Season 6 Episode 10: Caged Heat

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*Note from Author* Thank you so much for reading my story this far. This is my 50th post, and I can't believe it. This story has been brewing in my head for years, and it is finally unfolding in front of me. What's more, it's taken turns I hadn't expected, watching my character develop. I have a rough outline for Robin's story through the entirety of the series, and the next season (7) I have always held in my mind as the season of Robin, so I can't believe that I am where I am in the writing process. I like to celebrate milestones with bonus posts, and 50 is kind of a big one. I asked a few posts ago, if you were interested in a "playlist". Basically, these are songs I listened to while writing, I was just singing in my head, or I thought of while writing a scene (this episode has an obscure one that made me laugh). That will be the next post. I'm also going to post the next episode because it's 50! SO, thank you again, please continue to enjoy :)

*Second note, we hit 800 views today, so here will be 3 new posts today :)

Robin was tied to a chair and gaged as Meg gently dragged the demon killing blade over her throat.

"So much for safe house huh" Meg mocked her.

Robin shrugged in agreement. Meg was right. The safe house hadn't served its purpose after all. To be fair this particular one belonged to her mother and hadn't been utilized in decades.

She and the boys had been crashing here while they continued Crowley's dirty work. They were out on a Rugaru case. They were returning the creature to Crowley's thugs. Robin had zero desire to interact with demons, so she set back on her own. Unfortunately, four of them were waiting to ambush her on her return.

She heard the impala pull up and the doors familiar creek. She heard their footsteps and their angry voices as they exchanged back and forth. Robin was about to slam the chair she was bound to when Meg pressed the blade a little firmer against her throat. "Nice try" Meg put her mouth almost in her ear to whisper.

She heard a thud and soon saw Sam's limp body being dragged into the room. Robin chuckled as the demon struggled. Sam was a big guy to begin with, but as dead weight, she could only imagine.

She suddenly heard another thud and Dean's unconscious body dragged in. She huffed as Meg took the knife away from her throat and smiled as her minions tied the Winchesters up in the same fashion as Robin. Meg took the gag off Robin and smiled, "guess you don't need this anymore. Not like anyone would hear you scream at this point".

Robin glared at Meg as she left the room, with her demonic thugs. Robin sat looking at both boys. Sam didn't take too long before he started to wake up. "Good" Robin snapped, "you're awake".

Sam looked at her and Dean, then struggled against his binds. "What the hell"?

"When you two were still out, guests arrived" Robin explained, "got the jump on me". Dean let out a groan as he started to move his head waking up. "Welcome to the party pal" Robin snarked.

"What now" He growled as Meg and her posse returned? "Evil Bitch" he shook his head.

"Keep sweet talkin me" she told him, "This could go a whole new direction".

"Never did tell me what the fuck you wanted" Robin snapped.

"You never asked" Meg replied, "but I also gagged you. Was it good for you"?

"Sweetheart I just met a whole new level of repulsion" Robin replied.

"Little Q&A for ya sugar tits" she taunted straddling Robin. "Where's your boss"?

"You're currently making her stomach turn" Robin nodded. "I'm my boss".

Meg got off her lap and started towards Dean as she called over her shoulder, "And here I thought you took your orders from these morons".

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