Season 7 Episode 6: Slash Fiction

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*In honor of the premier of the Winchesters, which exceeded expectations, I thought a bonus post was in order*

Truth be told, Robin felt guilty for leaving the boys in Indiana. She was out of the motel before they even got back from the Stark's house. Both Sam and Dean now knew Robin was a witch. Dean's discovery was at the Stark home when Robin busted in and saved them. It took Dean some time to piece together what he was seeing but when he did, he simply stared at her coldly. Robin was shattered, but not completely surprised. Her guilt stemmed, not from the reveal, but from the attack at the occurred at the motel after she left.

A Leviathan had found them and was waiting in the boy's room when they'd gotten back. They got out because Don Stark had arrived to get rid of the ducat that his wife had planted in their rooms. He'd used a powerful freezing spell, rendering the Leviathan incapable of moving. While it was powerful, it was temporary. The boys brought it back to the cabin and chained it in the basement.

Bobby had been trying different methods to kill it, so far nothing was working. Robin had reached out to the Starks since, and Don gladly gave her the spell in case it needed to be performed again.

Robin started down the stairs to the basement to check in with her father and see if he'd made any progress. It wasn't until she had made her way all the way down, she realized Sam and Dean were with him.

"All good down here" she asked?

"Yeah we're great, thanks", Dean snapped at her. She nodded realizing her presence wasn't only not needed, but not wanted either. She quietly started back upstairs but stayed by the doorway to listen , if anything was said upon her exit.

"Would one of you talk to her" she heard Bobby whisper as she reached the top?

"Good idea" Dean snapped at him before turning to Sam, "Sammy, you're up".

"I've already talked to her Dean" Sam nodded.

"Right" Dean nodded in annoyance, "you already knew".

"For like two days Dean" Sam defended. "Look Robin is still Robin, and she saved our asses against the Starks".

"Yeah and where was she when the Leviathan showed up" he asked?

"Scared Dean" Sam snapped, "of you".

"Would you please just talk to her" Bobby pleaded?

"About what" Dean barked? "That she's lied to us for nearly twenty years"?

"Lied to you" Bobby spat? "If you want to blame someone Dean blame me. I'm the one who hid it all those years. Scared the shit out of her that you would gank her. She's wanted to tell you two, but she's either been too damn scared or silenced by me".

"She didn't trust us, Bobby" Dean spat.

"This girl is the same girl who fought the seven deadly sins with you. Faced Lucifer, without batting an eye. Literally stood at the opening to Hell with you. She's damn near killed herself for you on more than one occasion. She faced Gordon Walker for you. I have never seen that girl more afraid of anything in her life than she was of him " Bobby spat. "You know for the guy who has told her there is not a god damn thing she could say or do that would make you look at her different, you sure are eating your words".

Robin was still standing at the top of the stairs when her father stormed up. He looked at her apologetically placing a hand on her arm. She nodded as she grabbed a sweater and went out to the front balcony of the cottage. She sat down on the bench and held the sweater tighter to her body. The autumn chill was very much present in the mountains of Montana.

She sat in silence for a while when finally, the screen door opened, and Dean walked out with a stern look on his face. He didn't say a word he just sat down on the same bench. Neither said a word until he broke the silence.

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