Original Chapter: Comes Around

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*okay! I had a few people message me about the follow up chapter. Well I'm flattered because I'm always nervous with original content . Here it is*
*Warning, talk of sexual assault*

"Whoa what are you doing man" Joey asked? "You're not gonna fuck her man."

"Rape is what you meant" Mitch calmly got to his feet. "Guys I'm all for beating and burning a witch, but rape? That says more about us. I'm not good with that."

"What's the matter Mitch, couldn't handle me finally getting my hands on your girl" Joel taunted?

"Why the fuck is he here" Mitch asked? "He's not a hunter. Barely useful."

"I could arrest you all" he threatened.

Mitch pulled his gun. "You could try but what chance you think you got?" Joel scowled at him. "Sit down Mayberry. It's my turn. Get her on her feet."

"You think that's smart Mitch" Joey asked? "You know Robin can fight."

"Yeah I taught her a lot of it" he nodded unphased. "Get her down."

Joey did as he was told, and Mitch walked up to her. He punched her in the stomach, and she hesitated for a second. Mitch can hit harder than that. She crouched to the ground, pretending to double over in pain. She put her hand out and spit the pin into it before grasping her stomach. Finally she could get the pin into the cuff.

Mitch scratched one ankle with the other pulling up his pant leg slightly showing a gun barely hanging on in a holster.

He crouched down in front of her and looked her square in the eye. "And I bet you think the Winchesters are coming to save you huh sweetheart" he growled with a nod. "You think Dean is on his way? Aw, cute."

He got to his feet.

"You want me to string her back up" Joey asked?

"No leave the witch in the filth" Mitch told him. "Where she belongs."

She then heard it. The rev of a familiar engine. It was still far off. She had to distract them. If they noticed they would kill her and be ready for them

"You're pathetic you know that" she growled.

"Me" Mitch asked?

"Well all of you, but you especially" she replied. "Acting like you care about me all these years? Get over it Mitch."

Mitch came over and swung his leg back as if to kick her in the stomach. She tossed the cuffs off one wrist and grabbed the gun on his ankle. In one swift motion she and Mitch were back-to-back with their guns pointed at the other hunters.

"Well that was dumb" Joel scoffed. "You're out gunned and outnumbered."

"No we aren't" Mitch sneered.

"Drop it Joel" Jody's voice came from behind him.

"You'll be puttin your guns down there boys" Donna's voice followed.

"Doesn't concern you ladies" Paul called to the women.

"Excuse me" Jody asked in disbelief? "For starters there Boss Hog, this is my town. And as far as I'm concerned that girl over there is mine too."

"This doesn't have to get any messier" Jim warned.

"Yeah it really does" Sam's voice rang out.

"Now which one of you morons thought taking my girl was a smart move" Dean growled?

"Winchesters, just as much monsters as she is "Joey remarked.

"I've been dyin to knock your teeth out since I met you" Dean narrowed his eyes at him.

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