Season 3 Episode 16: No Rest for the Wicked

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Eight hours. That's all he had left, was eight hours. Dean had made his deal with the crossroads demon a year ago. We weren't talking days anymore, he had mere hours left until he went to hell.

While Robin didn't want anyone to see it, least of all him, she was struggling. She spent several years of her life loathing Dean, but when he came back into her life, they got to become friends and teammates. There were things she could talk about with Dean, he just understood without explanation. She had even turned to him more than Jo lately, considering she had taken off. Dean had become a best friend. A best friend with an expiration, and the clock was ticking, loudly.

"We're comin down to the wire dad" Robin said breaking the silence as the drove to meet the Winchesters.

"You think I don't know this" he grumbled?

"I don't even-" she trailed off.

"Snap out of it kid" he told her, "this is our world series".

"I'm telling you now" she warned him, "If I have to use my powers in front of them, I will".

Bobby paused and thought about what she said, "If you need to, fire on all cylinders".

He had never been okay with her exposing herself, it gave her little comfort.

They didn't know the name of the contraption they were setting up in the cabin, but it would help them find Lilith.

"How you feeling there Deno" Robin asked as she adjusted the wooden legs of the tripod?

He looked at her fearful for a second. "Dean" she asked?

He shook his head, "peachy" he replied. What did she really expect?

Bobby stood back, looking at the contraption they had just set up with pride, "So you need a name, that's the whole kit and caboodle. With the right name, right ritual, ain't nothing you can't suss out".

"Like the town Lilith is in" Sam asked?

"We could potentially get it down to the street" Robin nodded.

Lilith. If you looked up the lore, you would start in the bible, early testament. She was the original and defiant first wife of Adam, like Garden of Eden Adam. When she rebelled, she was sent to hell. Lucifer, having a parallel story, took her in. Today she was as bad a demon as there was a messiah of sorts to many of them. About a year ago, they learned this was the destiny that the yellow eyed Demon had for Sam. Now the demon world seemed to be split between those who would follow Sam and those who would follow Lilith. As a result, Lilith had been out to get Sam.

So, why run towards the fire? Well, Lilith also possessed something the group were desperate to get their hands on. Lilith held the contract to Dean's soul, and time was running out.

"New Harmony Indiana" Bobby finally said as the contraption found her.

"Let's go" Sam announced as he and the Singers started for the door.

"No" Dean told them.

"No" Robin asked in disbelief?

"Did I stutter" Dean asked?

"What's the problem" Sam asked?

"What's the problem? Come on, where do I begin" Dean shrugged? " I mean, first of all, we don't even know if Lilith holds my deal. We're going off of Bela's intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked. Okay. Second, even if we could get to Lilith, we have no way to gank her. And third, isn't this the same Lilith that wants your giant head on a pike? Should I continue"?

"Well ain't you bringing down the room" Bobby replied?

"It's a gift" Dean nodded.

"So we sit here with our thumbs up our asses" Robin snapped?

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