Season 10 Episode 3: Soul Survivor Part 2

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*A friend of mine was dying for me to post this new chapter and discovered you can heart the posts. she brought us to a here we are lol. Nice Work Amber*

October 21st 2014 5:00pm

Subject seems to be becoming more mobile, without his temper reducing. While this procedure has never been performed on a knight of hell, extra precautions are being put in place.

"Been an hour already" Dean looked at her calmly?

"Yeah" she whispered.

"Specks" he sighed.

"You don't call me that " she hissed. "Not yet."

"Sammy been talkin to you like that a lot since I've been gone" he asked, forcing something resembling concern in his voice?

She didn't say a word, just readied the next syringe. Her hands were shaking, this was harder than expected.

"You know this is hurting me" he told her. "You get me out of here, we can leave, together. Never see Sammy again."

"Until he hunts us down" she flicked the needle.

"Then he has a choice to make" Dean told her. "He can't take both of us. Not a damn chance."

She put the syringe in his arm and pushed the plunger down. He made a small groan.

She took the needle back to the table and placed it down.

"One way or another I'm getting out of here Specks" he explained. "You have a choice to make."

She turned to face him, stiff and clenching her fists. The two stared each other down. She fearlessly walked into the devil's trap. She grabbed the hair on the back of his head and slid her legs over his thighs. She stared down at him smirking up at her, licking his lips. Finally she dove her mouth to his and shoved her tongue in with force. He moaned into her mouth. He thrust his crotch up to make contact and pulled his arms against his restraints. She was just barely out of his reach.

She pulled back and looked down at him, lips swollen and eyes lidded.

"Good choice" he sneered.

She looked at his lips and was slowly leaning down to kiss him again, when a chain was placed around her neck. She was dragged off Dean's lap and across the floor. Sam stopped dragging her just outside the devil's trap and glared down at her. "I warned you" he growled. He then proceeded to drag Robin out of the room, and she choked and struggled against the chains.

October 21st, 2014, 6:00 pm

Subject has freed himself from his shackles

"Come on, Sammy" Dean bellowed through the hallway! "Don't you want to hang out with your big brother? Spend a little quality time?"

Robin took a labored breath. This was it, moment of truth.

The power in the bunker went down and the red emergency lights came on. The door to her room started to close. "Adiuvaret" she cried out, a stone sliding across the room and acting as a door stop against the security system. She then groaned in pain and wriggled in her chains. She was on her bed chained to the headboard while Sam had planned to continue to administer more blood.

However it would seem her suspicions had been confirmed. They were indeed making Dean more and more human. The problem was Enochian cuffs are just cuffs on a human. Meanwhile, Dean still possessed demonic strength. He was able to break through the chains and was now walking free around the bunker, out for some unpurified blood now.

"Smart, Sam! Locking the place down. Doors won't open. I get it" he called out. His voice was getting closer to her. "But here's the thing I don't want to leave! Not 'til I find you!"

She heard the footsteps stop outside her door. She took a deep breath as it slowly opened. Her chest was rising and falling with fear. This could be it. "So this is where you kill me" she nodded to him. "Right?"

He slowly walked over with a hard to read smirk on his face. He jumped on the bed and crawled over her. "So you forget what I said about you being chained up."

His eyes went black, and he dove his mouth down to meet hers. He bit down on her lip, drawing blood. He dropped all of his body weight down on top of her constricting her breathing. His hands found her sides and his nails dug into her soft flesh.

"Dean" she gasped for air. "You're hurting me."

He got up on his forearms and glared down at her. "Come on Robin" he mocked her. "You and I both know you've taken harder hits than that."

She took a deep breath then wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him down against her.

"That's more like it" he growled. He grabbed her jaw and tilted her head up with intensity.

He dragged his teeth down her sensitive skin and sucked hard. She let out a gentle moan and he chuckled. "That's right whore, let me hear it."

"Hey" she snapped. She knew her eyes were glowing, and she winced against the chains. "Rough I can do. But you will NOT disrespect me. I don't give a shit you're a demon, you do not call me that."

He was amused by her defiance. Even completely at his mercy, she was fearless. "I can do that" he growled. His hands reached for the collar of her tank top and ripped it open. He bit at the top of her breast.

Fuck! She should have hated this. She hated herself because she loved it. She had been dying for his touch and this was some different level.

"I want to touch you" she whimpered.

"I'm only getting started baby" he growled.

Dean was grabbed from behind and yanked off of Robin.

Sam grabbed Robin from the bed and got her out of range from Dean.

Cas was holding Dean from behind pinning his arms down. It was angel versus demon. Somewhere along the way it seemed like Castiel had been recharged. His eyes were glowing blue, Deans were black as he screamed in anger.

"It's over Dean" Castiel growled. Dean struggled one last time against him, raging out. "It's over."

Castiel took Dean back to the dungeon Sam followed behind him but stopped in the doorway. "Robin" her head shot in his direction. "Are you okay?"

"Gimme a minute" her voice trembled.

Sam gave her a sympathetic nod and headed after Castiel and Dean.

Robin closed the door and leaned her back against it. She then let the tears fall. She wasn't sure specifically what one thing she was crying about, but she needed this.

When she'd had her moment she headed for the bathroom and quickly washed her face. She changed her tank top and slowly headed back for the dungeon.

She walked in, and Sam and Cas went silent. She nodded at them and looked over at Dean. He was now tied to the chair, not cuffed. His head was hanging.

"Last dose knocked him out" Sam explained.

Robin nodded, her eyes never coming off of Dean.

He groaned and opened his black eyes looking at them. His eyes changed from black to green. He looked at them quizzical, "you guys look worried."

Sam and Robin looked at each other with a similar confused look. Sam grabbed the holy water and splashed it on Dean, no sizzle.

"Welcome back Dean" Sam smiled.

Dean's confusion only deepened, but just for a moment. The expression on his face faded to horrified as he started to remember what had transpired.

October 21st, 2014, 8:00 pm

Subject no longer reacts to holy water nor does he exhibit demonic tendency. Subject is claiming to be hungry and has been resting.

"How's he doing" Castiel asked as Sam came into the war room?

Robin had been nursing a beer for a while, sitting in silence. The day had been a drain on all of them, most of all Dean. She wasn't ready to go in that room yet.

"He's uh ... He's still a little out of it, but better, I think" he nodded. "I mean, I think this whole thing—the blood cure, and the ... all of it—really wrecked him, you know? On the plus side, he's hungry again, so I'm just going to go pick him up a big ol' bag of crap food and stuff it in his face myself. You mind keeping an eye?" Sam looked over at Robin. "Maybe on her too?"

"Yeah" Castiel nodded. "Sam? You realize one problem is solved, but one still remains. Dean is no longer a demon, that's true. But the Mark of Cain... that, he still has. And sooner or later, that's going to be an issue."

Sam scoffed with a smile and shook his head. "You know what, Cas? I'm beat, man. One battle at a time, you know? So I'm just gonna go grab my brother some cholesterol. And then, I'm gonna get drunk."

"Then get more beer" Robin replied. "We're out. And Dean likes the burger place on main. Tell them it's for Dean. They'll know that means --."

"Extra onions for him, extra pickles for you" Sam called over his shoulder as he headed up the stairs.

"I'm going to check on him" Castiel offered. "You want to come with me?"

"I uh" she stammered. "I'm not quite sure how to do that right now Cas."

"Dean loves you Robin" Castiel told her.

"I know" she admitted. "But there is a lot to unpack there Cas. I'm not even sure he can face me yet. But you go. Make sure he's okay."

"Alright" he nodded. Leaving the room.

She knew it was coming back to him now. All of it. What one were they going to have to work through first. She wasn't even sure where to begin. But something was tugging at her. Making her curious, calling her to that room. She sighed and started down the hall, hearing their conversation echo towards her.

"I tried to kill him, Cas."

"Dean. You two have been through so much. Look, you're brothers" Cas attempted to reason. "It'd take a lot more than trying to kill Sam with a hammer to make him want to walk away."

"You realize how screwed up our lives are that that even makes sense" Dean replied? "And Robin. Oh my God Robin. How can I ever talk to her again."

"Robin loves you Dean" He told him.

"I know" Dean replied. "That makes it so much worse. I don't know how she could ever forgive me. If she could get past the cheating, I hit her Cas. I mean I-I beat her."

Robin stepped into the doorway. "Not a fair fight" she announced her presence to them. "I want a rematch."

They both looked at Robin and Dean promptly looked away, hanging his head in shame.

Cas gave her a nod. "I'll leave you two alone."

"Thanks Cas" she nodded.

She slowly walked in the room and sat down on the bed beside him.

They sat in silence until Dean glanced over at her arms. "No burns" he pointed out.

"They were stainless steel" she admitted with a shrug. "I had some arts and crafts time in the workshop. The wincing and shit, that was just my sell."

"How can you even look at me?"

"Well" she shrugged. "Have you seen you?"

"I'm serious Robin" he shook his head.

"I'm not gonna lie" she nodded. "Right hook shocked the shit out of me. But I've had demons do worse. The blonde, yeah I still want to claw her eyes out."

He couldn't look at her. "And me?"

"It hurt Dean" she admitted. "Like a lot. But I knew I couldn't give up trying to get you back. And when I realized that, I realized what I wanted most was to work through this, with you."

Finally he made tear filled eye contact with her.

"I just, I can't not be with you Dean" she shrugged. "I know how fucked up that is. But I realized if we were always just working on making us better. It's gonna be work, but I don't want the easy way out. I want you."

"Of all the shit I have been handed in this life" his voice shook. "It's hard to think anything could ever make up for that. But you do" he nodded.

She took his hand and held it before putting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

October 21st, 2014, 9:00pm

Ritual successful. 

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