Season 8 Episode 10: LARP and the Real girl Part 1

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*not sure when I hit 200 likes, but it calls for a bonus post*

Robin was sitting cross legged in the back of the Impala as they drove through the night. She was taking the opportunity to look through a spell book that had been long neglected, while the Doobie Brothers blasted around her.

Sam let out a sigh as Dean turned down the music. "You okay" Dean asked him?

"We have the most powerful weapon we've ever had against demons, and we can't find a way to use it" Sam let out another sigh.

"Kevin is working on it" Robin spoke up without looking up from her book. "Meanwhile there is never a shortage of cases. One will turn up."

"Maybe we ought to take the night off – go see a flick, hit a bar or two, have some fun" Dean suggested. "You remember fun, don't you, Sammy?"

Sam's phone rang and he took the call.

"Robin you with me" Dean looked in the rearview?

"Yeah, we can have fun" she replied still not looking up from her book. "When we're not sharing a living space with your brother for like a night."

Dean chuckled to himself.

"Oh, wait, hey – hey, Garth. Garth, are you there" Sam asked? "H-how'd you know where we are?"

"Hey Garth" Robin called unenthusiastically.

"Look, it's bad enough that you're tracking us" Sam replied, "but it's even worse when you say we've been "Garthed." Sam hung up and turned to the other two. "Okay, we got to lose the GPS on our phones, because Garth has been tracking us, and other hunters, apparently, to assign cases."

"Dude was trained by the Singers and it's finally starting to show" Robin nodded closing her book. "What do we get?"

"Farmington Hills, Michigan" Sam explained. "Dude got ripped limb from limb inside his locked apartment. Working a case. As long as we're waiting on Kevin, that'll be our fun."

"And the motel room" Robin murmured.

"I heard that" Sam replied.

They arrived quickly and made their way to the crime scene, and we're greeted by the sheriff

"Sheriff" Sam nodded as the three produced their badges. "Special Agent Taggart. These are my partners, Special Agent Rosewood and Murphy."

"FBI" The sheriff scoffed? "You guys are quick. Haven't even got the body out yet."

"Well, the FBI is all work" Dean nodded before looking at his brother, "no play."

"You know, why don't you give Murphy and I the tour while my partner looks around" Sam asked?

"I work better alone" Dean nodded.

"Your world agent" The Sheriff nodded. "Follow me."

He led Sam and Robin into the bedroom where the victim's blood was soaked into the mattress.

"Vic's name was Ed Nelson, 31 years old, an insurance-claim adjuster" The Sheriff started. "He lived alone, which was a real shocker, considering his place is full of toys."

"Kinky" Robin said under her breath.

Sam cleared his throat in frustration with her before he turned back to the sheriff. "So, what happened?"

"No sign of forced entry" He explained. "Near as we can tell, he was tied up and pulled apart. Died of the shock or massive blood loss. Dealer's choice on that one."

"So, what about these chains" Sam asked?

"Oh, come on" Robin scoffed at him

"That's actually chain mail" The sheriff corrected.

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