Season 8 Episode 9: Citizen Fang

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*It's stormy today, so all of my stories are getting new posts today! Coming up on the 100th post  as well. I've had an original chapter in draft stages for quite some time and around there it seems to be a good spot to share.*

Dean had called Jody. He hid nothing from Robin, but he begged her to take a breath, let them handle a case without her. Have some down time with Jody. Dean wanted to be her safe place, she knew that, but Dean was dealing with his own demons. Instead, he enlisted Jody, sending the two of them to the cabin for a week.

It was what it needed to be, a moment of clarity in the insanity. Kevin and Mrs. Tran were on a safe houseboat, courtesy of Garth. If you'd told Robin three years ago, she would have trusted Garth with anything, she would have laughed at you. But he'd been picking his role up as the new hunter facilitator with a great deal of gusto. She was honestly proud of his growth in this world. She trusted the Tran family was safe.

She had gotten her center back. She had a few nights she woke up screaming, but it had slowed. He was coming for her, fine, but he wouldn't get her. His power came from hopelessness she wasn't going to get out, that she was alone, and no one was coming. That wasn't the case now, she knew that. He still haunted her, but she refused to let him control her, not anymore. She was ready to hunt again.

She teleported to Dean. He'd just picked up a bag of takeout and was walking towards the impala. He spotted her and jumped. "Jesus, babe" he huffed. "Warn a guy."

"Sorry" she smiled adjusting her bag on her shoulder. "Missed you guys, thought I would surprise you."

"You sure you're good" he asked her?

"As good as I get Dean" she told him. "He's not benching me. Not even my father could do that."

He nodded to her and handed her the tray of drinks to carry before he put his arm around her and kissed her head. They got back to the impala; she opened the door and tossed her bag in before sliding in the backseat herself. "Hey Sammy" she greeted the younger Winchester.

"Robin" he nodded acknowledging her, but his attention was on Dean as he slid in. "We got to get" he told him.

"Can I at least finish my burger" Dean asked?

"We got a vamp kill, Dean" Sam nodded, visibly irritated. "Carencro, Louisiana."

"Huh" Dean smiled. "It's been a while since I've had some étouffée. Who's the source?"

"Martin Creaser" Sam told him reluctantly.

Robin reached up to the front seat stealing some fries from the bag. "Crazy Martin" she scoffed? "Thought he was in the looney bin."

"He was discharged last month" Sam replied.

"And he's hunting a vamp nest" she challenged? "Seriously? Dude can't be that cured."

"I sent him" Sam explained.

"What" Dean asked?

"Look, he called me when he got out, okay, asked if I had anything for him that might help him ease back into the game" Sam continued. "He seemed okay – mostly – so I said yes. I've had him tracking Benny for the past week."

They all paused for reactions. Dean was the first to break the silence, "You put "mostly okay" Martin on Benny? What is "mostly okay" doing hunting at all?"

"Not hunting, Dean" Sam defended. "Tracking. Observe and report only. I was crystal clear about that."

"Yes, because why would a crazy person mislead you" Robin muttered?

"I don't believe this" Dean shook his head.

"Really, Dean" Sam shouted? "You don't believe that? Because Benny's a vampire. And any hunter worth his salt isn't gonna let one just walk around freely. So, I had Martin keep tabs on him. And right now, it's looking like I made the right call."

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