Season 9 Episode 15: Thinman Pt 2

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There was a knock on the motel room door. Robin grumbled as Dean got to his feet and opened the door letting Sam into the room. He was already on the phone.

"Yeah. We'll be right there." He clicked the phone shut. "Deputy. Another body turned up."

Robin groaned and sat up. "Any connection" she yawned?

"At the diner" Sam nodded.

"Shit" she grumbled pulling back the sheets and putting her feet on the cold floor.

"Hey, hey, hey" Dean snapped. "Sam turn around."

Robin forgetting she wasn't wearing pants shrugged and got to her feet before striding into the bathroom.

"A little warning next time" Dean barked at her.

"Possessive" she shook her head with a chuckle.

The three headed to the diner in FBI attire.

"Glad you could make it agents" the Deputy nodded to them, then spotted Robin. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met."

"Agent Stanley" she nodded and shook his hand.

"Another agent" he nodded. "Wow."

They soon spotted the ghostfacers. "What are these crapshoots doing here" Dean asked?

"I figured it wouldn't hurt to go a little medium y'know" he told them with a smile.

"Are they claiming to be mediums" Robin asked?

"Well no he shrugged" at her.

"You weren't kiddin about star struck" she shook her head. "He's ready to start handing out blow jobs over here."

Sam turned back to the Deputy and started to talk security cameras while Robin and Dean approached the Ghostfacers.

"Thought we told you to beat it" Dean growled.

"You guys are going paparazzi on a crime scene" Robin snapped. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Sweetheart it's not about us" Harry replied. "It's about the bloggers, the believers."

"So you're saying people are die hard about this thing" Dean clarified.

"Oh yeah" Ed nodded.

"Gee Dean what does that sound like" Robin asked sarcastically crossing her arms?

"Right Tibetan symbol in the mix" he nodded. "You're onto something with your Tulpa theory Specks."

"The lore changes block to blog" Ed argued. "It's not a Tulpa."

"Okay cut the crap" Dean snarled. "Do either of you know what Thinman is?"

"No we just play supernaturalists on Tv" Ed told him, his expression deadpan.

"Of course we do" Harry snapped.

"Part man part tree" Ed nodded.

"They say he emerged from the nightmares of an autistic boy" Harry added.

"Idjits got nothin" Robin snapped.

"Fellas" the Deputy called. "And Ma'am. You're gonna wanna see this."

The four approached and gathered around the Deputy, watching the security footage. The manager coward in the frame as thinman approached and slashed his throat.

"How'd he get in" Robin asked? "No sign of forced entry and the doors were locked."

"Thinman can teleport" Harry nodded.

"So thinman could be a witch" Sam nodded.

"Witches don't teleport" Ed objected.

"Oh I beg to differ" Dean grinned at Robin.

"The Feds are believers now" the Deputy smiled at them all?

"Roll back the tape" Robin replied.

They got back to the motel with dinner and Robin popped open her laptop. "What the actual fuck" she hissed when she opened up to the Ghostfacers site.

"What" Dean asked?

"The camera footage of the latest scene is posted" she replied.

"What" Sam asked? "How?"

"Couple of fucking attention whores" Robin growled.

"2000 views" Sam shook his head looking over her shoulder.

"People are sick" Dean grumbled.

"I'll be back" she grumbled, when she saw the hot sauce missing from her nacho fries bag.

When she came back to the room with her personal stash they'd been joined by Ed.

"What's Mr. Smooth talker doing here" she chuckled as she went back to her food?

"Tell her" Sam snapped.

"All right, either you bleed Ghostfacers red or you don't" he explained. "If Spruce wanted to start a startup and Maggie's heart was in the roller derby, who am I to stop them?"

"I don't know what any of that means" Robin shook her head. "But go on, I'll catch up.

"But Harry -- I-I couldn't let him give in to his girl" Ed snarled. "I mean, she -- she called the Ghostfacers stupid. Stupid! Can you -- can you believe that? You know, I-I don't care how much money her daddy's hedge fund has. I just couldn't watch Harry become a corporate stooge."

"So there was a girl" Robin nodded. "You didn't like her, keep going."

"Harry was gonna leave, so I needed to give him a reason to stay" Ed explained. "I-I made up Thinman."

"So you're saying all this crazy is actually crap" Dean nodded.

"One old photo of a butler, a lot of Photoshop later, and I posted on one of those horror forums under "anonymous". And it blew up. Yeah" he nodded. "I only faked one case for us, and then we're packing up to go home when somebody posted a sighting of Thinman, so...we went after it, and that's how the Thinman became a crowdsourced legend. Look, we were at the front of it. It felt like something. It -- it was so awesome to have a following, and Harry -- he was just -- he was so into it."

"Ed" Sam nodded. "You have to tell him."

"Look I can't. We're the Thinman Guys" he shrugged. "Without that we're just the guys. Harry will leave Ghostfacers."

"Listen if you don't he's going to leave anyway" Sam shook his head. "Secrets ruin relationships."

Robin caught that one, apparently so did Dean, giving the two of them the side eye. Sam wasn't just talking about Ed and Harry.

"I'll tell him when the time is right" Ed nodded.

"Time is right now cheif" Dean nodded.

"He's not here" he shook his head. "He's out working the case."

"Okay so fiction or not there is legit some one out there under the guise of Thinman killing people" Robin explained. "And you just left your best friend alone in the woods with that?"

"Well, actually, it's more like "wood," um, 'cause I dropped him off by some trees behind a grocery store" he shrugged. The three looked at him in disbelief. "Guys, come on. He's gonna be fine. Guys?"

Not another word was said. The three were already out the door in an attempt to keep Harry from being Thinman's next victim.

When they got to his location, they saw a dark figure run off into the trees. Sam and Ed stopped to check in Harry who was on the ground having sustained stab wounds.

Dean and Robin continued chasing the figure on foot. It jumped out at Robin and swung a blood covered blade at her. She dodged and was able to kick the knife from his hand. He continued to run and Dean shot out of the trees after it before Robin picked up the pursuit again. Thinman jumped into a dark sedan and drove away. Robin was about to continue her trek when Dean put a hand up to stop her. He pointed to the tire tracks left in the dirt. Robin nodded and produced her phone to take a picture of the treads .

The two hoofed it back to the others.

"You okay Harry" Robin asked?

"Might need to staple it back at the motel" he replied. "But I'm alright."

"We got some shots of the tire treads" Dean told Sam.

"Why" Harry asked?

"I dunno" Dean shrugged sarcastically. "Maybe because they belong to whoever knifed you?"

"Whoever knifed me is Thinman" he replied. "And Thinman doesn't drive jackass."

"Hate to tell you this" Robin snapped. "But I didn't lose visual on the guy. Only time he stopped was to swing at me. I assure you, he drives." She turned her attention to Ed, "we'll give you two a minute."

The three waited at the impala for the other two. Robin migrated up between the Winchesters, having no interest in sitting in the midst of the interaction between the two friends that continued into the car.

When they got back to the motel the conversation hadn't ended yet, it simply featured long pauses of Harry trying to wrap his head around the lies he'd been fed.

"Jesus, what's taking so long" Dean asked?

"Sometimes when trust is broken, it takes some time to hash out" Robin gave Dean a warning look. He didn't dare say more, knowing he was barely on this side of good with her and not there yet with his brother.

Sam and Robin made eye contact briefly before Sam decided he needed to go check how the two vloggers were doing.

"You are catching the parallel in this right" Robin asked Dean as her eyes scanned her laptop?

"Not lost on me" he replied casually.

"Good" she nodded. "Because it's not lost on him."

"Got that too" he replied.

"Or me" she added jotting down some info. "I got the make and model that tire belongs to" she announced.

"Great" Dean nodded. "I'll call the Deputy."

By the time they got intel from the Deputy Sheriff, Ed and Harry had already taken off. Not prepared to let them go off and do something stupid Robin hot wired a car and soon found their van. Back in the woods where Harry was attacked.

"What are you morons doing" she announced her presence.

She startled both of them. "Robin, you shouldn't sneak up on us" Ed told her.

"Why" she mocked? "Scared Harry's gonna shoot me. Seriously dude do you even know how to use that thing?"

"What" Harry defended. "Of course I do." He pulled the gun from his pants and pointed it up in the air but nothing happened.

"Yeah, safety is on idjit" she replied. "And uh y'don't fire a gun off next to a grocery store. Scares the soccer moms."

"What are you doing here" Harry asked her?

"Making sure you two don't get killed" she nodded. "Besides I need a ride. Mine is sorta hot."

"Hot" Ed asked her?

"Stolen" she nodded. "I grew up in a car salvage yard. I have hot wired more than one in my time. So we going?"

"Where" Harry asked?

"Guy who drove the car" she nodded. "Security guard at the mill. Guys are already there."

"Roger Winston" Ed asked?

"Yeah" she nodded.

"We spoke with him" Ed shook his head. "No chance that guy is involved."

"Why not" Robin asked?

"For starters early stages of Parkinsons" Ed replied. "He couldn't hold the blade steady. Not to mention completely computer illiterate."

"I thought you said that it was a sedan you saw" Harry added.

"It was" Robin nodded.

"Roger drives a pickup" Harry added.

Robin stopped and thought of the intel they'd gotten from the Deputy and soon pieced it together. "Son of a bitch, they're fish in a barrel" she hissed. "We need to move. Now."

They jumped into the ghostfacers van and took off for the mill.

When they got there, Robin's suspicions were confirmed when she spotted the police cruiser in the parking area, along with the sedan she'd seen speed away earlier that night.

She slowly started into the mill realizing the supernaturalists had gone in before her.

She heard Ed and Harry's voices before she heard the Deputy confirming her suspicion. Realizing they were nowhere near the Winchesters Robin teleported to Dean.

"Robin" Sam whispered.

She bent down behind Dean where he was cuffed to the chair on the floor and picked the lock on one of the cuffs.

"Norwood" Dean whispered.

"Yup, put that together" she replied freeing his right hand and handing him the pin before she headed for Sam.

"The busboy at the diner" Sam added.

"To be fair the Deputy wasn't pulling off the name" she shrugged, before moving to Sam's second hand.

When they were free the three stood back in the shadows, waiting.

When they returned, the busboy cried out, "no" discovering the Winchesters had been freed.

"Hey Thinman" Robin stepped out and revealed herself. "You owe me a dance."

He unsheathed his knife and lunged at Robin. She kicked it from his grasp and he elbowed her in the jaw. She swept his leg and he landed on the floor. She scrambled for the knife and he grabbed her ankle dragging her to him. Dean grabbed him by the hair and yanked him back. The two were locked in a hold with one another when Robin grabbed the knife and plunged it into Thinman's abdomen, dropping him to the ground.

There was suddenly a shot that rang out through the building, catching their attention. Sam was laying on the floor infront of the Deputy who dropped lifeless to the floor.

Harry stood with his gun still smoking having saved Sam from Norwood.

"Glad I mentioned the safety" she nodded.

They set the scene that would reveal the truth about Thinman, but make it look like two psychos killed each other.

They stayed in the parking lot while Ed and Harry hashed it out.

"So much worse when it's not a monster" Robin shook her head. "Monsters, there's a reason, it can be explained. When they're human..." she trailed off.

"It's all kinds of fucked up" Dean completed her sentence.

"Yeah" she nodded.

The conversation between Ed and Harry came to a heated end when Harry stormed towards them. "Can I get a ride with you guys" he sighed?

"Yeah" Dean nodded. "Sure."

After a long and awkward silence Robin looked over at Harry, "you okay?"

"Yeah. I mean, no" he huffed. "You roll with a guy so many years, you start to think he's always gonna be next to you. Like, when you're old and you're drinking on the porch, he'll be in that other rocking chair. And then something happens, and you realize that other chair has gone empty."

Robin looked between the Winchesters who were both resisting the urge to look at the other. "Sadly, I know exactly what you're talking about" she sighed.

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