Season 10 Episode 5: Fanfiction Part 1

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* Looks like we hit a milestone again with 200 comments. Not to mention, I sort of suck and have been late with my posts here two weeks in a row* 

Robin took off her jacket and tossed it to the side where Dean's toolbox was perched. She got on her back and shuffled herself under the impala, jacked up slightly. She positioned the pan and unscrewed the valve. She slid back out and reached her hand up to Dean to help her to her feet. "Yeah it was due. Pretty gunky."

"You know watching you work on my car is kinda hot" he still held her hand and pulled her to his chest. "Too bad you weren't doing it in a string bikini."

"Well I mean why stop there" she shrugged sarcastically cocking an eyebrow at him. "I should do it naked."

"Who am I to refuse that offer" his tone turned sultry?

She shook her head and reached around him to grab her coffee as her eyebrows knitted together. "No" she shook her head still in his personal bubble as she took a swig of her morning motivation. "Not an offer."

"Hey" Sam walked out of his motel room and nodded to them. "What are you two doing?"

"Naked car maintenance" Robin replied sarcastically maintaining her eye contact with the older brother, smirking. She pointed to the coffee tray gesturing to Sam. "I got you one."

"Thanks" he chuckled shaking his head as he dislodged his cup from the tray. "How long have you been up" Sam asked Dean?

"Long enough to..." Dean bit his lower lip at Robin with a sneer. She shook her head and walked over to the open door of the impala to sit down.

"How has he been" He asked her?

"Like Dean" She shrugged taking a sip of her coffee.

"I take it that means you're feeling back to normal" he asked his brother?

"Yeah, whatever normal is in our world. So, huh, right here" He opened the trunk of the car and handed Sam a newspaper. "A teacher in an all-girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since."

"Dean, there's nothing here that even remotely suggests there is a case" Sam blinked a few times dismissing his brother's suggestion.

"There is nothing that even remotely suggests there isn't a case" Dean smiled back at him. "Boom!"

"Come on, man" Sam sighed.

"Okay, can I speed this up" Robin stood back up and approached the brothers? She furrowed her brow, pursed her lips, and spoke in a husky voice. "Sammy! Out there, hunting. It's the only normal I know." She then ran her fingers through her hair and raised her eyebrows gently. "Alright Dean, but if something is off, please communicate your feelings." She then shrugged at the two of them and returned to her own tone. "End of the day we take off and check out the lead. I'll grab the bags."

"Why did you purse your lips that much when you were being me" Dean called after her as she walked in the motel door?

They hit the road to Flint, it was a couple hours away, but they arrived while school hours were still in. As they pulled into the parking lot of the school in question, Sam completed filling in the blanks. "So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher."

"Ugh, theater kids" Dean grumbled. "Great."

"What" Sam asked slightly offended? "I was a theater kid."

"Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool" Dean admitted "But then, you did that crappy musical."

"Oklahoma" Sam snapped. "Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma."

"You ran tech, Wolverine" Dean snapped back.

"What about you Robin" Sam asked? "You only went to one high school."

"Ah yes and what bliss it was" she replied sarcastically. "No my extra curriculars were training to hunt...except my sophomore year...then I was sorta hung up on a drummer and that was that."

"Really a drummer" Dean asked her with a scoff?

"Yeah, her name was Sophie" she snarled, shutting him up.

They met with the school principal who took them to the auditorium. The three were surveying the scene when they were startled to hear "You, idjits!"

Robin shot her head in the direction of a teenage girl wearing plaid, a trucker had and a full beard.

"You, idjits" she repeated. "You are idjits."

"Hey, ass-butt" was the next line that caught their attention! It was a girl with black hair, wearing a suit with a trench coat and angel wings.
"Hey! Ass-butt " she repeated.

A girl in a leather jacket moto boots and skinny jeans pulled out a plastic gun. "I'm always packin."

"Uhhhh" was about all Robin could muster when the music started on stage.

John and Mary Husband and wife
Bringing home a brand new life
His name is Sammy
I'm big brother Dean
The perfect family
So it seemed

"What in the holy hell" Dean growled?

"If we got a case, it's probably to do with us" Sam had gone pale as he watched a teenage girl dressed as a yellow eyed demon pick up a doll that was supposed to be him.

"Ya think" Dean grumbled?

A girl with thick rimmed glasses and a beret started up the stairs towards them. "Are you from the publisher" she asked them enthusiastically? "I'm Marie, writer slash director. This is Maeve, my stage manager" she gestured to the girl in glasses holding a clipboard behind her.

"I'm special agent Smith. This is my partner, special agent..." Sam introduced.

"Smith" Dean echoed, still reeling from what they'd seen.

"Smith. No relation" Sam nodded. "This is specialist Thompson" he nodded in Robin's direction. "We're here to look into the disappearance-"

"There is no singing in Supernatural" Dean blurted out at an elevated volume cutting off his brother!

His outburst both startled and embarrassed Sam and Robin. The girls looked completely blown away by his reaction. "Well, this is Marie's interpretation" Maeve nodded.

"Well... I mean, if there was singing, you know... And that's a big if! If there was singing, it would be classic rock" Dean replied turning his nose up. "Not this Andrew Floyd Webber crap."

"It's Andrew Lloyd Webber" Robin rolled her eyes.

"Well! You know, we do sing a cover of Carry-On Wayward Son, in the second act" Marie nodded.

"There are two covers in the show" Maeve added. "Elle King, can't be loved. It's so deep, really brings down the house."

"Elle King" Dean shrugged, not being familiar with the artist.

"It's Robin's solo" Marie shrugged.

"Of course it is" Robin grimaced.

"Anyways" Sam attempted to get them back on track. "We're here to talk about the disappearance of Ms. Chandler. Any chance you two saw her, before she vanished?"

"She left around, like, what" Marie shrugged at Maeve? "9:30?"

"Any idea where she would be headed at that time of night" Robin added?

"A bar? Or a liquor store" Maeve suggested? "Both? She had a nasty divorce, last year. Most of the time, she's sipping on her, uh, grown-up juice, or passed out. Usually, in that order."

"Yeah, well, I don't blame her" Dean growled. "I'm gonna need fifty yellow shots and an oz down to get this stick off of me."

"Maeve, right" Sam asked, trying to move passed Dean's comments? "You're the stage manager?"

"And I understudy Jody Mills" she nodded.

"Respect" Robin nodded.

"So! How about you give a... behind the scenes tour, while your director shows my partners Ms. Chandler's office" Sam asked? The girls nodded in agreement. "Great. Give us a moment, please."

The girls stepped away.

"Great, I babysit the pouting child over here" Robin hissed at Sam.

"I'm gonna throw up" Dean shook his head.

" I mean, I gotta say, it's kind of charming. The production value, and the--." Sam stopped short when Dean and Robin looked at him shaking their heads "No? No, no. I'm gonna check for EMF. You look for... cursed objects."

"Can take the geek out of the theatre" Dean huffed. "Can't take the theatre out of the geek."

"Let's go see further ways our lives have been exploited for the sake of entertainment" she nodded to him as they headed to the stage.

They found a large array of props laid out on the table. There was a lot to comb through. "I'm gonna read the energies on these" Robin whispered to Dean who gave her a nod. He walked over to Marie who stood only a few feet away. "What are they doing" he asked referring to the Sam and Dean characters?

"Oh! They're rehearsing the B.M. scene" Marie replied

"The bowel movement scene" Dean asked disgusted?

"No! The boy melodrama scene" Marie replied. Robin snorted. "You know, the scene where the boys get together, and they're-they're driving, or leaning against Baby. Drinking beer, sharing their feelings. The two of them. Alone. But together. Bonded. United. The power of the brotherly-"

"Why are they standing so close together" Dean cut her off? "You know they're brothers, right?

"Well, duh" Marie shrugged. "But... Subtext."

"Why don't you take some sub steps back there, ladies" Dean ordered from across the stage?

"And what about Robin" he asked?

"She's got her scene with Sam" she nodded.

"I'm sorry" Robin spoke up. "Sam?"

"Robin was made for Sam. She and Dean are basically the same person" she shrugged. "Sam loves Dean more than anything. Would stand to reason, Robin would be his perfect match."

"Except for the whole him trying to treat her like a damsel in distress" Robin argued.

"Please" she scoffed. "Robin is tough and all, but she's dying to have Sam throw her on a motel bed and have his way with her."

Robin's eyes damn near popped out of her head. She clenched her jaw and looked at Dean. He was about as impressed as she was.

"Besides, Dean was made for Jo for the same reason" Marie shrugged. "Jo loved Robin more than anyone."

"Ouch" Robin muttered under her breath. Dean patted her on the back as Marie led them to the missing Teachers office.

Dean picked up a metal helmet from her desk. "Is this hers" he asked?

"No! That's a prop from act two" she smiled taking it from him! "I've been looking for that, actually."

"There's no space in Supernatural" Dean shook his head.

"Well, not canonically, no" She argued. "But this is transformative fiction."

Dean smirked, "You mean fan fiction."

"That's funny to you" Robin hissed?

"Call it whatever you like, ok" Marie snapped at him? "It's inspired by Carver Edlund's books. With a few embellishments. But, as you know, Chuck stopped writing after Swan Song. I just- I couldn't leave it the way that it was! I mean, Dean not hunting anymore, living with Lisa?! Sam, somehow back from Hell, but not with Dean?! Robin refusing to leave with Dean, well thank god for that. But it was all wrong. So, I wrote my own ending."

"You wrote your own ending" Dean scoffed. "With spaceships?"

"And robots. And some ninjas. And then, Dean becomes a woman" she listed off. Dean stared at her while Robin snorted again. "It's just for a few scenes!"

She started to lead them back to the auditorium.

"Alright, Shakespeare" Dean snapped! "You know that I can actually tell you what really happened with the-the Sam and Dean? A friend of mine hooked me up with the, uh, unpublished books. So, Sam came back from Hell. But without a soul. He attacked Robin by the way. Then, Cas brought in a bunch of leviathans from Purgatory. They lost Bobby. Robin shared her big secret with Sam and Dean. She ended up with DEAN, not Sam. And then, Cas and Dean got stuck in Purgatory, Robin got tortured by demons, Sam hit a dog. They met a prophet named Kevin; they lost him too. Then Sam endured a series of trials, in an attempt to close the gates of Hell. Which nearly cost him his life. Robin lost her soul. Then Dean? Dean became a demon. Knight of Hell, actually."

"Wow" Marie laughed. "That is some of the worst fan fiction that I've ever heard! I mean, seriously, I don't know where your friend found this garbage! I am not saying that ours is masterpiece, or anything, but geez! Ha! I'll have to send you some fic links later. There's this one writer, I think her last name is Matheson. She wrote Robin as a witch and she was epic."

Dean and Robin exchanged surprised looks at the accuracy of the last comments, before they followed her back to the stage.

"What are they doing" Dean demanded spotting Dean hugging Castiel?

"Kids, these days, call it hugging" Marie told him quietly pointing out his overreaction.

"Is that in the show" Dean demanded?

"Oh, no. Siobhan and Kristen are a couple in real life" she explained. "Although, we do explore the nature of Destiel in act two."

"Destiel" Robin chuckled? "This is priceless."

"Oh, it's just subtext" Marie shrugged! "But, then again, you know, you can't spell subtext without.... s-e-x."

Sam approached the stage and looked at the two of them. "You guys ready?"

"So ready" Robin smiled. "I have so much to tell you."

Robin proceeded to share with Sam all the details that irritated Dean most.

"I mean, shouldn't it be... Deastiel" Sam asked?

"Really" Dean growled? "That's your issue with this?"

"How about Sastiel" he asked?

"I am here for the Sastiel" Robin chuckled.

"Uh no, because apparently you and Robin are meant to be" Dean said in almost a pout.

"Ram" Sam nodded to her.

"That sounds overtly sexual and aggressive" Robin laughed at him.

"The way Marie tells it that's what Robin is waiting for" he huffed ducking into the car.

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