Season 10 Episode 8: Hibbing 911 Part 2

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*Okay let me start by saying, yes, we had milestones. Yo guys just put me over 15000 views. I know post 150 is coming up as well, but I have been avoiding those since I am still trying to catch up. This is a bonus post for my friend Amber. 

It's her birthday and Amber is a friend who actually started on my other SPN fan fiction and then came over to Robin. Might I add to date I don't think she's seen a full episode, but I have pointed her in the direction of some scenes ( ie Bobby scenes and definitely "That was scary.") We'v both said now that she loves Robin so much, the show might be tainted for her. 

So How could I let this day go unmarked for such a supportive and loyal friend? Happy Birthday Amber. I know you love the Jody Chapters! *

 Robin was headed to the motel after Jody to check on her after that blow. Her trek however was intercepted.

"Robin" Dean grabbed her arm. "What the hell is going on here?"

"I'm sorry Dean there are a few things going on here" she nodded to him indignantly. "You're gonna have to get more specific."

"This" he replied frantically waving his finger between the two of them. "Us."

"Wow, a lot of layers to that one. Kinda worried about Jodes at the moment" she attempted to dismiss him and continue to her previous heading.

Dean's arm shot out in front of her connecting with the wall and stopping her advance. She huffed in frustration and looked back at him.

"Did you leave because of me" he asked her?

"Among other things" she replied.

"What other things" he asked?

"Jody, Alex, me" she replied folding her arms.

"Are-are we good" he asked her?

She snorted, "No Dean" she shook her head. "We're really not."

He looked at her like a confused puppy.

"Look, this is not how or when I wanted to have this conversation" she rushed her explanation. "But after, Y'know what happened, where I found you? There should be damage control on your part and frankly it's been a lot more damage." She looked down the hall watching for any movement from Jody's direction. "I get you got the mark; I do. And whatever happens here, I'm still going to support you and help to figure out whatever we can to get rid of it for you."

"What do you mean what happens here" Dean hung on those words?

"That's why I stepped back" Robin told him somberly. "As a hunter on a case, I'm here, feet planted. As a woman in a relationship, there's only so much I'm willing to tolerate."

There was a pain in his eyes as he looked back at her. "So you feel like I'm what abusing you" he asked?

"That's a really harsh word" she hissed. "I can't accept the term abuse, that would draw a serious line in the sand. Can we say neglected? Taken for granted?"

"So you do think it's abuse" he nodded. "But Robin Singer can't accept that she would ever be abused."

She pursed her lips and stared at him a second before finally she needed an out. "I need to check on Jody."

With this she pushed off the wall. This time Dean didn't stop her.

Robin reached the motel room and knocked on the door. She used the keycard and slowly opened, announcing her entry. "Jodes, you okay?"

"Yeah, uh" Jody kept her back to Robin, wiping her eyes. "Fine."

"Look, Donna-"

"I had it coming" Jody cut her off. "Just old scars brought to the surface."

Robin sighed and walked over to the bed, sitting down beside her. She reached her hand over and interlaced her fingers with Jody's, gripping her tight.

"Thanks kid" Jody whispered.

"Always" Robin whispered back.

There was suddenly a frantic knock on the door. Robin suspiciously got to her feet and readied a gun. As Jody was about to stand, Robin waved a hand to tell her to keep back. Robin checked the peep hole. "Donna" she announced holstering her gun.

No sooner had Robin turned the knob and the sheriff burst in the door in a frenzy.

The words Robin could string together were "sharp teeth, standing over her, dead body." This was enough that she knew what was up.

"Sounds like we got em" Robin nodded to Jody.

The doorknob to the room rattled. While Donna had her gun at the ready, Robin and Jody both unsheathed a machete.

"Holy smokes" Donna exclaimed.

"They get the upper hand, front pouch of my bag there are syringes" Robin instructed. "Do not waste bullets. You grab one of those suckers and jab em."

The door opened and the blades fell to their sides, it was the Winchesters.

"Whoa" Dean put his hands up defensively at the greeting.

"We know who our guy is" Jody told them.

"What is going on here" Donna asked, just this side of in shock?

"She saw it" Robin explained to them.

"You wanna give her the talk" Dean asked Jody?

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