Season 12 Episode 22: Who We Are pt. 2

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"A few things on our plate here" Robin admitted to them.

"We need to stop the men of letters" Sam nodded. "But we need to get mom deprogrammed."

"We need all hands on deck with the Men of letters" Dean nodded.

"We take all the hunters that show" Robin nodded. "But you need to stay with your mom."

"I'm sorry what" Dean cocked an eyebrow at her?

"I mean no offense in saying this Sam, but you were six months old when your mom died" Robin explained. "She had a relationship with Dean. If either of you are getting through, it's gonna be Dean."

"What do I even say to her" Dean snapped?

"Everything" Robin told him. "No dancing around it, tell her how it is, lay everything out for her and hope she hears you."

"I'm sorry my brother is the one who is good at talking about feelings" Dean told her.

"I'm well aware" she nodded. "Sam was able to save Juliette. But to save your mom, you're gonna have to."

The hunters started to arrive. Mitch was one of the first and spotted Robin and stared at her. "We tested her right? It's really her?"

"It's her" Jody smiled with a nod.

Mitch hugged her and shook for a second.

"Nine lives I guess" Robin chuckled to him releasing him from the hug.

"There are some people outside" he nodded to her. "They're not sure they're welcome."

"If they're the ones we let live" Robin nodded to him, "Go get them, we need everyone."

Her life before her accident seemed like a lifetime away and like yesterday all at the same time. So when Four of the men who had kidnapped her and tortured her in her own garage walked in, it was a hard pill to swallow, but she welcomed them anyway. Even Joey.

"Robin" He looked ashamed when he addressed her. "I don't know what to say."

"It doesn't matter Joey" she shook her head. "This is coming for us all."

Joey nodded thankfully and sat down on Jody's couch.

"You're okay with that" Dean whispered in her ear?

"There are two men here who actually killed you and your brother" She replied nodding to Roy and Walt. "None of it matters, not right now."

"I think this is everyone" Jody nodded to them.

"Sammy" Robin nodded.

Sam looked at her in surprise.

"They know what I am" she nodded. "Working with me is one thing, following my lead" she shrugged. "I am your right hand, but this is you" she nodded.

He nodded to her and got to his feet. Dean sat back but Robin stepped closer to Sam and folded her arms. "I called you here because people... um, our people, are being slaughtered.

And we're next. The British Men of Letters, they came here because they thought they could do our job better than we could. And they hooked us with their flashy gear and their tech. Most of you had the good sense to turn 'em down. I didn't. And Robin, they took advantage of her injuries and used her."

"Their company line, you've all heard it" Robin nodded. "In theory, it's idyllic. But theory is very different from the reality with these guys."

"They said they wanted the same thing we wanted; you know? A world free of monsters" Sam nodded. "That's not what they really wanted. They want control. They want to live in a world where they can sit in some office and decide who gets to live and who gets to die. And they've killed people. They've killed innocent people just because they got in the way. They think the ends justify the means. But we know better."

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