A note from the Author

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So I decided to write this note as a stand alone instead of the annoying paragraph on the story, I think I'll limit those since they're getting a little lengthy. Might keep it to bonus post action, or smut warnings. SO, I had to play this season very close to the chest. I had 2 seasons that were pretty well mapped out since I was writing stories about a hook man. Those were season 7 and the half season that was 12. I knew Robin would hurt the Darkness storyline and would hurt she and Dean more than I was willing to do (if you haven't noticed guys I've gone easier on Dean than the show writers.)

That said, this is the point where there might be a bit more of a fork, more Robin centric. More her story as opposed to how she fit into and in some cases changed Winchester's. Bonus posts have been plentiful (season 12 was at least half bonus posts.) As such I want to have some archived work. I won't be bringing back the story until I hit about 60% done the season. So this could be my longest hiatus to date.

Shameless plugs, I do have another SPN fan fiction, and if you happen to be an SOA fan, I have one of those too. Actually the latter will be holding this story up too. My SOA one is also currently on a hiatus as I get ready for the second last season of that show. I plan to have that season at least half done before I start back into this one (fortunately SOA seasons are way shorter.)

I'm not giving a return date; all I can give is a promise to return. I honestly expected I would have given this story up by now, because it would eventually feel like a chore. Well any time it felt like that, I took a step back. This story has brought me joy, as have the readers. It has helped me work through things, and even grow as a person (yip, I'm that cheesy here.)

I'm not leaving the story. I'll probably piece together a couple more cutting room floor stories so I can still honor those milestones you take me to. I always wanted to do French Mistake, but legit, it got passed over because of how complicated it would have been (perhaps one day.)

So this is my notice, the story will return. When...remains to be seen. 

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