Season 5 Episode 18: Point Of No Return

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"FUCK THAT" Robin shouted at Dean.

"Specks" Dean pleaded.

"No Dean" she snapped. "I've reached my quota for people I care about dying for the year, pick another one".

"I'm not killing myself" he defended.

"You're trying to tell us this isn't a suicide mission" Sam snapped? "Dean, you can't say yes to Michael"

"Dad is working on something" Robin pleaded with him.

"You have nothing Robin" Dean snapped.

"Go get him" Robin ordered Sam. Sam ducked out of the room, doing as he was told. She looked at Dean after Sam left. Robin positioned herself between Dean and the door. "You're not going".

"You're going to stop me" he asked her?

"If I have to kick your ass to save your life, I'll do it" she nodded.

He started towards the door, and she stepped to him. He stopped for a second, but started towards the door again, she rushed him at the waist pinning him to the wall before standing up and putting her arm across his neck. He grabbed her wrist, spun her around and put her in an arm lock.

"I won't hurt you" he said in her ear.

"That sucks" she replied throwing her head back and nailing him in the face, forcing him to release his hold, "because I'm willing to break your legs if it means saving you".

Robin grabbed her hand cuffs from her back pocket.

"Getting kinky Specks" Dean asked her?

"Hasn't it already" she asked as she lunged again, but this time trying to cuff him.

He spun her around, so her back was flush with his torso. He laced his arms under hers, holding hers locked above her head.

She stomped his instep before flipping him over her back and pinning him on the floor. She used her bodyweight to hold him in place while she attempted to cuff him again.

He broke free, flipping her onto her back and using his bodyweight, which was substantially more to pin her down. He grabbed the cuffs from her and got one on her wrist.

Just then Sam and Castiel walked in the room.

"We interrupting something" Sam asked?

"Yeah" Dean chuckled to Sam, "give us another fifteen would ya"?

Robin took the distraction as an opportunity to slap the other cuff on him. "You wouldn't last another five" she growled at him.

"You know I can pick these" Dean nodded to her, still on top of her on the floor.

"I mean you could try" she shrugged, "But Castiel and I did a little number on them. You can't get out without the keys".

"So round two is me finding the keys on you" he winked at her.

She felt the wink between her legs but refused to act on it. Instead, she let out a huff, throwing him off of her and sitting up.

"I'm not the one with the key genius" she snapped. "And you barely got through the first round".

The group piled into the impala, Sam driving, while Robin dragged Dean into the backseat and Castiel took the passenger seat.

As they drove in silence, Robin stared ahead at the road. Dean leaned over to her ear, "not bad Specks".

"What" she shrugged, "the fight or me outsmarting you"?

"Both" he shrugged.

"Well the outsmarting you part, you should be used to by now" she barbed.

"You knew I wouldn't hurt you" he told her. "That's why you cuffed me to you".

"You showed your hand when you were only using defensive moves" she told him, her eyes never leaving the road.

"I showed my hand way before that" he replied.

She gulped. She was feeling it, they were coming back. Her feelings for Dean. She'd been subduing them for a while, they were getting harder to deny. But deny she would. Jo wasn't even cold in the ground yet, but Jo wasn't even the main factor anymore, it was her secret. Robin wasn't sure who hated witches more, her mom or Dean. Either way, she couldn't do this.

When they pulled into the salvage yard Bobby was waiting for them at the door. He spotted Robin and Dean cuffed together and raised an eyebrow.

"Whatcha got old man" she asked him as she and Dean started up the steps?

"Why bother" he shrugged, "I ask the obvious question, you come up with a dirty response and make everyone uncomfortable".

She nodded, "the man knows me".

Robin sat at her laptop with Sam sitting on the other side of the table doing the same. Bobby was flipping through books while Castiel looked for the key to release Robin and Dean.

"No this is good" Dean snarked, "eight months of flipped pages and screwed pooches, but tonight? Tonight is when the magic happens".

"If you don't plan to help, then shut it" Robin snapped.

"I was about to help" Dean snapped back, "then you tackled me".

"What the hell happened to you" Bobby asked?

Castiel approached with the key and uncuffed Robin.

"Reality happened" Dean barked, "Michael can ice the devil, save a boatload of people".

"But not all of them" Bobby barked back.

"Easy for you to say" Dean snarled rubbing his released wrist. "Lucifer burns this mother down, it's on me".

"You can't give up son" Bobby pleaded.

"You're not my father" Dean shook his head, "you ain't in my shoes".

Bobby went to his desk and pulled out a bullet, placing it on the desk. "That's the bullet I mean to put through my skull" Bobby shouted. "Every day I wonder if today is the day I flip the lights out. But I don't, because I promised you I wouldn't".

Robin clenched her jaw, though it quivered as she felt the tears wanting to come. Dean looked at her, and she stared straight at her computer screen.

Suddenly Castiel gasped and bent over holding his head.

"Cas" Robin shouted, jumping to her feet and over to the side of the angel.

"Something is happening" he grimaced. He disappeared without a trace.

They stood in shock for a moment. Robin ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, "I need a fucking beer" she murmured before heading for the kitchen.

Cas wasn't gone long when he returned, placing a body on Bobby's cot in the library.

"Who is it" Bobby asked?

"That's our brother" Sam gasped.

About a year ago, Sam and Dean discovered they had a half-brother named Adam. They went on a hunt to help him when he called, only problem was Adam was very much dead when the call came in. It turned out it was a couple of ghouls who were out to get revenge on John for killing most of their family. But now, here Adam laid, very much alive.

"Cas what the hell" Dean demanded?

"Angels" Castiel replied, "we need to hide him, now". Castiel placed a hand on his chest and warded his rib cage.

The pain instantly woke Adam up. He sat up, "where am I" he asked?

"Just relax" Sam nodded, "you're safe".

"Who the hell are you" he asked?

"You're gonna find this crazy" Dean said calmly, "we're actually your brothers".

"John Winchester was our father too" Sam nodded, "I'm Sam-".

"And I'm sure that's Dean" Adam snapped, cutting Sam off. "I know who you are. They warned me about you".

"Who did" Dean snapped back?

"The angels" Adam nodded before snarling, "where is Zachariah"?

"Okay" Robin piped up. "Dude, no one wants to hurt you. Now you look like hell. I'll get you some stuff, you can clean up, chill out a little. We can all talk".

He looked Robin up and down, "please tell me you're not my sister".

"No" she shook her head, a little taken back. "I'm Robin, family friend. You want to follow me"?

Adam got to his feet and did as he was told. When they were upstairs Robin grabbed him towels and led him into the washroom.

"I just got back from Hell you know" he told her. "Might be a little shaky in the shower all alone".

"There are support bars installed" she nodded with a grin, "wheels down there is my dad, this is our house. If I hear a thud, I'll send one of your brothers".

"If you're closer would you come" he smiled?

"There it is" she grinned, "all three Winchester boys have officially tried to get in my pants".

"Have any of us succeeded" he asked?

"Not yet" she winked before heading down the hall.

She soon realized Dean had been out in the hall, listening. "He works fast" he snarled.

"He is YOUR brother" Robin nodded.

"You're not gonna-" Dean started to ask?

Robin turned around and said stone faced, "Yes Dean, I am going to fuck your little brother until he goes cross-eyed". Dean looked at her hurt for a second. She rolled her eyes, "No. I don't need that kind of drama".

"You sure" Dean asked her?

"What's it to you Dean" Robin shook her head, "we both know I'm not your type".

"I didn't think I had a type" Dean challenged her.

"You do" she nodded, "and they're easier to obtain".

She didn't say another word and headed back downstairs. The group waited silently for Adam's return.

When he walked in, he winked at Robin before sitting back down on the cot.

"So why don't you just tell us everything" Dean asked?

"I was dead" he started, "in heaven, but I was at my prom, making out with this girl Kristin-".

"Oh yeah sounds like heaven" Dean smiled, "did ya get to third base"?

"Ignore him" Robin snapped, "his heaven would require forty naked virgins".

"Just uh" Sam nodded, "keep going".

"Then these angels pop in out of nowhere" he nodded, "tell me I'm chosen".

"For what" Sam asked?

"To save the world" he nodded.

Robin exchanged looks with the eldest Winchesters.

"How you gonna do that" Dean asked?

"Me and some Arch angel are going to kill the devil".

"Not Michael" Robin asked?

"Yeah" Adam grinned at her, expecting her to be impressed, "I'm his sword".

"Traded you in for the younger model" Robin looked at Dean.

"That's insane" Dean replied.

"No, Robin is right" Castiel nodded. "He's John Winchester's bloodline, he's Sam's brother. It's not perfect, but it could work".

"Getting desperate" Robin nodded.

"Well, they seem to wrongly overestimate Dean's resolve" Cas said getting a jab in at Dean.

"Know what Cas, blow me" Dean snapped.

"He's right Dean" Robin snapped at him. "We all have your back and you're ready to throw in the towel. Lemme tell ya, I respected you more when you told em where to cram it".

Dean froze and looked at her, "did you say you respected me for it"?

"Yeah" she shrugged, "and"?

"Nothing" he shook his head, "just made me think of a chat we had before".

What the hell was he talking about? "Sure Dean" she nodded, "you wanna focus here"?

"You know this has been a touching family reunion, but I got a thing". he looked at Robin "Unless you wanna make me stay".

"Hey" Dean snapped!

"Sit down" Sam snapped, "the angels are lying to you".

"Yeah" Adam replied, "I don't think so".

"Why" Sam asked?

"Because their angels" Adam snapped?

"Yeah" Robin nodded, "they're not what you think".

"They tell you they plan to roast the planet" Sam asked?

"They said things will get hairy" Adam shrugged, "but I mean it's the devil".

"There's another way" Sam pressed. "Look, I know you don't know me from a hole in the wall. But please trust me".

"Give me one good reason" Adam snapped.

"We're blood" Sam snapped.

"You have no right to say that to me" Adam snarled, "John Winchester was your dad, he was a guy who took me to a baseball game once a year".

"Okay" Sam nodded, "If you have a single good memory, please, just give us some time".

Robin left the room leaving the brothers to hash it out.

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