Season 7 Episode 18: Party On Garth Part 2

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*I posted an extra because we hit a milestone. Meanwhile my other fan fic wrapped up this week  and tosay i would normally post. On that note, here's another Robin*

What's a Shojo" Dean asked?

"When did you learn to read Japanese" Sam asked?

"A couple years ago" Robin nodded. "As you may recall, I'm actually a genius. Call Jody. She's already looking at some of dad's lore. Tell her to get us the details on a Shojo."

They drove back to the motel and started their research.

"Shojo" Robin called out reading the text Jody had found for her. "Alcohol ghost. Explains why you need to be tipsy to see the sucker. Likes to hang out where alcohol is plentiful. You get your hands on the right spell box, you can leash em and make them your own personal attack dog."

"But why go after the kids" Dean asked?

"The widow said the brewery was Dale's baby" Sam nodded.

"So, it goes after the partners kids" Robin agreed. "To gank him, you need a samurai sword consecrated with a Shinto blessing."

"Well, I mean this thing has already taken out most of the kids. Only one left to watch over" Dean nodded taking a swig from his flask.

Garth came over with his emf reader and it started pinging again.

"Did you break it already" Robin asked?

"I don't think I did Robin" Garth sighed, "I think Bobby is haunting you guys".

"Oh, my fucking god" Robin shouted.

"Garth" Dean shouted, "Leave it alone."

"It's okay guys" Sam nodded. "I thought the same, but I used a talking board, and I got nothing."

"You did what" Robin snapped at him?

"Robin, I didn't want to bring you into it until I had something" Sam explained, "And when I got nothing, I put it to bed."

Robin clenched her jaw and glared at the younger Winchester. "Fine. Great let's fucking drop it" she snarled.

"Okay" Dean nodded. "We'll talk about this later. Sam, you tail the last kid. I'm gonna go get us our sword. Robin, you keep everything under control back here and see if you can find out any more about this thing."

"Right" Robin grumbled. She was still fuming but sat down behind the computer, not saying another word until well after the Winchesters left.

Randy Baxter was starting to wake up. Garth paced back and forth in front of him, thinking hard. Finally, he walked over to him and removed the flower sack from his head.

"I'm trying to help you, Mr. Baxter" Garth nodded calmly. Robin stopped what she was doing to watch the exchange and prepared to be back up if Garth needed it.

"And who the hell are you" Randy spat?

"Now, I'm confused" Garth furrowed his brow. "Dale goes to get you all where it hurts – the kids. Only, you don't have any kids."

"It still affects me. Believe me" he snarled.

"Tell me this" Garth nodded. "When was the last time you gave an employee three chances?"

"Probably never" he shrugged

"Exactly" Garth's eyes narrowed "You're the axman, right? Tough job, but, hey, somebody's got to. So, how come you cut that slacker janitor so many breaks?"

"I-I-I-I don't know" Randy stammered.

"Where are we going with this Garth" Robin asked?

"Come to find his mother, the janitor... was Randy's secretary way back in the day" Garth explained. "Of course, you were married to Mrs. B., so, uh... No way there's anything naughty there, right? It don't matter what Dale knows about you, 'cause that thing out there killing the kids – it knows!"

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