Season 9 Episode 15: Thinman pt 1

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*I haven't done a just because post in a while and I have a few chapters all set. So why not? *

Before she opened her eyes, Robin inhaled, and she knew the smell immediately. She wriggled with contentment against his warm skin wrapped around her. She groaned and stretched, slowly and gently waking him up. He kissed her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. The kisses seemed to savor her, thankful she was in his arms again. She craned her neck back to nearly face him. He gently took her chin between his index finger and thumb and found her lips with his. He inhaled her as his tongue tenderly slid in her mouth. He was getting her hot already. He rolled over her, supporting himself on his forearms. The two were still naked from the night before. Their bodies twisted together as one. He sucked into her neck and she sighed his name.

There was a quick knock on the door and it suddenly swung opened. "Dean I think I have a-whoa" Sam cried out. Dean used his body to better cover Robin's from Sam's view. "Sorry" Sam shook his head and closed the door as he backed out of the room.

Dean's eyes turned back to Robin's as he hovered over her. He sighed with frustration, dropping his head in defeat. He raised his head back up to look at her painfully before he leaned down and pecked her on the lips. "We're getting up now aren't we" he grumbled?

Her eyes ventured south before meeting his again. "Pretty sure you're already up baby" she teased him.

He kissed her harder this time with a small growl. "You heard him say he had a case" he spoke against her lips.

"I did" she mirrored the action.

"You're not gonna let that go are you" he asked?

"Were you gonna just stay in bed all day" she asked as he kissed back down her neck and over her shoulders?

"With you" he asked between kisses? "I can't think of a better way to spend my day."

She smiled "We sort of have a lot on our plates right now. We may need to put this on hold until tonight."

"I'll meet you in whatever bed we got" he growled at her, kissing her one last time before rolling onto his back, allowing her to get up. She got to her feet and grabbed his flannel shirt she had removed the night before and her panties from her jeans.

He leaned back and took in the view biting his lip. "I take it back" he announced. "Get back in here." She shook her head and started for the door. Dean was to his feet and rushed up behind her, hugging her and kissing her head. He then finally allowed her to leave the room. She headed for the kitchen, having a feeling Sam would be brewing a pot of coffee.

Her feet met the cold tile as she entered the room, discovering her assumption was correct.

"So, you two made up" Sam greeted her, not turning his attention away from his laptop.

"Nah just got really horny last night" she nodded sarcastically. "Knocked on your door first but you didn't answer."

"Right" he snorted, brushing off her sarcasm.

"He knows I'm not completely secure here" she got serious. She almost felt the need to defend her choice, given that she and Sam had stood united after the fallout. "But I know he forgave me for the same damn thing. And I love him, and I don't want to die with a grudge like dad and Rufus." Her final words echoed the valid point Kevin had made to her.

"I get it" he nodded, communicating she didn't need to defend herself. "Honestly, you're both better together. If you guys can move forward, that's great."

Sam was sincere in what he was saying to her, she knew that. She just wished they could get past their falling out. She completely understood where they were both coming from.

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