Season 12 Episode 9 First Blood

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*Nope sorry, felt wrong not coming back on a Monday. For those who commented they were nervous about how the Darkness storyline would mess with Robin and Dean, good news. It was skipped completely. There is some explaining happening in this chapter, but otherwise we return at the mid season premier of season 12. And as previously mentioned, Robin Singer is gone. But we are about to meet someone new*

He didn't heed the words of his friend. He wasn't sure he even heard the words, just the comfort of his voice, and then spotting his mother.

They were led back to the road spotting Mick Davies and Arthur Ketch, British men of letters.

But to understand where we were, you need to go back to where we left off.

617 days. He could have been off by a day or two, but that was as close a guess as there was. That's how long ago it was when Dean refused to kill Sam, instead kill death, and unleash the Darkness. God's sister named Amara, who threatened all life on the planet. Long story short an unlikely team of The Winchesters, Castiel, Lucifer, Crowley, Rowena, and Chuck...who turned out to be God came together to defeat her.

Dean having unleashed her had formed an unnatural romantic bond. A bond that plagued him with guilt. He searched until there was no place else to turn for Robin, she had all but vanished. He never gave up, not completely, but the likelihood of her death was becoming more and more apparent to him.

Guilt leveled him in particular when a witch on valentines day made him see who he desired most, and Amara appeared. She wasn't alone, the woman he truly did desire most appeared as well. It was when the ghostly image of Robin Singer saw she shared Dean's affection a look of hurt spread over her face, and she disappeared. Dean called to her, pleaded for her to come back to him and it was almost his undoing.

When it turned out, force wouldn't fix the issues between the divine siblings another tactic was used, bringing them together to sort it all out.

This was when Amara had gifted Dean. Telling him she would bring back who he had missed the most.

"Robin" Dean asked without hesitation?

Amara looked at him with curiosity.

"She meant from the dead Dean" Chuck clarified. "Robin is alive."

"What" Sam asked his voice trembled, as Dean couldn't speak?

"She's alive, but she's different" he explained. "I know you two, you'll find her. But you may not like what you find."

"I don't care" the tears filled Dean's eyes. "If she's alive, I'll take her. Whatever the capacity."

No, who Amara had brought back was their mother, Mary Winchester. Now she was a woman, a hunter taken from her time and dropped into an age of technology she knew nothing about. All the while being expected to embrace her adult sons without the grief of losing her chance at motherhood and watching them grow. Mary had a heavy weight and it caused resentment among the family.

Then there were The British Men of Letters. While the American chapter had been wiped out in the fifties by Abaddon, the British chapter had thrived. It had been four months since they landed on American soil, making their presence known when an overzealous member took Sam captive and tortured him.

She had since been reprimanded and taken off the case, the case of attempting to recruit the American hunters to be the American chapter.

Since they'd brought in Mick Davies, and Arthur Ketch. Mick was diplomatic and friendly, the softer touch when it came to recruiting. Then there was Ketch. Ketch was smarmy, confident, and liked to play with the highly advanced toys the MOL had developed since the 50's.

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