Season 10 Episode 6: Ask Jeeves Part 2

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*Just a quick note. I did have this chapter ready, fortunately. My other SPN fan fiction hit a milestone, and I had promised when it hit it, I would release a new chapter. So my project at the moment is that chapter. Then it will be a chapter for my SOA one, because I'm pretty sure I don't have anything ready for my Thursday release. If you guys hit a milestone over here, it's going t be a take a number sort of deal. My hope is I will have something ready for next week. I have one that I feel is a big one completed in it's first draft, but I have a couple more rounds of editing to go. We shall see. 

The three returned to the lounge they were in earlier. The family were already in the midst of an argument.

"You're off your rocker, old lady" Dash shouted.

"Old lady" Heddy roared? She noticed the three of them had returned. "I'm 39."

"And you have been since '03" Dash shot back.

"How – how dare you" Heddy snarled!

"I'm sorry to interrupt but – but who's guilty" Sam asked?

"The town slut" she replied.

"Excuse me" Robin snapped defensively?

"Amber" Heddy finished.

"Oh" Robin replied sheepishly, remembering she wasn't in Sioux Falls.

"She killed Stan" Heddy declared.

"And what's her motive, Murder She Wrote" Dash asked?

"Oh everyone knows that Amber was sleeping around. She wanted to leave Stan but her prenup was ironclad" Heddy explained. "So she killed him. Well, unless you believe that ridiculous story that she's been peddling. A ghost killed Stanton. Honestly."

Now they had the attention of the three hunters.

"Uh, a ghost" Sam asked?

"She's claiming that Bunny's late husband, Lance did it" Heddy scoffed. "Have you ever heard such a thing? What a panic! So stupid."

"You're nutty as a squirrel on those synthetic hormones" Dash snapped.

"Nutty? How appalling of you" Heddy clutched at her pearls. "Don't they teach you manners in Harvard?"

"Looks like we might have a case here" Sam whispered as they turned their backs to the family. "Vengeful spirit?"

"Yeah" Dean nodded. "Think we can get to the car, get the EMF?"

"Not with uh Detective Friendly" Sam shook his head.

"I could teleport" Robin suggested. "Real quick in and out. Impala is and easy target for me.

"I think he's probably watching you closer than the rest of us" Sam shot down that plan too. "Guess we're gonna have to go old school."

"Alright, cold spots it is" Dean nodded.

"You stay here. Keep an eye on Mrs. Peacock and Colonel Mustard" he told Sam. "Robin and I can sniff around."

They started down the hallway. "You wanna take upstairs" Robin asked? "I can cover this floor?"

"Sounds good" he nodded as he started up the stairs.

Robin started down the hallway and soon came face to face with the Detective.

"Ah Miss Singer" he flashed a cocky smile. "I called that Sheriff friend of yours. Told me you're a good kid, the Winchesters too."

"Well there you have it" she gave him an unimpressed smirk.

"You think a small-town Sheriff is getting you three off" he asked?

Robin cringed at him. "I sure hope that sentence just came out wrong."

He looked at her, confused for a moment when she started to walk away. "Call me when my lawyer arrives" she called over her shoulder.

"When should we be expecting Mr. FITZGERALD?"

She did her sweep of the area and found nothing. Not a cold spot to be located. When she returned to the lounge, Sam and Dean were already comparing notes.

"So, We're dealing with two vengeful spirits" Dean informed her.

"What" Robin asked?

"Apparently Aunt Bunny had a bee in her bonnet as well" he replied.

"Did you see them" she asked?

"No" he shook his head. "But the key is to a hidden attic. I found Olivia and Colette locked inside. Philip locked them both in there."

"So their alive" Robin asked?

"Olivia is" Dean confirmed. "Colette is dead as a doornail."

"So Olivia says Philip locked her in the attic with a corpse but left her alive" Robin questioned?

"Philip is covering for the ghosts" Dean explained. "Acting as their Renfield."

"How does that work" Robin challenged? "Vengeful spirits don't pick and choose their targets. It's a free for all."

"We need to find him" Sam nodded.

"I can distract the detective" Robin nodded. "I've already proven I'm good at that."

"I'll take upstairs" Sam nodded to Dean. "You take down here."

"Sam Winchester" the detective boomed! "Where did you run off to?"

"What do you want Sam for" Robin asked?

"Questioning" he shrugged at her like it was a stupid question.

"Mr. Fitzgerald is also Sam's attorney" She replied.

"He represents all of you" he asked in disbelief?

"What can I say" she shrugged. "We're close."

"And Dean" he asked her?

"I'm even closer" she smiled.

"Mr. Fitzgerald got a phone number" He asked her in an accusatory tone?

"Yeah one second" she said, opening her phone and showing him the number for Fitzgerald law offices.

The detective stepped away and made the call.

Robin looked around the area as he was engaging with Garth.

There was little to no evidence of ghosts. Other than the word of a gold digger and the maid. What was weird was it was more than one ghost. Sure the house was big, but there was no evidence. Two different ghosts. Shit! This wasn't ghosts.

"Alright" the detective told her. "He's on his way. Don't go far."

"Actually I'm feeling peckish" she nodded to him. "Do you know which one the kitchen is?"

He pointed her in the right direction, and she briskly headed for the room in question. When she stepped in, Sam was already there, standing over the corpse of the butler.

"Open the freezer" she whispered sharply. Sam did as he was told. Robin waved her hand and levitated the body inside. "Not ghosts" she told him as he closed the freezer door. "Shifter."

"That's why it's multiple people" Sam nodded.

"And no cold spots" Robin nodded back. "We need to get our hands on some silver."

"House like this" Sam nodded. "Shouldn't be a problem."

The door opened to the kitchen and Dean walked in. "Not a ghost" he shook his head. "Shifter."

"Yeah got it" Robin nodded.

"How do we know one of us isn't the shifter" Sam asked?

"Neither of you are" Robin replied. "Both of your auras are good. I know them well."

"You can tell by our auras" Sam asked?

"When I was a kid I distinguished one from dad that way" she nodded.

"How do we know you're not the shifter" Sam asked?

"Look at me" Dean told her. Robin looked at him and Dean focused on her eyes. "It's Robin".

"Awe" Robin smiled at him. "Sammy grab your phone, turn on the camera. You will NOT take my picture but look for eye flares."

Sam nodded and did as she said.

"Don't like having your picture taken" Sam asked?

"There is no database on the planet that has my picture" she replied. "I like it that way."

"Like none" Dean asked her?

"Nope" she replied. "I good Sammy? Or did you want to do an iron versus silver test?"

"You're good" Sam nodded.

Olivia walked in the room and rushed for the freezer. When she spotted Philip she cried out, "Oh my god!"

"This wasn't us" Robin explained. "We found him this way."

"Who did this" she gasped?

"We don't know yet, okay" Sam tried to calm her? "Now, listen. Calm down. I know you think he was working with ghosts but there's something way worse going on here."

"Worse than" she shook her head? "What is going on?"

"If you want to help, then help" Dean nodded to her. "Can you do that?"

She nodded frantically.

"I think it's time I start talkin to the detective" Robin nodded. "If he's not going to believe, I'm quickest to make a believer out of him."

"Be careful" Dean nodded to her.

Robin started to search the house. This was the hardest time she'd had to find the detective since their introduction. The house had a lot of rooms, so some time had passed when finally, she found him. His head was in a toilet, and he was very much dead.

Robin had walked into the room about five feet when Olivia stepped in and screamed at the sight.

The family soon rushed in the room and found the detective, with Robin looking exceptionally guilty.

"You" Dash gasped at her.

"You killed him in a toilet" Heddy cringed. "How filthy."

"Alright" Robin looked at them all. "Let me explain this."

Dash lunged for the detectives gun and pointed it at Robin. She put up her hands defensively. "It's you. You're the killer."

"No Dash" she shook her head.

Sam and Dean rushed in the room.

"Robin" Sam gasped.

"Dash take that gun off of her" Dean roared. "Or I will shove it so far up your preppy ass, you'll be spittin bullets."

"She's the killer" Dash defended.

"Okay, hold on" Sam told them. "Before we start pointing fingers..."

"Amber has motive" Heddy cried out. "She killed the detective because she knew that it was just a matter of time before he figured out she killed Stan."

"Bravo Rizzoli! You solved the case" Dash shouted though the gun never moved from Robin. "Want to weigh in too, Isles?"

"I didn't kill Stanton or the detective. And I have proof" Amber declared. "My alibi is in this room."

"Amber couldn't have killed the detective because she was with me" Dash declared. "We're in love."

"We're sleeping together" she corrected.

"Well then you have motive too" Heddy accused. "You offed Stan because you were diddling his wife."

"This Singer girl killed the detective because he was watching her" he announced.

"Okay Sherlock" she snapped. "What was my motive for the other two?"

"Two" Amber cried out?

"Yes. You can add Phillip and Colette to the list" Dean nodded.

"We can't help you unless you stop arguing with one another" Sam protested. "You need to trust us."

"Trust you" Dash gawked? "Uh, we don't even know you. Look Buddy, I'm trying to be objective here, but we've had countless family functions before, and even though we wanted to kill one another, we never did."

"Dash is right" Heddy nodded. "Our get-togethers never end in murder. The only thing different this time around is you."

"Look" Dean snapped "You don't want to do this. We are your best shot at making it out of here alive."

"Get over with them" Dash ordered Robin.

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