Season 11

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*25,000 views. Thanks to those who have stuck it out with Robin through all these seasons and also to those who are currently consuming the story, I see you blowing up my notifications. Never stop!  I am still on hiatus, and I have a rough draft of the first episode. I fo have 2 more of these blips if we hit 30 and 35. These are short, but just a little thank you for the support. *

And suddenly, there she was. The woman he'd longed for, searched for, for months. She was fading into sight, in a green dress, a dress he remembered her wearing vividly when she attended an art function on a case. The image of her from that night would always be imprinted in his mind. She gave him passing glances that night, but now? Now she strode closer to him, her soft ebony curls framing the smile on her face. Her eyes were filled with his every dream, every fantasy and her skin was calling to him, begging him to touch her. He knew this was the witch, and this wasn't real. Yet he didn't care. If this witch gave him a stolen moment with her, he'd take it. A fleeting second with her, was worth his life. She reached out a hand and neared him but stopped short.

Her attention turned to her right where Amara had appeared and approached him the same way Robin had. The dreams and fantasies in her eyes were replaced instead by confusion and hurt. Robin backed away.

"Specks" he called to her. She scowled at him and shook her head. "Baby, please" she started to fade. "Wait" he pleaded as she disappeared, a tear running down her cheek.

Amara had reached him and placed her hand on his chest. Before he could realize this was the witch about to rip his heart out, she disappeared. Sammy had done it; he'd killed the witch.

The encounter left him reeling. Dean couldn't speak a word. He was shaken as he left the building and met up with his brother. He mindlessly handed him the keys to the impala, knowing he couldn't drive her, not now.

He knew Sam watched him from the driver seat as they made their way back to the bunker. When they arrived, Dean made his way to a fresh bottle of whiskey he planned to blackout at the bottom of. He had chugged about a quarter of the bottle when Sam caught up with him in the library.

"She got to you" he asked?

"Yeah" Dean grunted catching his breath.

"You saw Robin" Sam nodded. It wasn't a question, just a rhetorical statement. The witch they'd been hunting made people see those they desired most before killing them. This is why Sam didn't want Dean to face her alone. He knew what Dean would see.

Dean didn't respond, he simply returned to his bottle and continued to drown in it.

"Dean" Sam took a deep breath. "I know this is hard."

"Don't" Dean warned pulling away from the bottle quickly before returning.

"I miss her too" Sam shook his head. "And when I lost Jess. —"

Sam was interrupted by Dean slamming the bottle on the table. "You want me to talk? Fine" he snarled. "Robin is out there, I can feel it, so don't compare this to the fling that you and Jess had okay?"

"Fling" Sam scoffed? "I was about to propose."

"Me too" Dean barked producing a small box from his pocket and slamming it on the table next to his bottle.

Sam said nothing, just stood silently gawking at the revelation.

"And you want to compare you and Jess to me and Robin? Okay" Dean nodded. "Tell me, did Jess know you could load a shot gun before you could tie your shoes? That you had burned a body before you graduated high school? What did Jess really know about you Sam?!"

Sam clenched his jaw but didn't respond. He knew this was grief. He'd been asking Dean to talk for months and had gotten nothing. As much as he was feeling defensive, he wasn't going to stop this, Dean needed this.

"Robin, Knew, Everything" He explained. "Things that most women would have run screaming, she took my hand and stood beside me. Things that anyone else would see a monster, she would look through it and see what belonged to her. I hurt her in ways.." he shook his head and bit his lip. "I didn't just lose a woman I love, that's only part. I lost the person who carries my value. The person who brought the light into my life. And let's be real Sammy, the rest of our lives, there is only..."

Sam looked at him knowing he wouldn't dare utter the word Darkness.

Dean downed a few more gulps and left the bottle. "I'm going to bed" he grumbled.

Sam listened to his brother's footsteps echo away from him down the hall and the slam of his bedroom door. In a moment of desperation, Sam attempted to communicate with Robin through the link they'd created a few years back. But when he closed his eyes he was met with a wall. A large iron wall. 

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