Another Milestone?

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Well you guys are bringing me close to 9000 views. As such I wanted to do something special. I don't want to just do another teaser for the next season. So instead I decided to find something from the cutting room floor. Prior to ever even deciding Robin's first appearance would be Hookman, I wrote a ton of notes and ideas for ways to put her into episodes or even original episodes. While there has been the odd original, more often than not, they've been cut. 

So, I decided, if I hit 9000 views prior to the return on Sept 11th, I would share one of the cut episodes. This would take us back to season 4 or 5. I've put a little extra work on it, and am at the point of editor at this point. 

Guess we'll see if the episode ever sees the internet...

Robin SingerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang