Season 10 Episode 18: Book of the Damned Pt 1

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Robin had just finished with a heavy bag in the gym of the bunker. She was unwrapping her hands and still sweaty when she sat down in the chair at the library table. She grabbed her water bottle and took a drink while Sam eyed her.

"What" she asked in a huff?

"You gonna shower" he asked her?

"No, I'm planning to live in my own filth" she snapped at him. "Yes, in a minute. I need water first. Jesus."

"So, I've been checking through everything again" Sam tried to move on from her snapping at him. "Double-checking and triple-checking, and--."

"The Mark is a curse" Dean piped up as he walked in the room.

"Yeah, tell me about it" Sam scoffed.

"No, Sam, it's a... it's an actual curse" Dean clarified.

"What are you talking about," Sam asked?

"Crowley told us" he looked at Robin to continue. "Or rather, Rowena told him after she tried and failed to kill me."

"What the hell happened" Sam asked?

"Rowena had him cornered at a bar the other day" Robin put her cover in place. Dean still didn't know when she showed up that she was with Sam and Cas summoning Bobby. "She made sure I saw through our bind. Which by the way I handled."

"If she was worried she would hurt me, Robin didn't really need to show. I mean I'm glad she cut her off" he shrugged. "But the Mark protected me. Rowena doesn't really have a beef with me. She was pissed at Crowley because she thinks he's going soft."

"She's not wrong" Sam agreed.

"Yeah, well, after he and Mommy Dearest got into a fight" Dean continued.

Sam looked at Robin then back to Dean. "Mommy Dearest?"

"Rowena is Crowley's mother" Robin nodded.

"More about that later" Dean brushed off. "So, then he came and told me what she had said. The Mark is an actual curse. So, anyway, I'm sorry. I probably should've told you that."

The words rang in Robin's head. There had been a lot of secrets as of late and she was exhausted from it.

Her phone started ringing and she quickly answered. "Charlie, what's goin on?"

"Uh, uh, I'm exhausted and....and I'm bleeding" she said nervously. "And I'm in a phone booth. A phone booth. I didn't know these things existed outside of Bill and Ted's--."

"Hang on Charlie, breathe" she told her putting her phone on speaker. "The guys are here too. Tell us what happened. Why are you bleeding?"

"I, uh – I got shot" she sighed. "Did you know dental floss works great on stitches? I only passed out twice, and I'm pretty sure my wound is now minty fresh."

"Charlie, you probably need to go to a hospital," Sam spoke up.

"No, no, I-I'm fine" she downplayed the injury. "I just got to get someplace safe. These guys are still after me."

"What guys" Sam asked? "Who?"

"Some southern fried d-bags" she replied. "They've been after me since I dug up "The Book of the Damned.""

"You found it" Sam gasped? "Where?"

"After some near misses and some broken into museums, I found historical documents that led to a monastery in Spain" she explained. "It burned down years ago, left for dead, but, uh, I had this hunch about it. Turned out I was right."

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