Season 3 Episode 6: Red Sky At Morning

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"Robin, Robin, wake up" Dean's voice boomed.

She sat up straight in the back of the impala, "what"?

"Did you know" Dean demanded? "There is a bullet missing from the colt".

"I slept through gunfire" she asked?

"No genius" Dean snapped, "Sammy here took the colt and went after the crossroad demon".

"You did" Robin asked? "Dumbass".

"Thank you" Dean agreed.

"No you're both dumbasses making deals in the first place" Robin snapped back, "did it work" she asked Sam?

"No" he replied, "the deal went to her boss".

"Oh" Robin nodded, "to the king of the crossroads"?

"Is that a thing" Dean asked?

"There is lore" Robin nodded, "the king of the crossroads is the ultimate at wheeling and dealing. Typically sends minions, unless it's a big-ticket individual. He's also supposed to be ruthless, a deal goes sideways and there is a special circle of hell for the demon who orchestrated it".

"You know an awful lot about this guy" Sam replied.

"I'm not out risking my mortal soul" Robin nodded, "but you aren't the only one looking for a way to save Dean". She looked out the window, but saw Dean look back in the rearview mirror at her. She was still mad at him, but the reason she was mad was because she cared about the dumbass.

She'd gotten the call from the boys when they were in Minnesota. They had heard about mysterious land drownings in Massachusetts. Anytime they were brainstorming, and a witch was in the equation, they contacted her now. Drownings were not really a witch's MO, but it wasn't out of the question either.

The boys had gone to question the elderly aunt of the latest victim, as Robin had gone to the library to research. The plan was to meet back at the dock where they'd parked the car. She went back, the car was not there, the boys were but so was Bella.

"Aw shit" she groaned.

"Robin" Bella smiled, "always a pleasure".

"Well that makes one of us" Robin snapped back.

"Come come" Bella smiled, "is that any way to greet an old friend"?

"You mean the con who was dumb enough to choose a Singer as a target" Robin asked?

"Well" Bella shrugged, "We did have some laughs. Until I slept with that boy you liked".

"To be fair, he had the clap" Robin replied, "you should probably get checked".



Turning her attention back to the boys, "Thanks for telling Gert the case isn't closed".

"It isn't" Sam snapped.

"She's stopped payment until I show her results. Just stay out of my way". With this Bella walked away.

"Can I shoot her" Dean asked?

"Not in public" Sam replied.

"Where is the car" Robin asked?

"She towed it" Dean snapped.

"Down boy" she replied. "I got this".

Robin grabbed her phone. "Dad, closest tow lot to my location" she paused for the answer, "thank you" she paused again, "that would be great thanks". She hung up, "three blocks away" she told the boys, "Let's go".

"Just like that" Dean asked as they got to the lot. "They'll just give it back"?

"We own a salvage yard" Robin replied, "this is a situation where we're on the level". She took off her jacket and adjusted her chest in her tank top.

"On the level" Dean asked realizing what she was doing?

"On the level" she shrugged, "I'm trying to make the process move a little smoother".

There was no issue whatsoever when she was in the office. She quickly got the keys back, and soon drove the impala out of the lot.

"What happened" Dean asked as she tossed him the keys?

"Oh" Robin nodded, "he told me how pretty my blue eyes were".

"You have brown eyes" Sam grinned.

"So what did you two get" Robin asked from the backseat of the impala?

"Sam's gonna get lucky" Dean giggled.

"Sam is on a case" Robin replied, "and is a professional".

"No odd behaviors out of the victim" Sam told her, "aside from her seeing a ghost ship".

"Ah there's our common denominator" Robin smiled. "This happens every thirty-seven year or so. A string of land drownings where the victims have all seen a ship that just disappeared. Within hours, they die".

"So a ghost ship" Dean asked?

"Pretty much" Robin shrugged.

The group settled in for the night. By morning there was a new victim. They infiltrated his home, now a crime scene posing as FBI. When they spotted Bela posing as a reporter, they quickly shut it down, and started their own line of questioning. The man they were speaking with was the victim's brother, Peter. When he was able to give them a detailed description of the ship, it was soon revealed he wasn't describing his brother's description, he too had seen the ship.

Before they could continue to probe, Sam spotted Bela outside the crime scene, speaking to real officers and pointing in their direction. The trio made a quick and quiet exit.

That night they got ready to keep watch over the remaining brother, in hopes of saving him.

"See you got your car back" came a voice from out of the woods, Bela soon came into the light.

"You really want to sneak up on me with a loaded gun in my hand" Dean asked?

"Now now, mind your blood pressure".

She asked what they were up to and mocked them, claiming the remaining brother was doomed and there was no way to save him in time.

"Hey, Bela" Dean asked in a snarky tone "how'd you get like this, huh? What, did Daddy not give you enough hugs or something"?

"Dean" Robin snapped. She and Bela were not friends, she couldn't stand her. Once there was time they almost were, Bela had a good poker face, but when her dad was brought up, she had a tell. What the problem with her father was, Robin wasn't sure, but it was a subject Robin never approached.

"I don't know. Your daddy give you enough" Bela shot back? "Don't you dare look down your nose at me. You're not better than I am". She then looked at Robin, "Singer, I'm touched" she mocked.

"You're fucking welcome" Robin snarled. With this Bela left them to their mission.

As they sat outside of the brother's house, they did their research.

"Anything good" Dean asked?

"Nothing exciting on my end" Robin replied "typical trust fund kids".

"That inherited 112 million when their father died".

"Hey you" they heard coming from the gate of the house.

"We're made" Robin said calmly.

They got out of the car.

"You're not cops" he shouted at them, "Not dressed like that, not in that crappy car".

"Whoa" Dean replied, "let's not get nasty".

"Sir we're simply taking precautions" Robin explained.

"You stay away from me" he shouted and ran for his car. As his car started towards the gate, it stopped and died.

"That's not good" Dean murmured running back to the impala as Robin and Sam scaled the gate.

When they reached the car the man was convulsing and spitting up copious amounts of water. Meanwhile a spirit was sitting in the passenger seat glaring at them. Sam made his way to the driver side, trying to help the man. Robin tried for the spirit. The doors were locked, Robin tried kicking in the window, all she did was knock it off the track.

"ROBIN" Dean shouted behind her, "DOWN".

Robin hit the deck as Dean fired rock salt at the spirit, and it disappeared. Sam opened the door but it was too late, he was gone.

The next morning they were all at the house they were staying at when a knock came at the door, Bela.

"Are you actually squatting" she laughed, "charming".

"Sorry" Robin shrugged as she went to the kitchen, "maid's day off".

"So how'd it go last night" she asked?

"Fuck off Bela" Dean replied.

"Now now Dean" she replied, "I come baring gifts. I've ID'd the ship".

"Espirito Santo" Robin called from the kitchen.

"You know Robin you're quite clever" she grinned.

"When did you get this" Sam asked Robin?

"Like five minutes ago" she shrugged. "There was a man killed for treason, but that's as far as I got".

"Right" Bela said unzipping a portfolio, "allow me to fill in the blanks. He was thirty-seven".

"Which explains the 37-year cycle" Sam nodded.

"And they took his hand to make a hand of glory".

"Shit" Robin whispered.

"A hand of glory" Dean chuckled "I think I got one of those at the end of my Thai massage last week".

He got crickets

"Dean" Sam explained, "the right hand of a hanged man is a seriously powerful occult item".

"Which will make obtaining it that much harder" Robin added.

"And it counts as remains" Dean nodded to them.

"I know where it is" Bella explained, "It's at the Sea Pines Museum. But I need help".

Robin SingerWhere stories live. Discover now