Season 7 Episode 10: Death's Door

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"Sano, sanos" Robin screamed as she searched for the entry wound through blurry tear-filled eyes. "I can't see the damn bullet" she cried out as she frantically looked at her father, covered in his blood. "Sammy, I need a light. Dean, can you make this junker move faster"?

"On it" Sam nodded as he climbed to the back with she and Bobby.

"I'm gunnin it Robin" Dean assured her, "Hang in there Bobby".

"Dad" Robin begged, "Come on".

"Is he breathing" Dean asked?

"Barely" Robin replied. "Daddy, please" she whimpered. "Sam hold the damn light steady" she barked.

"Robin I'm trying" he barked back, "Can you see it"?

She positioned herself to the entrance of the wound, "Extractionem" she cried out desperately.

"Can you heal him" Dean asked her?

"It'll do no good if the bullet is still in there" she cried, "I can't get it. Alright old man, you need to hang on until we get the professionals on this, vita vie" she bellowed as she buckled, and Bobby's pulse steadied.

"Take it easy Robin" Dean said looking in the rearview at her.

Ignoring her she desperately repeated, "Vita vie".

"Sam" Dean snapped, "Get her away, she's going to take too much of her life force".

"Robin" Sam instructed, "Go sit in the passenger seat".

She was weaker but did as she was told. She sat in the passenger seat and looked back at her dad with a wince. She banged her head on the headrest and gasped as she couldn't hold back the tears anymore. She looked out the passenger window and felt someone take her hand. She looked over and Dean was driving with one hand and holding hers with the other.

It was a blur when they got him to the trauma center. Before Robin could blink, he was on a stretcher being wheeled in. She was stunned, she knew she was walking but didn't actually feel herself performing the act itself. Dean had his arms around her guiding her in with him at a higher speed. She wasn't sure if this was because of the happenings around her or the fact she had given Bobby a double shot of her life force, but she was numb as they wheeled him into the room.

She seemed to snap out of it when a Nurse told them, "Sorry. You need to stay out of their way".

""No, no that's my dad" Robin screamed, " I have to be there. He might need blood, hook me up now" she cried out, tears streaming down her face.

"I realize this is hard" the nurse nodded, "But please let the doctors do their job".

Dean consumed her in his arms and guided her to the waiting area. She resisted him, as they closed the curtains on her father's room, but his hold became tighter. She felt her lip quiver as her legs gave out, but he didn't let her fall. He turned to Sam, "go get her something to drink". Sam nodded and headed down the hall. Dean's tone softened, " come on, let's go sit down".

She did as she was told, but barely heard him say it. She felt like she wasn't really hearing much. The only thing that consumed her emotions was fear, complete and numbing fear. What if he didn't make it out of this? She didn't know how to survive without Bobby. Hell, she never would have lived this long without him. It felt like eternity while she sat in silence. Eventually Sam returned with a bottle of water. She wasn't able to speak, she simply shook her head rejecting it. She knew he was there, but only just barely.

She saw Sam pacing the hall, but it didn't register. She didn't even realize Dean had been sitting beside her the whole time.

After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor walked over to her and told her, "He's stable for now, we just have to wait and see".

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