Season 7 Episode 23: Survival of The Fittest

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*Author's note. With the Holidays coming, I'm taking a break from posting. This doesn't mean I am taking a break frowm writing. I want to get back to the point where I have a few chapters waiting to be posted. I would also like to get back to my Walking Dead fan fiction and work on my original novel I have started. Robin and the Winchesters will return Jan 2nd. Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season*

"What do you mean a black mark on her soul" Dean barked?

Robin had just finished using a spell that came from a book she'd yet to research. She'd met a red-haired woman a while back that claimed she could sense she was a witch. The two got to talking and it turned out the woman was too. She'd given her a book of spells she had used when she was younger, and while Robin had skimmed it, she hadn't looked at it in too much depth. Sam was quick to realize when Robin used a spell from it, it was a black magic spell book.

"She told me it was a beginner book" Robin shook her head, stunned and ashamed she'd been so stupid. "She told me that it was starter stuff, but powerful."

"Who told you that" Dean asked?

"Another witch I met" Robin shook her head. "She seemed on the level."

"So back to what I asked before" Dean barked. "What do we mean, black mark on her soul?"

"When a witch uses black magic, it leaves a mark" Sam nodded. "The more they use it, the more it consumes the soul until all they have left is a dark soul and they're damned to Hell. There's a reason most witches go to Hell."

"I-I've never done it before" Robin shook her head still in shock. "I didn't know" she gasped as her stomach turned.

Dean hushed her and held her close to him. "It's alright babe" he rocked her. "Just the one time. You're okay."

Robin composed herself. "Okay" she nodded. "What's done is done. Now we need to move on this weapon. We have two of the three bloods. We need to get the bone and we can call it a day. Needs to belong to someone as pure as the Leviathan are evil."

"I was thinking about what you said before" Dean nodded. "About a nun. I mean that could work right? We get a really pure nun, dig her up and sharpen her bones."

"It could work" Sam nodded. "As good of a plan as any. Let me do some research, see what I can dig up."

Sam made quick work of finding a mausoleum for a convent and learning all he could about the occupants. As the boys were about to head for the burial grounds, Robin decided to stay behind. She'd taken a lot out of herself performing the astral projection and needed to rest.

She could hear it. She knew that sound. The sound of blades through skin, and a quick whimper. She opened her eyes. She knew this bedroom, it was hers, but it wasn't at the salvage yard. She heard it again and again, the slashing. She placed her feet on the cold floor and straightened her night gown before she grabbed her teddy and opened her bedroom door. The sounds got louder as she walked out to the living room. When she turned the corner, she saw it. Mommy. There was a bad lady, she was holding Mommy up against the wall, hurting her. She walked quietly down the hall and found the big gun that Mommy had hidden. Why couldn't she carry it, or even hold it right? She had no choice, she had to try. She fired the gun and missed. Mommy begged for her, to save her. Robin remembered this; it hadn't been so vivid in a very long time. The next part was when the witch took her upon the wall and started to torture her. Little Robin closed her eyes and braced herself, but instead she heard a thud. She looked over and Mommy was dead on the floor. The witch came over to her and bent down to her level before smiling at her, "Hello, my child."

Robin sprang up in bed with a gasp, desperately trying to catch her breath. What the hell was that?! That had never happened in the dream before. It had always played out as the night had. The witch didn't smile at her, she taunted her.

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