Season 7 Episode 18: Party On Garth Part 1

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*Some of Robin's stuff is starting to get more in depth, and as a result, my chapters seem to be getting to about 20 pages long each. I feel like 10 is a good number to go with. As a result, this episode, much like the last got broken into 2 parts. My other Fan Fiction, Jaded just concluded and I won't be posting it weekly anymore. As such I may start going back to two posts a week. I'll keep you posted. Also another 100 posts! Here's the bonus*

"Robin". Dean's voice woke her up with a jump. She was asleep in the back of the Pacer, their car flavor of the week, still staying off the Leviathan radar.

She woke with a gasp, Dean had spun around peering at her, his face read of concern and hurt. Meanwhile she noticed Sam examining her in the rearview mirror. When her frustrated gaze hit the mirror, he turned his eyes back to the road. She'd been dreaming again, the same one over and over.
She came home, and the salvage yard was on fire. Dick Roman would emerge from the flames carrying her father's head, and there would always be someone else she cared about being killed in some horrific way. This time it was Jody, most frequently it was Dean or Sam.

She sat up, placing her feet on the car floor. She leaned her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands, letting out a sigh. Dean's hand snaked around the seat and found her knee. He gave it a quick squeeze, "You, okay?" his protective growl was low, but she heard it.

"Yeah" she let out a long sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair and leaned back on the seat. She was at the point where you wake up and realize it's a dream, but that sting still sits in the pit of your stomach, and the shivers down your spine are just beginning to lessen. Dean's scrutinizing look didn't waiver, but she didn't dare meet it. She didn't know if it would make her stronger, or more vulnerable in that moment, and she wasn't prepared to test the theory.

"Maybe we should stop for the night" Sam suggested, his ever desire to be a comfort rising to the surface.

"I'll be fine", She grumbled, facing out the window as Dean's phone rang. "A quick stop for some fresh air should be enough".

"Garth" Dean asked? He didn't remember the wannabe hunter they had worked with in the Fall.

Robin's attention had been peaked, turning her attention to the front seat, she sat on the edge of her seat getting closer to Dean. "Put him on speaker" she ordered. Still unsure of who he was speaking to, Dean followed orders.

"Garth Fitzgerald the fourth", the voice rang out from the phone. "I helped you with that crossroads demon. You owe me one"?

"Garth hey" she piped up, looking straight ahead and furrowing her brow in focus. "it's Robin, what's going on"?

"I'm cashing in that chip bra" he replied.

"Yeah dude, let's not talk who owes who here, you'll be drowning in debt" she cocked an eyebrow, "What's going on Garth"?

"Working this Jenny Greentree case" he explained, "Local legend, vengeful spirit. I dug this chick up, torched and salted, like you taught me."

"And" Robin asked?

"The body count continues muchacho" he explained, "I needed some expert advice, but I didn't want to bother you Robin, so I went with my second choice."

"Thanks" Dean pursed his lips, offended.

"Where are you" Robin asked?

"Kansas" he told her. "Is the cavalry coming"?

Robin felt a personal responsibility to Garth. She felt she inherited it from Bobby when she passed, so she wasn't going to tell him no.

When the group got to Kansas the three of them assumed the position of FBI agents and headed to the coroner's office where they met up with Garth. He was in army camo for some reason. As the coroner began explaining what happened to the victim, Garth quickly took notice of the irritated look Robin was giving him and avoided eye contact with her.

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