Season 6 Episode 22: The Man Who Knew Too Much

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*Play yourself Carry on Wayward Son, give yourself a quick recap, because it's finale time. *

"I don't like this dad" Robin said as the Singers and the Winchesters were headed down a back alley.

"This is where she wanted me to meet her" Bobby shrugged.

"El wanted to meet in a back alley" Robin scoffed, "I mean, I don't know if it's a kink with you or something, but she knows the rest of us are coming".

"Robin" he snapped as he got out his phone. "I'll try her again". A ring tone sounded down the alley to the right.

Robin readied her gun and ran to where the sound was coming from. She passed a dumpster and found Eleanor strewn across some discarded pallets. "El" she shouted, getting to her knees beside her. Bobby joined her not even a second later.

"I guess I could have used your help" Eleanor struggled to get out.

"Stay still" Bobby nodded. "What happened"?

"They got me" she sighed, opening her jacket to reveal a wound in her stomach. Robin instantly applied pressure. Eleanor put a hand on her face gently looking at her lovingly. "I think that ship has sailed sweetheart". Robin's vision blurred at her words as her eyes filled with tears.

"Aw El" Bobby's voice buckled, "what did they do to you"?

While Robin, Sam and Dean were out saving Ben and Lisa, Bobby had been on the HP Lovecraft trail. Not only had he cracked the door to Purgatory, It turned out something came through the door back in the 30's, the something was El. What she was, wasn't confirmed, but she'd been there for decades and didn't hurt anyone.

"Everything" she sighed. "The demon I could have handled, but when the angel stepped in. I told them Bobby. They have everything they need to crack the door to Purgatory wide open".

"Tell me" Bobby told her, "I need to know".

"They need virgin blood" she explained, "and the blood from a Purgatory native, and they tapped me".

"Did they open it" Dean asked from behind the Singers?

"Tomorrow" she explained, "the eclipse. I'm sorry Bobby".

"It's okay" Bobby nodded, "just tell us where they are".

Eleanor's head fell to the side, she was gone.

"El" Robin cried out?! "El" her lip quivered?

Bobby put a hand on his daughter's back, "she's gone baby" he whispered.

"I'm sorry it came to this" Castiel's voice came from behind them. "Crowley got carried away".

"I bet it was all Crowley, you son of a bitch" Bobby spat as he ran for Castiel, with the boys restraining him.

With no one to stop her, Robin pulled the angel blade from her boot and lunged at Castiel. He grabbed her wrist and squeezed. She screamed and dropped the blade. He used his other hand to grab her by the throat and pin her to the wall. "Robin, a word" he said before snapping his fingers. He teleported them back to the salvage yard outside of the house.

"Do you remember when you prayed to me" he asked her? "Out of pure desperation, you begged for help".

"I remember you had already chosen your vessel for Michael" she replied. "My timing was really good".

"Or when I healed you" he snapped at her as he got so close his chest nearly touched hers, though she didn't stand down, "was that timing too"?

"No" she snapped, "I always thought it was an attempt at friendship".

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