Season 9 Episode 14: Captives

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*Double post! Today we his 5000 views. Huge thank you for the continued support. The veterans who were reading my work when I started this story, almost a year ago. To the people who continueto add to their read lists. All those who engage, I love messaging. Thank you so much*

*Smut Warning*

Robin was headed to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee and get the day started when she felt it, a cold spot. A see your breath cold spot. The light on the wall flickered. She picked up the pace, knowing they had a kitchen well stocked with salt. She nearly collided with Sam as she skid across the tile floor, both of them having the same plan.

They both turned to see an apparition forming in front of them only to be cut short by the sound of a shotgun. It disappeared and they soon saw Dean brooding in the doorway.

"So" Sam nodded.

"Yup" Dean barked. "Bunker is haunted." He proceeded into the kitchen and looked at Robin. "You okay? Did I get ya?"

"You're a better shot than that" she replied with a slight and brief grin before she turned her attention to Sam. "Safest place on earth huh?"

"It's warded and sigiled" he shrugged. "Nothing could have gotten in."

"So they died here" Dean nodded.

"Dead men of letters" Sam asked?

"No doesn't track" Dean shot down. "Would've seen it by now."

"A more recent death" Sam suggested?

"Kevin" Robin said as the color drained from her face.

"No" Dean shook his head. "We burned his body."

"We burned my dad's too" she replied. The coffee maker started beeping and a cup broke. Robin's eyes welled up, "Kevin?" She was doing it, getting emotional again. "Fuck" she hissed, running her hands down her face.

"So, what do we do" Dean asked? "Take turns hanging out with the coffee maker and hope he can use it to communicate?"

"You got a better idea" Sam asked him?

Sam took first shift hanging out with the kitchen appliance. Meanwhile, Robin headed for the library. She figured he spent most of his time there, he might find it easier to communicate there. She was there for a while before she must have dozed off. She woke to Sam calling for her. She jumped to her feet getting tangled in the blanket she did not remember grabbing. She got to the kitchen where both the Winchesters were staring at the very visible ghost of Kevin Tran.

"Hey Robin" he smiled at her.

"Kevin" she gasped before she shook her head. "I am so sorry."

"I don't know how much time I have" he told her. "I'm not gonna waste it by telling you how stupid it is you feel guilty." She was stunned by his reaction. "Look guys, I need a favor, a big one."

"Name it" Dean replied. "Find my mother."

"Crowley only told you she was alive to mess with you" Dean replied.

"Nah" Robin shook her head. "Shit like that, that's not his MO. He tells the truth to mess with you."

"I'm not going off what Crowley said" Kevin explained. "I got my own sources. It's crowded in the veil, but I was able to pass a message to another spirit. She saw my mom a week ago. Alive."

"On that note, why are you in the veil" Robin asked?

"Gates of heaven are locked" he shrugged. "It's getting bad in here. Anyway, my request" he insisted, getting them back on track. "Her name is Candy. She died in a forest in Wichita. I need you to go there, summon her. You want to make this right? This is how."

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