin scowled.

"I don't want to die" he pleaded.

"Where's Sam" Dean shouted?

"In my friend's basement" he cried out, "his parents are out of town".

Dean and Robin exchanged looks.

"How old are you" Dean asked?

"Seventeen" his voice cracked.

Dean and Robin suddenly both went flying across the room. A red-haired teenage girl was starting to untie Sam.

"Nora" he asked?

"Not at the moment" she replied, her eyes going black.

He shook the ropes off of him. Dean and Robin were both laying on the floor, but Robin was getting to her feet.

The demon stood over them, "the pet too" she looked back to "Sam". "You earned your dessert tonight kid" she hissed, "what do you want? Anything".

"Anything" he scoffed? "I want to be a witch, for real. And really powerful".

"Dude no" Robin told him.

"Gary" Nora turned back to Sam, "I will give you whatever you want. You just need to come meet the boss".

"Like the devil" Gary asked?

"No Gary" Robin gasped, "he wants to use you".

Nora threw Robin into the wall, pinning her and cracking the drywall under the pressure.

Dean suddenly got to his feet and swung at Nora with a knife. She threw him to the ground and started to kick him in the ribs.

"Exorcizamus, te omnis immundus" Gary started.

Nora spun," what was that she screamed"?

"Nothing" Gary murmured.

"Were you trying to exorcise me"?

She grabbed Gary by the throat

Robin groaned, adjusting so she could speak. "Spiritus, omnis satanica potestas".

Nora twisted her hand at her and she screamed.

Gary continued, "omnis incursio infernalis advrsi".

Nora squeezed tighter around his throat

Dean got to his feet, "omnis congregtio".

Nora dropped Gary and went for Dean.

"Et secta diabolica" Gary started.

Nora turned back to him.

"Ergo draco maledicate" Robin choked being pressed into the wall further growling against the pain.

"Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire" Gary chimed in.

"Te rogamus adios bitch" Dean finished.

"It's adinos" Gary corrected.

Black smoke blew out of Nora's mouth and her body dropped to the ground.

Robin felt the pressure on her lessen, but before she hit the ground, Dean had caught her. He pushed the hair out of her face, "are you okay"?

"Why" she cringed, "Don't I look flawless"?

He gave her a halfhearted smile.

"I will be" she grumbled attempting to stand on her own and stumbling.

Dean picked her up and started to carry her out. She relaxed in his arms and closed her eyes. Suddenly all she could see was when he carried Jo after the attack.

"Put me down" she murmured.

"What" Dean asked? "Robin you can barely walk".

"Please put me down" her voice trembled.

He put her down instantly. She struggled and limped to the car, silently a stream of tears trickled down her face.

When finally, they were reunited with Sam, Robin realized, Gary had been the kid who served them at the burger joint earlier that day. They did the ritual to put him back in his own body. They took the kids back to Gary's house. They got out of the car to say their good byes.

"So Robin" Gary said awkwardly, "I think I owe you an apology".

"For what" Robin asked sarcastically, "the tonsil hockey or trying to feel me up"?

"You did what" Sam asked? He looked at Robin, "will I feel that tomorrow"?

She pursed her lips and nodded.

"I didn't realize you and Dean were-"Gary shrugged.

"We were what" Robin snapped? "Dean had a thing with my best friend, not me". With this she got back in the car and slammed. The door.

The boys wrapped up their chat and got in the car silently. They exchanged concerned looks.

"I'm sorry" she said, not able to fight the tears anymore. "I wasn't ready".

"You don't need to apologize Specks" Dean told her, "Not to me".

Robin SingerWhere stories live. Discover now